Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Experiment

Waking up

by reynoldssye 3 reviews

It's not too good, but I'm getting back into the writing spirit :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2012-01-05 - Updated: 2012-01-06 - 1135 words


Franks POV

Cold, like snow, but more solid... wait, that had a word, what was it again? You had to do something to water to get it... Heat it? No no no, that would do the opposite. The opposite of heating was, well, it was.... Froozing? Wait, I think I'm close... Frayzing? No, something that makes water cold and freeze, wait, freeze, freezing! You freeze water to make... well, err... Ice! Was I on ice? No, it was just as cold as ice, not really ice, because then it would be wet...
Wait, I was walking home with Gerard then... then a van? Yeah, a van pulled up... and a guy... a young guy? No, he had grey hair... sticking up in all directions, kinda like a mad scientist.
Yeah, and he had two people with him, like all buff and crap, they chased after us and... And what? Well, they chased after us and then, we fell? No, they tackled us... and Gee tried to help me. Oh god, the only thing I remember after that is seeing Gee running at one of the guys, and then everything went black...
A pain in my head caused my eyes to shoot open, my mind getting a little clearer. Where the fuck was I? Looking down I realised I was on some form of metal table, with a sheet covering my waist down, wait, please don't say that's the only thing covering me, I reluctantly peered under the thin white sheet to see that, unfortunately, yes, the sheet was the only thing causing me to be decent. I tried to push any further thoughts linking to that to the back of my mind so I could at least look around the room a little. The metal table I was sitting up on was in the middle of the metal room I was in; it looked exactly like those science labs from the cartoons and movies, wait science... that man looked like a mad scientist but he couldn't really be one, right? Anyway, what would he want me for? He wouldn't experiment on me, would he? Of course he would, he bloody well kidnapped me for Christ sake! Oh god, what's he going to do to me? Slice me open? Replace my organs with animal ones? Use my brain for a possible monster?
The screeching sound of metal snapped me out of my panic attack, but I was put right back into full panic mode when I realised that sound was a heavy metal door being pushed open, revealing a middle aged man... was he the same one that kidnapped me? No, he looked younger, but he looked exactly like that... wait, he was being followed by two tall muscled men, must be bodyguards of some kind...
"Good morning" The man smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth, his arm extended towards me and I quickly moved away, I was certain this was the same man and he is not going anywhere near me " I see you remember me" He smiled, taking a step back "I'm surprised really, ostrich brain here used a full dose to knock you out, you will start remembering everything in a few hours though so don't worry your little head about it" I found his patronizing tone rather annoying and the fact that he was smiling worse. He extended his hand again, motioning for me to follow him

What the hell is wrong with this man? Does he expect me to just be fine with being kidnapped? I guess if you could see me I would resemble someone that just saw a chicken and a pig making babies... yeah, that's pretty accurate
"Y-you just expect me to go with you?" I asked, still looking as confused as before, maybe with a little anger mixed in too

"Well of course I do, unless you want to deal with my buddies over there" I looked behind him to see the two bodyguards taking a step forward, menacing glares etched onto their round faces. Wait, they were there too, both of them, they took me from Gerard. What did they do with Gerard?! Oh god, they didn't- I shook my head, I can't think of things like that now, I have to figure out a way to escape.

"Okay, but you're getting me some clothes" I saw surprise in his features, he must've forgotten I was completely bloody naked under this sheet, I glared at the back of his head as he rummaged through a metal closet, taking out a pair of boxers and a plain white baggy t-shirt, passing them to me and turning around, waiting for me to get changed. I took my time, making sure not to get from under the sheet until I was decent. Eventually I was sitting up on the metal bench, still glaring at the man, he was just looking at me, like I would break down and do as he says just because he looked at me, he must be used to this... What if other people were here? What if they can help me escape? Maybe I can help them escape too, we could go to the police and get this freak arrested for experimenting on people. For god's sake Frank, the only thing you know for sure is that you've been kidnapped by a wacky man that suddenly seems even younger than before, huh? He looked to be in his late thirties, maybe forty, He looked fifty not two minutes ago though.
Maybe I'm just dreaming , yeah, that's it, I tripped on a rock on the way to Gerard's house and hit my head, I'm probably in Gerard's bed right now and he's at my side, being all caring like he usually is, I've got to wake up, I don't want him too worried. Come on Frank, wake up god dammit! Wake up Wake up "Wake up!" I hit my head with the palm of my hand, trying in vain to get rid of this situation I was in.

There's no man, there are no bodyguards, no big metal room, just me and Gerard spending two weeks together. The man isn't leading me out of the room, its just Gerard taking me downstairs to the sofa, the man isn't opening a door, its Gerard doing that, being the gentleman he is, it's not the man placing me on a bed, its Gerard placing me on the sofa. There are no people in white suits; it's just Gerard's parents coming in to see if I'm okay. There's no gas mask on me making me sleepy, I'm just falling asleep in the comfort of Gerard's arms. Just me and Gerard, together on the couch...

I know it's short, the next chapter will hopefully be longer and better :)
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