Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Teenagers


by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

'I looked at him properly and with horror saw he was talking to Bob.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-11 - Updated: 2012-01-11 - 996 words

That afternoon we had PE. Me, Gerard and Ray walked slowly. It was our least favourite lesson and we weren’t looking forward to it. Once we got to the changing rooms, Gerard stayed outside “What’s up?” I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders “I forgot my kit today. I’m gonna go tell the teachers.”

“Forgot your kit Gerard?” Ray asked “More like left it at home because you couldn’t be bothered with another day of running laps.”

“Yeah, well, I always have been smart.” Gerard winked at us then walked off to go find our PE teacher.

I sighed and went into the changing room followed by Ray. I can’t stand being in the changing rooms especially when all the guys make fun of us. Though recently they’ve stopped picking on us so much. A guy in our class has asked if he can be transferred into the girls PE class but he still has to get changed with the boys. Obviously all the boys had thought this was extremely funny. Well, except for me, Ray and Gerard who really didn’t care.

“So what are you gonna do after school?” I asked Ray, putting down my school bag and trying to get changed subtly.

Ray glanced at me “We agreed we’d all do science revision, remember? I mean since we do have that exam tomorrow and everything.”

I rolled my eyes “Okay, okay, I didn’t forget…” This was a lie. I had forgotten “I meant after science revision.”

“I’m probably gonna go home, have dinner, do more revision, play XBOX and go to sleep. Why?”

“Well I was gonna ask you to come over to my house but you seem a bit desperate to do revision. Gerard’s coming over.”

“We could all do revision together!”

“That sounds about as fun as joining the chess club.” I replied. Ray glared at me. I smiled because he was actually in the chess club “Come over! Stop worrying about your stupid revision! You’ve revised so much, way more than me!”

“Yes, well, you’re only doing the foundation paper. I’m doing the higher paper. You wouldn’t understand Frank. I really wanna get an A star!”

“Fine, fine…” At this point I’d finished getting changed and I had to leave to go stand by the wall by the back gates so we could all walk to the turf. The girls had it so much easier than us. In the winter they were allowed to use the gym and leisure centre. We had to go outside. Once the girls are finished getting changed, they sit and talk in their changing room for about twenty minutes until the teacher walks in to tell them what to do. If we don’t leave the changing room as soon as we’re changed, we get in so much trouble.

I saw Gerard standing by the wall. I grinned and started walking over to him. That’s when I realised he was talking to somebody so I stopped walking so fast. I looked at him properly and with horror I saw he was talking to Bob.

When I got a little closer I could hear what they were saying “Seriously? Nobody’s ever heard of that band before!” Gerard said.

“I know but I prefer them being unknown. It makes it better when you go and see them live.” Bob grinned at him “Do you like horror movies?”

“Oh my god, yes! They’re the best type of movies!”

“So what’s your favourite horror film?”

I couldn’t listen to the conversation anymore because Ray had shown up behind me “Hey, who’s Gee talking to?”

“Bob.” I said sourly “How can he be talking to him?”

“Frank, do you think you might be over re-acting?” Ray asked “You’ve changed since Primary School! So I’m sure he has changed since Primary School. Maybe you should just give him a chance?”

“Ray, if your childhood bully showed up out of nowhere I’m sure you wouldn’t be too happy either!”

Before Ray could argue back, the teacher showed up and we had to walk down to the turf in silence. Once there we were forced to run laps. Whenever I looked at Gerard, he was talking to Bob and laughing. It was stupid but I felt so jealous.

After the laps we were allowed to walk back, talk and basically do whatever we wanted. The school day was over now anyway. Bob left Gerard and went to walk with two other boys from our class. Gerard came back over to me and Ray “Hey look, it’s mister popular!” Ray snorted with laughter “And we’re also joined by mister jealous! So, what’s Bob like?”

“He’s so cool and he’s really nice!” Gerard replied with a smile.

I glared at him “How can you like him? He’s an asshole!”

“Frankie, he’s nice! Honestly! The way you described him… He’s nothing like that anymore. He’s coming over to my house tonight.”

“What do you mean he’s coming over to yours tonight?” I asked, stopping in my tracks “Umm we have science revision!”

“I know we do, I didn’t forget!”

“And then you said that you’d come round to my house! We arranged that last Friday and now it’s Wednesday!”

“Oh my god, Frankie, I’m so sorry…” Gerard did look sorry “Look, come over to my house with Bob.” I instantly shook my head but he continued “No, listen. If you get really uncomfortable around him then you can go upstairs with Mikey. And he’ll go at around six or seven. You can stay the night! Do we have a deal?” I just looked at him for a long moment “Please Frankie!” He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes.

How could I say no to that?
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