Categories > Original > Drama > are you okay?

Trusting Ashley

by its_not_emo 1 review


Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-29 - Updated: 2011-12-29 - 326 words

Ashley's P.O.V

I didn't sleep.
Dru certainly did though,right across my lap! The cheeky sod!
Stefan fell asleep in a ball in the corner.
All I did was think of her...
Kelsey was always drunk now a days and never talked to me just swore.
I wouldn't break up with her though. I've tried to but it failed so I left it.

I heard movement from the other room so I pushed Dru off of me(he stayed asleep the lazy sod!) and walked towards Dru's room.
I knocked on the door.
"Um.Come in?" Came the squeaked reply.
I pushed the door open and stepped in awkwardly.
"Um.Hey" Smooth Ashley. Smooth.
"Hi" She said and smiled at me. Okay. Her smile just killed me
"I'm Ashley by the way,Ashley Horne" You're so awkward Ashley! Talk to her properly!

Elena's P.O.V

"I'm Elena. Elena Way" God he's beautiful
"Awesome" his smile OMG "The other guys are Stefan and Dru"
"Which one did I punch in the face?" he laughed at this questionHis laugh is so cute!
"Haha. That was Stef. Are you okay?"
"Um. Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Your ribs were hurting or something last night?"
"Oh yeah. Ow" He chuckled a little.
"What happened to you by the way?"
"Um.Well I...erm" Fuck it,tell him
I started telling him what had happened and about my life.
He was a stranger but for some reason I felt like I could trust him.

Dru's P.O.V

I was woken by Stef jumping on me.
"Get up you lazy arse!" Good morning to you too,Stef
"I'm up you hyperactive little cunt"
"Where's Ash?"
"How am I supposed to know?"
"You were lay on him?"
"Was I?"
"Oh,is he with that girl?"
"Elena? I dunno. Let's have a look"
We tiptoed to my bedroom door.
But before we could burst in,the door opened.
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