Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Seeing is Believing

Seeing is Believeing part 24

by AgentEpidemic 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-01-05 - Updated: 2012-01-05 - 2750 words

Frank had tried to phone the Way household on numerous occasions, but Mikey was being a stubborn fuck. Although Frank could understand that. He’d completely and utterly screwed Mikey over and gone behind his back. Frank paced up and down his kitchen, smoking profusely. Even though he wasn’t supposed to smoke inside, but his parents weren’t back for another three days, so he didn’t give a shit-

I was alone! I decided to get up! I decided to get out!
Picked up my phone and I gave my boys a shout!
Told ‘em I’d be out around nine!
No particular plan, just what ever comes to mind!

Frank stared at the phone for several seconds before he registered it was ring. “Fuck!” he pounced on the phone and clicked accept, not looking at the caller ID, hoping it would be Mikey. “Hello?! Mikey?!” Frank exclaimed down the phone.

“Erm… no.” It was Charlotte. Frank could almost hear the raised eyebrow in her voice. Even though that was a talent she seriously lacked. “Dude, I’m coming round, get food in.” Frank snorted.

“I swear, you only come down here for food.” He muttered. She laughed down the phone and Frank snorted again.

“Of course I do Frankie. Now, I want a pot noodle, Bombay bad boy-”

“Fuck being you, ordering a pot noodle called that.”

“Bite me. And I want some mash and gravy. And chocolate cake. So you got to the shop, buy potatoes and pot noodles and gravy and I’ll make the food when I get there.” With that she put the phone down. Frank started at the phone and raise an eyebrow. He considered for a split second not going. Then his stomach growled. Selling him out. It was at that moment he realized he’d dropped his cigarette.



“Frank! Frank! Open the door man!” Charlotte hammered on the wood, hurting her hands. “Frankie, if you don’t open it now, I’ll kick the door down!” She threatened. He opened the door then and sighed at Charlotte.

“Can a man not take a shit in peace?” Frank said, Charlotte “pfted” at him.

“Gay people don’t shit. it’s a scientific fact.” She nodded as if that was then end of the conversations. “Okay, food, you get peeling the potatoes boy.” Frank followed her silently in to the kitchen. After maybe ten minutes in silence, Charlotte sighed. “Are you going to talk to me about this or are you going to mope about?”

“Talk about what?”

“Don’t bullshit me Frank. Gerard. I know you’re upset. Let me help?” Charlotte glanced at Frank who looked like he was about to cry.

“I don’t know what to do.” He whispered abruptly. “I keep going over thing in my head. I keep thinking about Gerard. I just… what do I do?”

“…You go for it Frankie. You fight. Because, if you don’t you’re going to lose him. Really you are. I know Mikey’s my friend, but you can’t let him to that. I knoe you’re only 15, I know I’m only 15, but I think you could help, I really do.” Nothing else was said then. Putting them in awkward silence. Until “Frank… what happened to the carpet?” Frank looked down to the burn mark and blushed.

“I… um… dropped a cigerette…” Charlotte raised her eyebrows before bursting into peals of laughter.

“Only you Frankie. Only you”


Have you ever been in love? No, not that shitty, first love crap. Like actual love. The sort of love that rips you up inside when you can’t see them. The sort of love that makes you scream with frustrations. The sort of love where it physically hurts you to see them cry. The sort of love where you know, if they died, you wouldn’t be able to carry on. Well Frank has. And its shit. Its killing him. He can’t eat. He can’t sleep. He can’t concentrate. He can’t fucking do anything. To make it worse. Mikey is still banning him from seeing Gerard. All his other friends are telling him to fight. To disobey Mikey. And Frank was thinking about it.
He sat in his living room staring at the film he’s shoved into his DVD player. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. He smiled mindlessly. He loved this film. As he got to the part when Harry said “Enemies of the heir beware.” it came to him. He wouldn’t ask to go round. He’d just turn up and confront Mikey. It didn’t take him long to get his shit together and he was out the door.

Gerard sat at home, staring somewhat mindlessly at the wall. The voice kept coming at night, scaring him, making it hard for him to close his eyes. But for now, he didn’t care about the voice playing havoc with his sleeping. He didn’t care that he hadn’t eaten in two days, to be honest, he hadn’t noticed. He didn’t care about anything apart from Frank.
He was hurting. It was weird. He felt weird. He’d never felt like this. Being a a home for the mentally ill had limited the emotional feelings he had to happiness, sadness, paranoia and anger. Now this strange feeling was attacking his gut and making his eyes tear up every time he heard Frank’s name. He heard a knock on the door, but didn’t move. Mikey can do it, his brain told him.
He sat there in a fucked up bubble of emotions he’d never felt before. He didn’t even realize Mikey had answered the door. It only registered in his head when he heard raising voices in the hall way.

“Leave! I won’t let you see him!”

“Mikey, its not your decision. Ask him.”

“I won’t he doesn’t want to see you! And I don’t want you in my house!”

“Mikey! Stop lying! I thought you didn’t have a problem with me being gay?” Gerard drifted into the hall, to see Frank, staring up at Mikey. He would of laughed at how comical it looked, but it was serious. Mikey was red and glaring down at Frank, blocking the entrance. For some reason, neither of them had noticed him. They were to wrapped up in their own argument.

“I don’t.” Mikey took a deep breath and his voice wobbled. “I wouldn’t even care if Gerard was gay. But he’s not! He‘s just confused.”

“Mikey! Gerard’s 16, Of course he’s fucking gay! He told me! If he was just confused or not, I don’t know! But he’s not straight! Mikey! Face facts--”

“I’m gay.” Gerard whispered to himself. Even through the argument, Gerard voice cut through the raised voices and ice-y atmosphere. Both head whipped around and both boys stared. Then, for reasons unknown to every person in that house. Mikey broke down. His whole body crumbled to the floor and his body shook with sobs. Gerard and Frank stared at him.

“Mikey…” Frank whispered attentively, kneeling down and placing a hand on his shoulder. “Mikey what’s wrong?” Tears gathered in Frank’s eyes at the sight of his best friend hurting. Gerard, unable to take in all the emotions in the room, just walked out.

“I’m-I’m” Mikey sniffed and wiped his eyes. “I’m just scared Frank. I’m so scared. You know what the people at our school are like. Once they find out he’s gay as well as “crazy” they’ll be merciless. Hi-his head’ll fuck up even more. They’ll… they’ll destroy him Frankie… they’ll ruin his mental health.” Mikey let a few more tears fall. “Frank, this is going to sound weird, I know, but I didn’t want him to be gay. Not because I don’t like gay people… I mean…” He gestured to Frank and they both chuckled lightly. “I just… I love him so much and I can’t let him be hurt. You understand right?” Their eyes met and Mikey's were so full of longing and desperation, Frank had to look away. A tear rolled down Franks cheek.

“I understand Mikey, but do you think I’d really let anyone hurt him? As long as I‘m around, no-one, and I mean no-one, will hurt him. ” Mikeys head dropped again and he started to cry again.

“I’m so sorry Frankie. I’m so sorry.”


Mikey was nervous. Too nervous to eat breakfast before school, too nervous to do his hair, almost too nervous to even dress himself. Frank had spoke to him that week end and made him see the situations from his point of view. After that it was quite apparent how much Frank cared for Gerard. He, despite only knowing Gerard for a few weeks, was clearly in love with him and would defend and protect him as much as he could. Mikey closed his eyes for a moment to remember the conversation and see if it could calm his nerves…

”Hey, Mikey? Mikes? Are you okay?” Frank asked his hand resting on Mikey’s shoulder. When Mikey didn’t answer, Frank sighed and moved his hands so they were under Mikey’s arms and hoisting him up. “C’mon Mikes,” he grunted. “You can’t stay on the floor.”

“I’m so sorry” Mikey whispered. His arm was now around Franks shoulders as they monevered their way to the sofa.

“It cool bro. But… can I tell you just how much Gerard means to me?” Frank pleaded, his eyes shining. Mikey stared at him for a moment, before nodding. “Mikey, I want to help him. I want to save him. I know what I’m taking on… I know what I’m doing. Mikey, I love Gerard. Its ridiculous, I know, I never really believed in love. Nor did I care… until I met him. If anyone tries to hurt him, you know I’ll be there, fighting for him. You know I will. Look, here’s the best way I can explain it. When I see Gerard, I stop breathing for a minute and my heart starts pounding so loud I’m surprised the rest of you can’t here it… its like, the moment when you crossing the road and a car comes speeding round the corner, and your so scared, you can’t move. You just freeze. That’s what its like… except, I’m not scared, I’m so breathless, I have to pause to stop myself from falling over. I don’t know if he feels the same, but I don’t care, he could hate me and I still want to protect him.”

“… Frank, be happy with him, but… school… the people… I’m sorry, Frankie, I was never mad, I was just… scared. I can’t let them hurt Gee… I just…” Mikey let a few tears drip down his already sodden cheeks.

“Mikes, stop. You don’t need to cry. Stop crying Mikey.” Frank wrapped his arms around Mikey and rocked him until the tears dried up again…

Mikey opened his eyes and flicked them toward the kitchen clock. He rose from his seat sighing, he had to see if Gerard was up and dress.

Gerard and Mikey walked to school, needless to say, Mikey was twitchy and nervous, as much as he tried to think about something else, his mind kept flitting back to what would happen, when if people found out Gerard was gay.
Mikey suddenly stopped. He thought back to how he found out about Gerard. And Frank. Who had told him. Jake. Mikey gasped. Jake wouldn’t let this pass. That’s not the kinda person he was. His whole body reeled. Everyone at school would know. Everyone.

Gerard had stopped when Mikey had. He stared at the school, his heart beat pounding in his ears. What was going to happen? What would they do to Gerard? They knew he was schizophrenic. They knew he was gay. They were never going to let the knowledge of a crazy gay kid slide. Never. Mikey took in a deep breath and walked forward. Gerard followed.

While Gerard looked calm on the outside, inside, his head was exploding. The voice was screaming and shouting. The only indication of something being wrong was only when Gerard flinched or twitched when the voice struck at him. He was trying so hard to ignore it but it was getting increasingly hard.

You’re disgusting! Mikey hates you! Faggot! Faggot! Everyone hates you! Queers are wrong! You’re wrong! STOP IGNORING ME. STOP! Listen to me! Now! You ruined Mikey’s life! Maybe you should kill yourself! One less faggot! No one’ll miss you! Faggot! Queer! Scum!

“Frankie would miss me…” Gerard whispered so quietly it was only heard by him.

Don’t make me laugh. You know that’s a lie Gerard. You know it. No one would care. Mikey would probably throw a party. He’s finally gone! And Frank, he’d laugh, finally, he’s not burdened by you anymore. He doesn’t love you Gerard never has, never will ever. You’re sick. You’re disgusting. You deserve death.

Tears pricked at Gerard’s eyes. “Leave me alone. Plea-”

“Gerard! Mikey!” Gerard’s head whipped up to see Frank running toward them. His face stretched wide. First he pounced on Mikey. Hugging him tight, making it clear to there friends behind them, that they were friends again. As his arm’s wrapped round Mikey’s skinny shoulders, he whispered in Mikey’s ear “Do I have your blessing?” So low only Mikey could hear. Mikey pulled away from him, making Franks stomach clench involuntarily in fear. Then, Mikey’s poker face broke and he smiled. As he nodded. Frank grinned.

He looked behind Mikey, to where Gerard was standing, noticing immediately, Gerard stood, hunched, looking panicked. Frank walked over slowly, shyly. Charlotte, Coral, Claude, Emma and Ray joined Mikey as they all watched Frank make his way over. Frank grabbed Gerard’s hands, making them gain eye contact with each other. Mikey noticed with a jolt, that even though a word had not been uttered between the two yet, Gerard lit up. His eyes brightened, his smiled grew and the air around him lit up and he instantly looked more approachable.

“Hey Gee, if you still want to try, I’m here…” Frank smiled shyly. Gerard giggled slightly, his eyes twinkling at Frank.

“Does that mean I can kiss you?” Gerard blushed. Franks grin widened and he nodded. Both boys lent in and their lips pressed together lightly. Frank arms found themselves winding around Gerard’s neck to pull him closer as Gerard’s wrapped around Franks waist to pull them together. When they pulled way, Frank blushed and giggled. “Does this… Does this mean we’re boyfriends now?” Gerard asked childishly. Frank quickly looked to Mikey, who nodded at him.

“I guess that means yes.” Frank smiled. “Gerard, I promise, I won’t ever let anyone hurt you. Not Jake, not his pals, not the voice, not the doctors. I won’t. No one will ever hurt you. Not so long as I have something to do with it.” They looked at each other them, for a long time. Just stood in an embrace. They would of missed first period if Claude hadn’t approached them.

“Hey Guys, c’mon, it first lesson. Lets go.” She said quietly and somewhat embarrassed. Both of the boys jolted, then smiled at her.

“Thank you. I’ll meet you there.” Frank told her. She nodded and walked away. As soon as she was gone, Frank said to Gerard “We’re not in the same class…” Gerard’s eyes dulled instantly. “But, I’ll be the first person you’ll see.” then Frank grinned. “Any way, your in a class with Charlotte, you know she’ll want to know all the details!” Gerard smiled but looked hesitant.

“You promise you’ll be the first person I see?” He asked.

“I promised Gee.” Frank said, smiling, staring deeply, in to Gerard’s now starless eyes.


sorry it took so long. the next chapter is the final one. sorry its so awful though ;-;
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