Categories > Original > Fantasy > Chained:Story of a Hero

Chained:Story of a Hero

by FenixDown 1 review

Reion begins his battle, will he ever win is the problem...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Warnings: [V] [Y] - Published: 2006-06-23 - Updated: 2006-06-24 - 1568 words

Our past haunts us all until we gain the full understanding of what was already long gone...

Reion sat on the rooftop watching furiously as the humans of the millenium crowed over to the square. He looked on hoping to see any sign of demon activity yet, there was none. Reion got up quickly and placed his hood back on over his black bandanna. He turned around only to see a whole squad of demonspawn in his face "Well, that explains the reason there aren't any mauls lately," Reion said. The demon laughed "You're wrong, because we are going to maul you," it said only to have its own blood fill its mouth. Reion wiped the blood off his hands. "Anyone else want to attempt to maul me?" he asked as they rushed him at all sides. Reion jumped into the air and then over the group and began running across the rooftop. He reached the edge and jumped hopping to yet another and watched as some of the dumber demons of the squad fell to their dooms. Reion skidded to a halt and pulled from his side, a sword hilt. The demons chuckled and Reion closed his eyes focusing on the light. The hilt began to glow and upon the handle was a blade of light. "No need to laugh now is there?" reion asked as he slaed two of them and was clawed at by another. Reion did not worry about his wound and began to chant under his breath. Fire surged forth from his mouth and incinerated the remaining ten of the demons. Reion sheathed his new blade and then began back to where he started, the boring rooftop watch.

"Eviera! EVIERA!" Rii shouted, pounding on the door to one of the bunk rooms for demonic soldiers in the Citadel. In Rohi's stronghold, the system of ranking was generally ranked with the unhuman spawns on the bottom, and then demons ranked in strength by birth, archdemons such as Rii near the top.
Then why the hell am I babysitting this little urchin!? Rii gave the door one final pound before flicking her wrist, producing a thin shard of metal and shooting it through the lock, shattering it on impact. The door swung open and a blast of hard-rock/heavy metal hit Rii as she staggared backwards unprepared.
"Eviera!" Rii shouted, to see a half-dressed demon girl in her teens shouting out the incomprehensible lyrics into her hairbrush.
"What's up?" She asked, turning down the sterio.
"What's up!?" Rii shouted back, striding into the bunkroom Eviera shared with three other demon soliders her age, who were all on patrol at the moment.
"You have patrol in ten minutes!"
"What? I thought it was at ten thirty?"
"TRY TEN." Rii snarled, her curled chocolate-brown hair falling around her face wildly.

Calor sat on top of a post-spire, a cigarette held in the corner of his mouth between his teeth, which were stark white for someone who smoked, and constrasted sharply to his slicked black hair and pupil-less black eyes.
Rigel sat a level beneath him on the outsides of the spire as well, his electric-blue and feline eyes darting around the city viligantly. Suddenly his back straighted as he looked off sharply to the east.
"See anything?" Calor asked airily, blowing out a stream of smoke.
"No...I thought I smelt...feh, its nothing." He mumbled, settling back down again.

Reion placed his hand on his chin rubing it softly then looked to his wound and touched it wincing as he felt the sharp pain. "Damnit, demonspawn aren't what they used to be," he said as he got up to see another wave of demons coming from the side fighting two innocents. "Those two could be none other than Hori and Rey," said Reion as he jumped off the rooftop and hit the floor lightly. He got up and ran towards where the carnage was happening seeing Rey firing at the demonspawn and sealing it in a bullet then slashing at the next one that was beside him. Reion continued to watch until they finished fighting. "You two are all the same, you always fight without me," he said as they walked away into the backalley. Reion shrugged and began to think. "Rohi, could he have found the gate yet? These demonspawn seem a bit stronger than before," Reion began to ponder what could be happening and hoped that he could find a Relic before Rohi could summon an even more powerful beast from within the gate.

Meanwhile within the Citadel, Xion began to walk around restlessly. His brother was out there slaying them all while his unhuman soul was kept contained inside of a building. "Damn, I'm really bored in this place," said Xion as a hand was placed upon his shoulder "Relax, the action will come soon enough," said Rittou as he gazed at Xion with his crimson eyes. Xion gritted his teeth and pushed him away. "What have I told you about sneaking up on me like that? You don't know me," said Xion as Rittou smiled evily "Are you afraid that I will kill you quickly and quietly leaving no trace of you?" asked Rittou only to recieve a gesture with the middle finger and have Xion walk off. "Wonder where the other Advocates have gone off to," said Rittou as he began to walk the Citadel in search for Calor and Rigel.

A void of darkness opened close by and Alberion and Fortz stepped out of it in front of the Tomell Gate. They exchanged stares and then looked back at the gate. "It seems that noone has found it yet," said Alberion as Fortz approached the gate and opened it causing a large swarm of flying demonspawn to leak out. "Then we wil continue our onslaught," Fortz continued as he placed a red relic within the seven notches od the gate which symbolized fire. "We need six more Fortz," Alberion said as Fortz exchanged a smile with Alberion "I know, yet the other six are guarded by the Dragoons of old," he said. "We need not worry about thm, the dark master may be able to defeat them," Alberion grasped his blade and the reentered the void and dissappeared.

Nagini strode forewords as the elaborate double doors swung forewords silently, then closed behind her as she entered the vast room. A circular pattern of marble was layed down on the ballroom-sized floor, the walls lined with large bookshelves lined with old, dusty volumes. On the tables that stood, carrying various trinkets with unknown purposes. At the far side was a large desk with a high-seated black leather chair behind it, backed behind three large panoramic windows that combined to form a full view of the city. Elaborate drapes hung down from the ceiling down to the floor.
"My lord." Nagini said, pressing her forehead to the floor, her hands folded in front of her. Although her voice was harldy above a whisper it carried throughout the room.
"Come Nagini." Came a voice from behind the desk. Nagini rose and hurried forewords, her blonde hair waving behind her.
"Lord Rohi, our scouts have been searching and they believe-" She stopped, her heart skipping a beat as she looked quickly at the ground. On the desk was a black book, open to the middle page, next to it a small black box, without a visible opening not much bigger than a brick. Rohi stood behind it, his eyes turned away from the windows.

Rohi was robed in black, and at had you seen him on the street he might seem rather unremarkable. Looking roughly in his early thirties, he had a handsome face and dark, rugged features. His eyes however, were peircing, and his body seemed to emite a toxic, poisonous aura that seeped into the pores and burned like acid. The air around him seemed distorted, as if he were a living flame.
"The text is changing." He said, his voice chillingly low. His right hand bore four long black and scaley talons, that moved gently over the pages of the book. Nagini remained silent for a moment, her fists clenched at her side and head bowed before she spoke.
"The gate-"
"Yes. The gate. There will always be a gate, a relic, a prodogy. The text is changing...and I am becoming immortal."

"All quiet here?" Rii said, jumping up onto the top level of the sentry tower where Calor was still sitting lazily.
"As normal. What's with the whelp?" Eviera rolled her eyes and jumped down to the next level, jolting Rigel out of a shallow doze.
"Nagini recruited me for babysitting." Rii sighed, leaning out over the tower.
"Calor treats me like I'm an infant, I mean its not my fault Rohi is always making other demons follow me around."
"Well look at it this way." Rigel said, running his hands through his hair. "Your what, fifteen? Most demons your age stay in the barracks with about fifty others instead of the higharchy chambers where the real prodogies stay, and even those can go there entire lives without even glimpsing the master. Most would be expelled or worse for saying his name."
"So?" Eviera said, leaning off the tower ledge.
"So your not normal." Rigel said, shrugging.
"Then what am I?"
"Not a clue. Must be something good though."
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