Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Contrition


by IdigIT 3 reviews

"Gerard Arthur Way, three counts of first degree murder," cried the bailiff. Underneath his unruly hair, Gerard wore the dead-eyed grin of a corpse.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] [R] [?] - Published: 2011-12-28 - Updated: 2011-12-29 - 838 words

Hey guys! I'm back for another story, and hopefully I'll keep up with this one. Thanks for reading; Hope you enjoy!


Somebody was gonna die a horrific death.

Mikey swore viciously, rolling over bed, lunging over Alicia's prone form and snatching the shrieking phone off the bedside table. The time on their clock read 3:47 in bright green numbers. The little dot in the upper corner of its face was what indicated that it was A.M.

"This had better be a fucking emergency, or you're gonna die!" Mikey started to growl into his phone, when he was cut off by a smooth, detached sort of voice in his ear.

"Mikey." It sounded oddly blank, almost like a robot.

He frowned, rubbing his face, muttering darkly into the phone, "Gerard, do you realize what fucking time it is? I was-"

"Mikey, could you please call and tell Dean Ball to contact the L.A. police department," Gerard cut across him again, still maddeningly calm.

Mikey's neck burned suddenly; he sat straight up in bed, kicking the covers off, "Why do you need him to?" he asked nervously.

There was a measured pause on the other line, while it seemed Gerard was considering something.

"Well," he said finally, voice still even, "I just killed three men, and they're telling me I need a good lawyer."


They had to half-drag him in, his feet lagging along half a step behind him like they couldn't figure out how to walk. His head was down, hair over his face, arms chained to his waist and ankles chained together like a hobbled horse.

Mikey's eyes tracked the progress as the two guards, one black, one white, without faces worth recalling, hauled his brother bodily in.

The orange jumpsuit clashed horribly with his violently red hair; his roots were growing out steadily though.

The pair hoisted Gerard up like a doll, setting his seemingly limp head rolling and jerking his feet underneath him. They set him upright, keeping firm grips on his upper arms.

"All rise for the honorable judge Benjamin Decateur," cried the bailiff.

Mikey's joints felt stiff and not his own as he stood, mechanically. Beside him, out the corner of his eyes, he could see Frank's buzzed head and Ray's fro. They stared, as he did, not at the judge, but at the Raggedy-Andy doll that hung between the two guards.

Judge Benjamin sat, and waved them to the same. They sat. Mikey took a second to once again absorb the full court room. It was silent and crammed full. The judge adjusted his glasses on his nose, studying a sheaf of paper on his bench.

"Gerard Arthur Way, charged with three counts of first-degree murder," the bailiff cried.

"Very well," Judge Benjamin said, frowning a little, squinting down at his paper, then turning his attention to the lawyers, "Very well, Mr. Bailey, what do the People request?"

"The People request Mr. Way be remanded without bail until such time as charges can be brought against him," replied Bailey; he must be the district attorney, Mikey thought.

"Very well, and Mr. Ball, what of your client?"

"We request Mr. Way be released under his own recognizance as soon as possible, and request bail be set at under fifty-thousand," Dean Ball replied, looking nervous and out of place; criminal court was no place for a corporate lawyer, was it?

"Your honor, the People believe that to be leniency to the utmost degree. Any amount of bail would be unacceptable. Mr. Way is a well-known musician and has ample funds to afford bail," Bailey countered indignantly, "And with the nature of his crimes being so heinous, it hardly seems appropriate to release him into the general public!"

"Mr. Way is not a threat," Dean replied stoically, "He has no record of previous violence and isn't any sort of flight risk!"

"Previous violence?" Bailey scoffed incredulously, "He slaughtered three men in cold blood!"

"Gentleman!" Judge Benjamin fairly roared, banging his hand on the bench to regain attention, "The nature of the alleged crime should be taken into account, however as charges remain to be fully filed, and without sufficient evidence for remand, I am setting bail at two-hundred thousand, cash or bond. Dismissed!"

Mikey could hardly believe it was over, just like that. Of course, it was just a preliminary hearing to determine Gerard's housing arrangements until the real trial, but still...

He glanced at Gerard, wondering how disconcerted he must feel. He was appalled to discover that Gerard, in fact, looked bored. He was gnawing on a strand of hair that had fallen in his face, eyes glassy and blank.

Suddenly though, his eyes slid back into focus as his guards suddenly dragged him upright again. Mikey peered closer, unnerved; Underneath his unruly hair, Gerard wore the dead-eyed grin of a corpse.


Sorry that first chapter was so short! I'll be updating soon though (hopefully!) Pretty please could you leave a review or a rating? It helps me work faster. :)
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