Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Misery


by I_like_the_cheese 0 reviews

He had to be the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen, those hazel eyes that mess of black hair, and with the name of Gerard. I feel as if the wind has been knocked out of me.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2012-01-21 - Updated: 2012-01-22 - 1740 words

Author's Note- Alright so basically I received some messages and comments questioning the main character.  Ok well about the character's past, that will be brought up in the near future and yes it is miserable, hence the title of the story Misery.  Haha, and Im 20 years old to answer that question and yes I have been to jail...  The inspiration of this story is about some of the events that I recently went through.  Not all but some.  Ummm oh and as for the alcohol question.  I am an alcoholic myself, my alcohol of choice is heroin.  It's hard to explain but alcohol is a substance and we often refer to a drug or our drug of choice as our alcohol.  I never drank but I used heroin but I refer to myself as an alcoholic.  Oh and for the how long I have been sober question 226 days and still going.  Kind of personal but you dont know me so I can be as open as I want and yeah, one day at a time.  Please comment, rate &/or review. 
With much love and consideration :).

Chapter Two: Beauty

I didn't have any nightmares like I thought I would.  I awoke to what sounded like music with a throbbing headache.  I glanced at the digital clock on the VCR across from me.  10:30 p.m.  Anger flared and coursed through my veins.

I could hear a drum set that sounded as if it were just being beaten and slammed upon.  Guitars just being played to no particular rythmn what so ever.  Just meaningless, annoying sounds.  I jumped up from the couch refusing to let this happen.  I'm already miserable, I don't need some band of kids acting like a nuisance everynight.

Trying to reason with myself I decided that I would take a much needed shower.  I thought to myself that maybe this racket would stop while I was in the shower.  They were kids in some band, I was sure that they would tire themselves out.

After taking a forty five minute shower I slipped on a pair of blue sweat pants and a white tank top.  I gazed at myself in the bathroom mirror.  I missed my jail issue blue pants that were marked with "O.C. Jail" and my white shirt with the same mark across the chest.  The same sounds coming from the neighbor's home drowned out my thoughts.  I bit my lip at the sound.  My long brown hair was a mess and my eye liner I had carelessly put on from the airport to home... my father's home was still dark around my eyes.  I did not look presentable but with me, looks do not matter.  Looks never have ever mattered to me.  I slipped on an old pair of black boots and walked out the door, slamming it behind me.  

Gerard Way

Gerard had a funny way of expressing the way he felt.  He glanced at from his brother to Frank Iero and then from Frank to Ray.  

"It isn't going to work". He sighed, running his hand through his jet black hair.

Frank grew instantly angry and threw his guitar on the floor.  Gerard watched it land on the hard cement floor of his parent's garage thanking the lord that it did not break.  After all they couldn't afford a new one at the moment. 

Frank was angry, they had been over this many times before.  He knew they could do this.  He knew that they had talent, he knew that Gerard could sing.  This whole thing was his idea in the first place.
"Fucking Gerard, what the fuck is with you?!".

Gerard looked to his brother for some support of any kind.  Mikey just turned away, strumming his fingers across the strings of his bass.  He then sighed looking to his older brother with a pleading look that made Gerard raise his eyebrow.  
"You have been drinking alot, Gerard".

Gerard instantly grew angry and felt attacked.
"Don't start this right now Mikey, I am not in the mood". 

Frank stepped over his fallen guitar and approached the singer. 
"Of course this always has to be about you.  What about us?  I am not going through this with you again, Gerard Way.  We are all tired of this bullshit and it is unfucking fair.  You never want to talk about it.  What's with this shit?". 

Ray Toro decided to pick up where Frank left off.
"We have a show coming up.  We can't afford to have you pass out drunk onstage again". 

Gerard looked from Ray to Bob Bryar.  The drummer just put up his hands.
"You already know what I think of the situation."

Gerard felt so alone and so betrayed.  He didn't believe he had a problem.  He sang just fine and he put on great performances in the small shows that they did.  He only passed out drunk onstage once.  Normally he could hold the passing out or puking till after the shows.  That was just a one night thing, he was just having a bad night.

"Fuck you guys". Gerard spat walking away and lifting the garage door.   Abosolute beauty was staring his straight into his soul.


Before I got to the garage door from where the music was coming from it stopped but it was replaced with shouting from several different voices.

I lifted my hand to violently knock it against the garage door when suddenly the garage door came up with a jerk and a set of warm, beautiful hazel eyes met my blue ones. 

I expected to find teenagers but this person was no teenager, this was a man and a delicious looking one at that.
A look of shock covered his face, I wasn't surprised of that.  A stranger coming face to face with you when you are trying to leave your home would surprise me too.  Especially when that stranger was as horrible looking as I was right now.  This man's beautiful hazel eyes unnerved me and the look he was giving me sent shivers straight down my spine.  

It must of been a minute before I heard a voice from behind him speak.
"Well, well, well Gerard.  You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend". 

I looked past the man who stood not even an inch infront of me to where the voice came from.  A man clad in black pants and a black tank top with tattoos everywhere stood, bending over to pick up a guitar from the floor.  He was short in stature.  He raised his hand in a small wave.
"I'm Frank".

I glanced from Frank to the man standing infront of me who was still staring at me with the same, confused and shocked expression.  

I came to a conclusion, I didn't know how to talk to men.  I cleared my throat and tried not to let this man's strikingly good looks have any affect on me.  
"I am no one's girlfriend, I just came by to tell you boys that your playing is too loud.  I'm was sleeping and you woke me up".  I took a step back remembering that I was standing close to this stranger.  I could smell alcohol and cigarettes radiating off of him.  A smell that became irresistable and intoxicating to me.

Frank broke the silence once again, and my head jerked towards him.  
"This is Bob". He said gesturing towards the blonde sitting at the drum set with a lip piercing that suited him very well.
"And this is Ray, he has an afro". Frank said pointing to the man with a very large red afro.  Ray made a small wave at me and winked.
"And this is Mikey, that idiot head's brother". Frank said pointing at a man holding up a bass guitar.  He wore glasses and he was very slim compared to the others.  Mikey had a sort of cuteness to him.  
That idiot head that Frank gestured towards was the one standing infront of me.  His black hair reached just past his ears, short and choppy.  His presence was just absolutely mouthwatering.

"I'm Gerard". The beauty said quietly but angry at the fact that his friend forgot to introduce him. 
I almost forgot that Frank had already mentioned his name just a few minutes back.

Gerard was still standing in the same place, staring at me as if he were waiting for me to say something. 

"Well that's cool, but you guys are still too loud can you stop or something?". I didn't know if I sounded rude or not.  I haven't interacted with a male like this in such a long time let alone five of them.

"You don't like our music?". Frank asked sounding heart broken.

I chuckled, "I would hardly call that music.  That sounded like a bunch of animals dying". 

All five boys looked offended.
"That wasn't shit, we weren't even playing any songs.  We were tuning our instruments". Ray defended.

"We are done for the night anyways". Gerard stated quietly.  

"Hey wait a minute, we didn't even get to rehearse".  Frank moaned, sounding like a little kid.

I looked at Gerard whose stance had changed from just standing there to standing there with his hands in his pockets.  He looked deep in thought and oh so gorgeous if I may add.

Gerard glared at Frank.
"We are done, it seems we have disturbed this young lady's sleep". 

Young lady?  My face grew hot and I looked down at my feet.  I never felt like this before, all flustered and a feeling that felt like some punched me in my stomach, knocking the wind out of me.  I must have been what people call blushing.

"How old are you anyway, girl?". Frank asked.

"No questions, and I am done here". I stated walking back towards my new home, almost running.  I had to get out of there.  I did not look back, I did not want see Gerard.  That would probably add more to my discomfort.

Behind me I could hear Mikey's shy voice. 
"That was fucking weird".

Maybe it was my hormones, I haven't had sex in a number of years.  Or it could be the fact that I was in jail for two years.  Those may be the reasons why but the other males I saw were attractive yes, but Gerard was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.   
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