Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > MCR is gay
MCR is gay
(#) Shazziiiexx 2012-01-20
1) You're extremely homophobic
2) You've offended a a whole fan base. Killjoys will not stand for this.
3) Why you got to bring Nick Jonas into this, huh?
4)FYI, Frank does like to become a princess in his spare time. Have you not seen the tiara?! Yeah, nice insult.
5)I bet your mama's proud.
6)You're just a fukken prick. GTFO this FANsite! Bastard...MCR is gay
(#) MCR-99 2012-12-23
cool story bro..
D'ya wanna tell it to my face next time cuz I'll be ready man..
reloads gun
yeah I'll be waiting..
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