Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
So, I was just going through the pages of FicWad to discover there's been over three suicide notes, and I have something to say about that:
If you're fucking faking just to get attention, you're pathetic.
Honestly, you can believe the first one, and maybe the second one, but after that it's annoying and stupid. Suicide isn't something to joke about either. If I offend anyone, I am sorry, but this is really bugging me. Someone posts a suicide note, then everyone's like "no don't do it." Blah, blah, blah. And then "I'm so sorry." and whatever.
Ugh. This is a really stupid trend. If you wanna call me a bitch, fine. I don't care, I'm just speaking my mind about you attention seeking fakers.
Think about it.
If you're fucking faking just to get attention, you're pathetic.
Honestly, you can believe the first one, and maybe the second one, but after that it's annoying and stupid. Suicide isn't something to joke about either. If I offend anyone, I am sorry, but this is really bugging me. Someone posts a suicide note, then everyone's like "no don't do it." Blah, blah, blah. And then "I'm so sorry." and whatever.
Ugh. This is a really stupid trend. If you wanna call me a bitch, fine. I don't care, I'm just speaking my mind about you attention seeking fakers.
Think about it.
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