Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer


by MetalMusicHead 2 reviews

Trying to update moree

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-01-16 - Updated: 2012-01-16 - 857 words


So, yeah. Franks now a legit friend. I don’t know how or why. I didn’t know if I wanted him to be my friend at first, after all, he was a total douche. But I owe him majorly, he helped me through my first month of New Jersey. Barely. Pretty much everyone ignored me, they saw who I was friends with and left me alone. Then it just left the “popular kids”, who made snide comments every now and again. I didn’t fully rely on Frank as a friend, I was friends with a girl called Rosa who is dating Gerard and a boy with an epic ‘fro called Ray, who was Franks friend. Mikey, Gerard, Frank and a kid called Bob who had moved from Atlanta made a band called My Chemical Romance, Frankie hadn’t been in it long, he had recently left a band called Pencey Prep, they were good. In the month I avoided the family a lot, I didn’t want to settle in there. Because at the end of the day, I was the misunderstood problem child. I would spend my evenings on the roof, sometimes alone, sometimes not, I don’t know whether I preferred it being on my own or with Frank. It didn’t make a difference, we would just sit there in silence, watching the sun fade into the horizon. It was my escape, from the thousands of infants that terrorised the house, the overly happy aunt that I knew nothing about, and the bitchy cousin, waiting to beat the crap out of me.

I got home, it was a pretty average day, I was just living. I ran into my room, I need to change my clothes before I go to Franks, to watch him and the guys jam out in the basement. I ran into the room, I wasn’t paying attention to anything, I was in some kind of daze, until I heard a gasp, my eyes moved to Jessica’s bed, where she was lay on top of some lad, who looked WAY older than her, they were making out, if they were under the covers I would of suspected that there was more going on. That was the exact reason why I avoided my room like the plague. I rushed out, blushing madly, running to the bathroom to find some kind of clothes, I didn’t give a shit if they were dirty, I am not walking back in there!

A few minutes later I was sat in a cramped, noisy basement feeling claustrophobic and ill. Rosa couldn’t get there so I just sat, staring at the cracks in the floor. Its not that the band were bad, because they weren’t, I enjoyed their music but it sounded to forced. I may mention it to Frank sometime, I don’t know.

About half an hour later they wanted a break, so they asked me to ref a game of football for them, I agreed, stupidly. After 20 minutes or so I gave in, worn down by four hormonal teenage boys. They stopped playing too and we all lay down on the grass.

“Sam, are you a vampire?”, Gerard piped up.

“Yeah, better watch out”, I replied semi-sarcastically. Then they all began quizzing me about my life and why I had moved to Jersey from England, I just told them because I have nothing to hide and nothing to tell.

When I decided to finally go into my “house” Donna was standing by the telephone.

“Samantha! Where were you! I have been trying to call you for a half hour!”, she yelled, I flinched back. I hate being called Samantha.

“Sammie. And I was next door watching the guys jam.”

“I don’t think I like you hanging around with all them boys, its all you seem to do. Don’t you spend time with girls?”, she asked. So she gets protective over me. Has she met Jessica?!

“They are guys, my friends. Its not like we have orgies, we just eat shit!”, I said, giving in on being polite. Donna gasped and tutted, then walked into the living room, probably to tell Homeland Security that she’d “found me”

I ran upstairs, I prayed that Jessica wouldn’t be making out or worse with someone, I just wanted to blast some music. I jumped into my room, the beds were empty, I exhaled deeply, and went to sit on my bed. I got flung around and shoved against the wardrobe, the two knobs digging into my back.

“You better not have said a word to her you twat!”, she snarled

“What?”, I asked/pleaded catching my breath.

“You know damn well what! I swear to god if you say one thing to her about me I’ll end your fucking life. “, she said before elbowing me in the ribs one last time then strutting out of the room. I rubbed my back and ribs, expecting some kind of bruising, I threw a pillow at the window, picked up my mobile and dialled Frank.
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