Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can't Save Me From This Hell Hole

You Can't Save Me From This Hell Hole

by ShakeyHatred 0 reviews

A teenage girl named Jennifer moves and has to join a new high school. Jennifer suffers from bulimia, and although she is very pretty and skinny, she believes she is "Ugly, Horrid and Fat". Will al...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-12-27 - Updated: 2011-12-27 - 771 words

I'm not describing what the MCR boys look like because you know. Oh and Short Chapter :S

Hey there, my name's Jennifer McGraw and I am in grade 10. I live in California in Santa Monica. But please don't call me Jennifer, I hate it. Call me Jenn. Let's get a few things straight, I have long blonde hair with black underneath, bright blue eyes, and I'm fat and ugly. I hate myself, for some fucked up reason people think I'm pretty, and super skinny. They always ask me "Jeennnn how'd you get so god damn skinny?" or "Jenn! Why are you so gorgeous?". But they are WRONG, I am FAT, UGLY, STUPID and to top it off I have NO FRIENDS. Boys only "like" me 'cause I have abnormally larger breasts for someone of my age. I've always had a strong "emo" "goth" or "outcast" vibe about me. I like punk, rock, and metal music. It can also vary in other category's. I love Avenged Sevenfold, Green Day, and Misfit's the most. My parents...well both my parents died in a car crash 8 years ago, so now I am living with my aunt in California. I don't mention my uncle...because well he was the cause of my parents death - drunk driving - and he died as well. So it's just my aunt and I. My aunt's name is Heather, and she has long black hair and brown eyes. She does NOT like how I dress, my music taste, or the fact that I'm not in cheer leading. She is always mean to me and she has never liked me, I fucking HATE her. So to summarize all that : My name's Jenn I'm fay, ugly and I have no friends. My aunt hates me, I hate her, I have a fucking horrible life.

Monday. Morning. The worst day of the week. I woke up at 6:00 and took a half hour long shower. Only 10 minutes of it was actual washing of the body, the other 20 minutes was just sitting on the shower floor crying and cutting my wrist up with my blood stained razor. "I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life" I muttered while cutting my last line, the last one is always the deepest. I wiped off my wrist and got dressed in tight, dark skinny's, a black and red t-shirt, and slipped my over sized Misfit's hoodie over top. I than put on my large wrist bands to cover up my cuts. My aunt was still asleep so I quickly straightened my blonde hair, grabbed a bagel, packed my bag, grabbed my I-Phone and left. I was always early which gave me extra time to dissolve into the world of music. I sat down by a tree and mouthed the words to Avenged Sevenfold as I relaxed waiting for the bell. "Must have stabbed her 50 fucking times! I can't believe it, ripped her heart out right before her eyes! Eyes over easy, EAT IT, EAT IT, EAT IT!" I sang just as I felt a hand tap my shoulder.

I sighed and turned off my I-Pod. I turned around and there stood 4 boys, who looked about my age dressed in all black...they were new. "HIIIII! I'm Frank. Grade 10. New. We thought we could fit in with you can I sit? Okay!" Frank said extremely quickly as he sat next to me by the tree. I couldn't help but giggle, he was such a little cutie. "Umm, Hi sorry about Frank I'm Gerard same grade nice to meet you." Gerard said giggling a little as he spoke, I smiled at him and look over to the next two boys. "hey, I'm Ray. Again, Same Grade. Oh, and don't even THINK about putting pencils in my fro!" Ray said. He looked over at Frank as he said the last part with a stern look on his face. Frank and I both burst out laughing. Ray rolled his eyes and sat next to Frank. I wiped some tears out of my eyes and looked over at the last boy who just had a faint smile on his face. He looked a lot like Gerard, same face features. "Hey, I'm Mikey. Gerard's Brother and also Grade 10. Pleased to meet you...?" he said trailing off. "Oh, Hey I'm Jenn! Grade 10 as well, and just a little greeting from yours truly... Welcome To The Hell Hole, You'll never fit in much kid!" I said smiling. Frank looked at me smiling and winked.

Oh god...I couldn't help but blush...

Sorry for the Fukken short chapter R&R pwease :D
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