Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You`re the one that I need, I`m the one that you loathe

chapter eleven

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2 reviews

“What do you want?” he mumbles bitterly, returning his attention to the ground.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2012-01-06 - Updated: 2012-01-06 - 1283 words

Mikey`s pov
I sigh trying to remain as calm as possible, a very difficult feet under the circumstances.
“What happened in class Gee? What made you run out that that?” I ask my older and most likely insane older brother anxiously, worried about how much trouble he was going to be in. I was probably even more worried than he was himself.
“We are all worried about you.” I tell him, hoping that if I could get Gerard to understand this he might come to his senses and head home or something. “Even Frank is, though he has no right to be, seeing as you have been a total dick to him for months.” I can hear him sigh deeply on the other end of the line.
“Mikey…”he sighs again. “You…you just don`t get it, alright?” he was right about that. I didn`t get it. I just couldn`t understand how Gerard could suddenly just ignore his best friend and act like there was nothing wrong with that. “T-there is just so much that you don`t understand Mikes.”
“Of course I don`t fucking understand it you dick!” I yell, much more louder and angrily than I had meant to sound but now that I had begun shouting I was unable to stop. “How the fuck am I supposed to understand if you don`t let anyone is any more Gerard!? How can we be expected to help you if you don`t tell us anything?!”
I can hear a deep, shaky breath coming from the other end of the line, and I can picture the salty crystal clear tears forming in my brother’s eyes as he tries desperately to blink them back. “I can`t tell you, alright? I don`t want you to help me, I don`t want any of you to help me.” he sighs. “Because you can’t you just can`t alright?” he ends the call and all I can hear is silence.
I angrily shove my phone away in my pocket, and turn back to the three teenagers stood leaning against the wall with anxious, concerned looks ion their faces.
“What did he say?”
“Where is he?”
“Is he alright?” the three boys asks, talking over each other wildly as I sigh, and shake my head.
“He`s okay, I think. He said he was by the old park.”
“Well should we go and find him and try to talk some sense into him?” Ray asks.
Bob nods and agrees with the dark haired boy, but Frank just stands there awkwardly shuffling his feet.
“Frank, do you think we should go find him?”
“Whatever.” he shrugs and grabs his IPod form his jacket pocket. “You guys can, I`m going home. Gerard won`t want to see me.” the blonde and black haired teen mumbles bitterly and begins to walk away, dragging his converse clad feet on the concrete, his worn laces trailing behind him.
Frank`s pov
My trusty old, faithful IPod does a good job of blocking out the cold and cruel outside world as I trudge down the street, feet dragging tiredly on the hard, litter covered pavement. The comforting, raw sounds of the music beating into my eardrums was a welcome relief, but even turned on full blast it was unable to stop the worried thoughts running through my head. What if Gerard was hurt? Mikey said that he was fine, but would Gerard have told him the truth? I hated to think of the boy I had called my friend for so long sitting curled up on a park bench, all alone and miserable.
I walk slowly down the street that led to my house, but instead of entering the gates I keep on walking, wondering if the others had found Gerard yet. Not that it should matter to me off course, but it did. I pass houses, mostly run down and sorry looking, some with cheep looking dead flowers hung in baskets or sitting on the windowsill. There are few people around and the roads are quiet. It would almost have passed for peaceful, just strolling along, if it was not for my worried about Gerard. I continue walking for a while, not really paying attention to where I was headed, just letting my feet take me where they wanted. I turn a final corner and realise, with conflicting emotions of sadness and nostalgia and happiness where I was.
The small grassy park across the street hadn`t changed much, if at all. The old swing set was still stood there, even more rusted and tired looking than when I had last been on it. And the old silver metal lid that I often climbed up instead of sliding down on it. The play park was empty, but in the far distance I could see and old, grey haired woman walking her dog in the grassy field. I run over to get a better look, and sit down on the nearest bench that overlooked the swing set, which had probably been my favourite part about this old, vandalised park as a child, apart from meeting Gerard here of course when I could barely even talk properly. I sigh deeply and remember that long ago, sun filled day with mixed emotions.
I had just had an argument with my mother that afternoon and had run off to the play park to get away. It was a warm summer’s day, and I had wanted to feel the orange, warm rays on my skin so off I had ran. The littered park was empty, or so I had thought. Overjoyed with having the play equipment to myself, I swiftly had raced over to the swings, and in my haste had fallen and scraped my right knee. Cue the raven haired, strangely pale child, Gerard Way. He laughed at my tumble and I began to chase him, ignoring the stabbing pain in my bleeding leg. Somewhere along the way, it had become a fun game of tag and we later collapsed on the roundabout and started talking and laughing. It was on that day that we both swore to stay best friends forever.
I sigh deeply once more and come back to reality, the slight chill in the air reminding me that it was no longer that perfect, summer’s day anymore. I get to my feet reluctantly, wanting to stay a while longer but not wanting the happy memories to make me forget the facts. Gerard was not my friend anymore, he hated me. Remembering the past was never going to change that.
I slowly walk away from the rusted, bent bench and begin to make my way home. I hear an odd noise, almost like footsteps and sobbing. Curious, I allow myself a brief glance back at the park where I had spent so many happy days as a child, and to my surprise I find a pale skinned figure dressed exclusively in black sitting on the swings, head held in his trembling hands.

“Gerard?” I say in little more than a whisper, wondering how I had not seen him sitting there before.
He lifts his head slowly and his eyes flicker with warmth and recognition when they meet mine for the briefest, happiest second then they turn cold and unwelcoming again.
“Gee?” I run over to him, my feet betraying me.
He groans and looks up at me, and I realise that his beautiful hazel green eyes were filled with tears and his black eyeliner running don his perfect face.
“What do you want?” he mumbles bitterly, returning his attention to the ground.
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