Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We'll Meet Again

Chapter 3

by MCRLoverCarley 0 reviews

Karate sessions and who fancies Mikey? ;)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-18 - Updated: 2012-01-18 - 819 words

When me and Mikey got home he started bugging me straight away. "You like Miyuki don't you?" he asked straight away, suggestively. "Of course I do! She's one of my best friends douchebag! Doesn't mean I want to go out with her though!" I yelled at him. It's true though, as much as I like her she will only ever be a best friend because neither of us want it to be anymore than that plus it's kinda hard to date a girl when you're gay. Oh yeah, I still haven't told Mikey about that, I should probably do that soon. "Who do you like then?" if was gonna bug me it's only fair I get to bug him. "Noone." ooooh I know that tone of voice! He does!

Before I could ask him anymore questions the phone rang. "Hello."
"Hey Gee! It's Miyuki! Karate tonight, remember? You better be there! Bye." she hung up before I could even say bye. "Who was that?" Mikes asked. "Miyuki. She's forcing us to go to those karate sessions tonight." I sighed as I started going to my room to find something comfortable to do sports in. Mikey wolf whistled pissing me off instantaneously. "Just go get fucking changed retard!" I yelled as I picked my stuff out. Trainers? Check. T-shirt? Check, it's a Misfits one as well. Tracksuit bottoms? Remind me why I still have these, have I mentioned how much I hate PE?

After a tedious amount of time trying to get Mikey to hurry his ass up we finally left for the karate session thingy. We walked to the church hall place where it was held (why? It involves violence! Christians must hate it.) and ended up being late. "All his fault." I blamed my brother as we walked in. "Just get your asses over there!" Val yelled while she sat on the side messing with her iPhone... Again. The others were all lined up in their karate gear and oh look they'd got Ray and Frank to come. By the looks of it they'd pulled Ray here by his fro.

We started off the session with some warm up stuff like trying to catch a bouncy ball, (harder than it sounds coz it was clear!) doing some stretches and some basic moves. About half way through we started sparring. We all paired off and steam taught away I heard Miyuki yelling about something. "Why have I got to go with you Phil!?" okay now I get it she paired up with the fucking ninja guy. We fought in our pairs for about a minute, I was with Mikey, then we had to go into different pairs. The last person I was paired with was Miyuki who was complaining about getting hit so much in by everyone. I won against her as well. "How did you guys win too?" she whined as we put our gloves back. "Coz we grew up in New Jersey, duh! You have to be strong to survive there and we aren't even that strong compared to the jocks who's muscles are all steroid induced." Frank replied. "Just face it Miyuki. You suck." Barny said rudely. "Oi! That's nasty Barny!" Mikey yelled to which Barny blushed and apologised. Oh-ho I know who fancies my brother and I think Miyuki and Val have noticed it too. They smirked evily at each other before Miyuki went back to moaning in pain and Val went back to either playing Luna, creating a new character for Luna or writing a story about Luna.

"Well I think we did alright for our first time but damn Sky you got quite a punch don'tcha?" Frank said whilst rubbing his arm gingerly. "Sorry bout that." she smiled back. Barny and Miyuki went off to get changed coz of some thing called Centre Stage which is some kind of drama group thing I think. Whilst they were busy I crept up to Val and immediately started discussing certain relationships with her. "So would you believe that Barny likes my brother?" I asked her quietly. "Oh yes." she replied, not looking up from her phone. At that moment Barny and Miyuki come out from their different changing areas (AKA the toilets) and Val got up. "Well we're off now so seeya. Unless you guys wanna come check it out?" Miyuki asked. "Sure." we nodded, well me Mikey, Frank and Ray did so we set off around the corner to the school where this Centre Stage thing was held.

Authors Note: Hey! Thanks for reading still! I realise I'm really bad at regular updates but I've not had a great time recently plus it was hard enough writing this chapter to an acceptable standard which meant I scrapped it a few times but I'm working on the next one right now. Remember to R&R guys or I might just give up on this story! ;)
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