Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give 'Em Hell Kid

Chapter 6

by TheatreGeek 1 review

Hayley has a revelation and has to stop and think.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-01-02 - Updated: 2012-01-02 - 614 words

The rain got heavier as we sat outside my house, running down the windscreen in tiny rivers. I found it strangely beautiful, each raindrop falling and then running into others, until they all slid down the glass.
"well, I guess I'd better be going..." I finally said, turning to Mr Way, "Thank you for the lift sir."
He took one hand off the steering wheel and pushed his hair back, running his long fingers through it. " It's fine. Listen Hayley, it's getting darker these days, now winter's here. It's not really safe for a girl your age to be walking home in the dark. I'll take you home every night if you want, you know." I paused, my hand on the car door. Sounded like fair enough idea. I didn't really mind walking home in the dark, but I always had a fear of someone jumping out from the shadows and killing me or something. I nodded, "sure, if you don't mind."
"no, I live around here, so it's no trouble."
"okay, thank you so much. Bye Mr Way, see you tomorrow." I fumbled with the lock on the door, so he leaned across and did it for me. Something in my chest jumped as he did so, his skinny body lightly pressed against mine. His skinny fingers tugged the lock and the door swung open with a creak. " There you go, that door's a bit tricky, doesn't get used very often." He said with a grin. I grinned back as I climbed out of the car. I ran to my front door, turning and waving back at him. Mr Way waved back, waiting until I was safely inside before he drove off again.


The house was empty, yet again. I went straight up to my room this time, not even bothering to check to see if dad was in. I sat down at my dressing table-desk and took out my english homework, but as I caught my reflection in the mirror, I stopped for a moment and studied it. My cheeks were flushed pink and my wet hair tumbling out of it's braid, falling in damp waves around shoulders. I looked different, yet I couldn't pinpoint why. I thought back to the car journey, how I felt so at ease, so comfortable. I remembered that weird feeling in my chest as he'd hlped me with the door. Why had I felt like that? He was my teacher for god's sake! I couldn't have feelings for him, it was ridiculous. But the more I thought about him, the quicker I felt my heart beating underneath my black school jumper. I shook my head violently, causing even more damp hair to break free from its binding. Hayley, seriously. This was stupid. Grow up. You do not hav feeings for your art teacher, I thought.
I decided to throw myself into my english work to distract myself, but it didn't work. I put the finished work back into my bag and flopped down on my bed. This whole thing didn't make any sense. Why did I have feelings for someone so much older than me? Well...not that much older, he could only be in his twenties, but still. And why had it taken me this long to reaslise them? And it was all totally pointless anyway because it was never, ever going to happen and it was all stupid and....
My frantic thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door slamming and heavy footsteps sounding on the stairs. I sat up and walked hesitantly to my door. The footsteps pounded along the landing and stopped. Right on the other side of the door.
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