Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Roll Up, Roll Up. Auditions.

Roll Up, Roll Up. Auditions.

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 17 reviews

The title is pretty clear. Please have a look? I`ll love you forever. x

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-10 - Updated: 2012-01-10 - 510 words

So hey there guys. Seeing as I have nearly finished two of my current stories I have recently come up with the idea for another story. I know, I am a total story whore but whatever. and just to let you know now it will be either a frerard (because honestly what else do I write?) or I have actually been considering possibly making it a frikey. Ideas?
So the basic plot focuses on a summer camp for artistically minded young people. This highly respected camp helps writers, artists, singers, lyricists and all kinds of instrument players harness their talent and improve their skills. Enter Frank Iero, the lead guitarists and singer of brilliant famous rock band which name I am yet to come up with. All ideas welcome, I will give you full credit. He is young, talented adored by many and not to mention a grade A asshole. Fame has ruined him, given him a huge ego, a taste for late nights, partying, sex, drugs, drink and girls. His band has decided that it would be best for him to have some time off and he is forced to go and stay with his cousin who runs the camp, much to his annoyance.
So the parts I need for this are some campers, his cousin who runs the camp and his band mates-I need at least one guy for this.
Age: (13-19)
Talent: (Example singer, plays instrument, artist, dancer ect please be specific and not all choose the same thing)
Hair: (style, colour how it is usually worn)
Skin:(pale, tanned ect)
Clothes you wear normally:
Clothes you would wear for a night out or for a special performance:
Any tattoos/piercings:
Anything else for looks:
How did you get a place at the camp: (pay for it easily because you have money, had to work hard for it, free scholarship type thing ect)
Do you like the camp? Why?
Are you shy or outgoing?
How confident are you in your talent?
For band mates
what part do you play in the band?
How do you react to Frank`s partying, asshole attitude?
For the cousin
Why did you open the camp?

Any bad habits or quirks?
Saying/phrase you use often
Some random, interesting facts about you:
Music taste:
Anything else I need to know?

And if you have any good ideas for names and feel like helping me out, please answer one of these. I will give you full credit.
A name for the camp?
A name for the band?

Oh and I was thinking of naming the cabins people will stay in after famous people, like singers, bands, artists, writers, dancers that sort of thing. Good or bad idea? Anyone you would like to volunteer for a name?
Any ways I hope that you will audition and read the story. I shall try to get it up within two to three weeks but I will try to finish at least one of my other stories first.
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