Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > MCR is gay
MCR is gay
(#) Truthchild8 2012-01-18
Wowwww..I would love to tell you what I think buts its already been done... so I pray that you get hit by a gay tour bus and die
much hate
MeMCR is gay
(#) BoomBoomJude 2012-01-19
Why the fuck are you guys getting your panties in such a twist?
Take a joke. -___- The MCRmy deals with shit like this EVERY DAY and you guys are acting like this is the end of the world.MCR is gay
(#) YouCanRunAwayWithMe 2012-01-19
well i must say, you are a very lucky motherfucker to be so close to them and know how their baby-making bits smell.
oh and yeah, may i add you also offended people who are unsure of themselves, who cut, who have turned to drugs and don't like that. so i got one thing for ya. u probably lyke this shit man FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING CUNT!
yeah, suck on that B|
go fuck your mum. u have fun now guise O_O
MCR is gay
(#) friday13th 2012-01-19
dont you know that mcr has saved a lot of lives cuz of there music and if u want to go hate on them go sum where
elseMCR is gay
(#) killjoy_blackrose 2012-01-20
guys can't you like, not take this so goddamn serious? i totally get all you points, but this is just kinda funny. it's so demented and retarded and just plain moronic that you can't take this seriously. i'm a pround pansexual retard killjoy and i'm laughing my ass of. really if this person (that'd be you my dear author) is serious...well i don't give a fuck
isn't mcr all about that? not giving a fuck if others disapprove? so don't get you pretty little knickers in a twist-just sit back, relax and laugh at this stuff.MCR is gay
(#) velocity_storm 2012-01-20
1) MCRmy, I love you, but leave this utter CUNT alone, they are is not worth it. 2) "codmaster" go back to your fucking hole and never come out. 3) It's pretty funny that you call them gay, yet they all have wives, and frank has twin baby girls, and gerard has a baby daughter. 4) Killjoys, leave it alone, stay shiny, stay dangerous and seek and destroy as you see fit.MCR is gay
(#) striketoincinerate 2012-01-20
I am screaming this is a work of genius hahaha honestly though what is thisMCR is gay
(#) Shiwoggi 2012-01-20
Jesus. Was this written by a four year old? Sure as hell looks like it.
Sweetie, I'm pretty bi, and I didn't even find this offensive, it was that awful.
I think I've broken a rib laughing actually. You're like one of those kids on the playground that yell "I'M TELLING" cause you can't do effective shit on your own.
And if you hate them "sooooo muuchh, OMFGZ!' why are you even on this fanfiction site. BUSTED.
So, in conclusion, in your own language:
No shit of my arse.
I just wanted you to know, you need to learn to, y'know, actually write.MCR is gay
(#) Gerardwayiscute 2012-01-20
You guys need to take a joke. I know before I said what the derp, but its because I though it was funny. So what if this person thinks their gay. It obviously means this person doesn't like them. Who cares! Its not the end of the world. Just take a joke and let this slide by.MCR is gay
(#) GreenDaySavedMyLife 2012-01-20
GUYS. GUYS. CALM YO TITTIES. Why do you even care? It's just another hater, we should just ignore them, they go away that way.
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