Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer


by MetalMusicHead 1 review

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-22 - Updated: 2012-01-22 - 1337 words

Last night, the night I slept over at Frank’s, couldn’t compare to any other sleepover I had with my ‘friends’ back in England. Now, before you get started, we didn’t have sex, we didn’t kiss, I didn’t give him a blowjob. We. Are. Just. Friends. Like I said to Mikey, there isn’t anything going on between us, nothing at all. We stayed up most of the night playing video games and watching slasher flicks. It was far more fun than lurking in the shadows of my so-called home. Something that came up on one of our many conversations that evening was my mum and her lack of contact over the last month, 12 days, 7 hours and 38 minutes. I couldn’t answer him because honestly, I didn’t know why she hadn’t spoke to me in a month, its not like we left on bad terms, she put on her Lovely, Happy Mother show and I bought it, thinking that she cared about me, sending me here to have a fresh start. I don’t believe a word of it now, she wanted me off her hands so she is free to do whatever she want and not have to deal with the social. I wont deny her that she tried, at first, she gave up when I turned ten because ‘my hormones were raging’. I reckon that her life is almost glamorous now, a party animal life style and only has to pay for herself. I’m sure she threw a party when I left, who wouldn’t, having their problem child taken away from them? She’s not even my mum, I don’t think of anyone in my family as anything other then blood relations. A real family is some people you can talk to no matter what, people who are similar to you and can act real around you. The people who fall into that criteria are Frank, Gerard, Ray and Mikey. And them only.

I’m not going to deny that things weren’t intimate between us, whether he realised or not; when we sat to watch a film, I was leant on him, when we slept I cuddled up to him, his arm slung protectively over my waist. I don’t know how he thinks of me, but he’s giving off mixed messages, he would be clingy then the next minute we’d be wrestling. I was confused. I don’t know what I think of him, that’s how messed up life is.

When I woke up, I was still clutching on to Frank, my head on his chest. I must of fell asleep listening to his heart beat or some shit like that. Frank was wide awake, staring at the ceiling, breathing steadily. He looked quite beautiful in the morning, his hair ruffled fell over his eyes and he had a bit of stubble, it was adorable. Wait, what the fuck am I saying? I don’t like Frank, the boy I have known for little over a month. Plus he is my best friend and I don’t want to loose him, he is amazing! Who would risk a friendship for something that doesn’t last forever?

It was early Saturday morning, John would be in all day so the house is safe ground, Jessica wouldn’t dare try and beat me up when he’s around. I swear to god I cant wait for winter break, two whole weeks of lie-ins, bacon fries and movie marathons with the boys. I only have to wait three months.

At lunch, after a large cooked breakfast, courtesy of Mrs. Iero I went back next door, I dumped my bag in the hall way and walked into the living room, imagining it to be full of smiles and ‘welcome back’s it wasn’t though. It was John looking slightly annoyed, a few hyper children and Donna, watching Super Chef.

“Samantha! Where were you last night?!” John quizzed, I guessed that Donna never said a word.

“At a party, I stayed at Rosa’s house then I walked to Franks and we played Black Ops before breakfast. I told Donna.” I shrugged.

“I think you should be asking me about going to parties! And who is this Frank?” he asked. I sighed loudly, this is going to be like a long game of Guess Who.

“Sorry. Frank’s my best friend, Linda’s son! They live next door!” I said, trying hard to keep my temper at bay.

“I don’t agree with you going out on your own with boys”

“Ugh! His mum was in, If we had sex, she would hear if that’s any comfort. And he’s my best friend” I said, tempted to barge past him. I say him mouth ‘vulgar’ to Donna when I said sex. I was starting to get pissed off, and no one likes Sammie when she is pissed off.

“Well, you are living in my house under my rules! So you will do as I say until your Mother decides that you have learnt your lesson!” he barked. He was sounding more and more like an over protective Father by the second.

“I knew she was punishing me! What a bitch!” I said, inches away from a full on bitch fit.

“Don’t swear in front of me! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!” he yelled, making me laugh because he said something that stupid.


“That was the wrong thing to say. I’m sor..”

“I don’t want to hear it!” I said, slamming the door behind me. I didn’t give a shit if the American Twat jumped out of nowhere and beat me to death, I would rather enjoy it actually, it would be a big “FUCK YOU!” to my family.

Unfortunately, I was cursed with her presence, she was sat on her bed filing her nails, like what normal humans do. Creepy.

“Did you have fun with Frank last night?” she asked. I stopped dead in my tracks, I gritted my teeth together, trying to think of an alibi. I’m sure the whole house could hear my heart pounding relentlessly.

“I beg your pardon?” I choked.

“I said did you have fun with Frank last night? You deaf whore.” she knew. The fucking bitch whore knew that I had stayed over at Franks instead of going to a party. She had complete power over me now, she could rat me out and have my ass packing back to Britain to have my lovely mummy greeting me with a lecture that would last for hours on end.

“I think your mistaken, I went to a party last night then stayed at Rosa’s” I mumbled, praying that she would buy it. Unfortunately not, the bimbo has a brain. That’s never good. Thoughts swirled around my head, about how she could be plotting against me.

“Well, funnily enough, I was at a party last night, the same party that your nerd friends were at and they said that you were staying at Franks.” Note to self, destroy who ever has been talking to Jessica.

“Are you going to tell on me? Even though there is nothing going on between me and Frank?” I asked.

“No, it’s a win loose situation, I can get you away from here but I get grounded because you can rat me out for other things. I’m not stupid”

“Right” I mumbled.

“I still hate you, you’re a retard out to get me. Breathe a word to Donna and your dead.” she hissed. I nodded and grabbed my iPod, I headed to my roof, where I could listen to my music and think.
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