Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

I Am Nothing

by fearsgottahold 1 review

There is nothing to me. I am lost.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-01-09 - Updated: 2012-01-09 - 628 words - Complete

Hello there. I came up with this yesterday, I have no idea where it came from, or why I wrote it, but there you go. It's really short, I apologize, but it's meant to be this way:L This is a oneshot by the way, don't expect anymore from it.

I am nothing.

I am the part that the world doesn't want, the stain that everyone tries desperately to hide. I am the forgotten, the lost, and the broken. I am the disease that spreads silently, infecting everyone. I am unwanted. Unneeded.

I am nothing.

I believe in nothing, and I am believed in by no-one. I take each day as it comes, in the dark, alone. I trust nothing, and nothing trusts me. I am afraid that one day I will become so insignificant I will leave this place and never return.

I am nothing.

Because to be something you have to own something. Something that is yours and I have nothing to call my very own. I am lost; I have nothing to tie me down to this rugged earth, as imperfect as it may be. I could say that I want something, but even my emotions are gone, taken from me in a fit of disgust, till all I am is a person. I breathe, I talk, I eat, and I sleep. But I do not live. I do not see the colours around me. I am not positive; I am the pessimist that nobody wants to look at, for fear of becoming as lowly as I am.

I am nothing.

No-one would understand me, because no-one is like me.

No-one is like me except you. You are the one with the black hair, and the green, green eyes that make me see colour again, after endless black and white for years on end.

Suddenly, I am a needed stain. I believe in you. I trust you. You are the opposite of everyone. You tell me I am found, I am beautiful- a work of art that everyone should wish to see, to feel, to touch. And although you are the opposite of me, you are like me. You know what it is like to be broken. You know what it is like to have the colour leached out of your world. You know what it is like to be an endless disappointment.

Together we rebuild our lives; we revel in the colour we can see once again. The colour we can see because of each other. Some people may scorn us, because of who we are, but we laugh it off, because we are no longer invisible. We may not be what people like, but we can be seen once again. You are my everything, you are me. You are me, as we find when our bodies and souls are intertwined. Two people merging into one person. We are together. We are perfect in a world of imperfections. We are right. We are love in a world full of hate. We are not better than everyone else, but we are certainly not worse.

We are no longer nothing, unnamed specimens kept on the side, and left alone for eternity. We have names. You are Gerard, and I am Frank. We celebrate the fact that we can be who we wish, who we truly want to be. And who we truly want to be is the two of us together, as one.

I have something on this earth worth living for, and because of this, I do live. I am no longer afraid of life, I am afraid of death, because dying means me being away from you. And without you, I would be nothing once again.

But for now, I am something.

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