Categories > Books > Harry Potter

Pureblood Princess

by roguesummers18 1 review

This is your typical Harry Potter fanfiction work. It is about Rogue from the X-Men movies when she has to go to Hogwarts. I suck at writing a summary, but you should give it a chance. (set after t...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-01-28 - Updated: 2012-01-29 - 1224 words

She rubbed her hands together as she so often did. The rainy weather matched her mood, she began to fidget with her long white streak hanging down the side of her beautiful face. She was sitting outside of the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts School of Witch craft and Wizardry. She was no witch nor wizard, she was a mutant. However she did have magical blood because of her mother and farther's magical past. Her face was numb from the bitter frost that nipped the air. Rogue's world was falling apart, she shut her eyes and tried to forget how she got hear. But that night was unforgettable. Especially Professor X's words "You are just to dangerous to be kept around other humans, you need to go somewhere were your powers are unable to hurt anyone. I will send you to my friend's school in England, I am sorry my child." A tear ran down her cheek and dropped on her white silk gloves.

"Mrs. Wargner," a voice boomed a deep voice. Rogue looked up. A finely dressed man with a long white beard approached her and her mother. Her mom stood up, she was tall and pretty(she was also a shape-shifter, right now she was not in her regular blue scaley form.)

"Hello Professor Dumbledore, I am Raven Wargner. This is my daughter Rogue." she looked down at Rogue who was still fiddling with her hair. "I trust you know my brother Lucius Malfoy."

"Yes." said the man named Dumbledore. "As am I aware he is in Azkaban, am I correct?" She looked up at her mom who smirked at Dumbledore, she could tell that she did not like him. "And I am sure that you want this young lady in Slytherin with her cousin Draco?" Rogue looked up she had not seen her cousin in ages.

"That is correct Albus." her mother said. "I trust that no sorting hat is to be required." Dumbledore nodded.

"Professor Snape will show you to your dormitory." Dumbledore said as a tall man dressed in all black walked out of his office. He stared down at Rogue, who pretended not to notice. The man said nothing, but continued down the hallway. Rogue looked at her mom who nodded to reassure her. Rogue grabbed her bag and headed down the hallway following Snape. She walked down what seemed about one-million stairs to an area that she could tell to be the castle's dungeon. The man turned sharply torwards her.

"This is the Slytherin entrance to the common room. On your left is the girls dormitory, your room will be separate from the others it is the second door, you will not have a roommate at your mother's request." His voice was so cold and stern, like his appearance. Rogue preferred when he didn't speak. But, she followed his instructions and headed for her room.

The Slytherin common was dark and quiet, no one was in it. The wall decor was terrifying, large woven tapestrys with snakes on them covered the walls. The stairs leading up to the girl's dormitory were no better, the stairs were dark and old. Every stair creaked and rocked. It was nothing like the marble stair case back at the X-Mansion. She finally reached the door at the end of the hallway. The knocker was scary, it was a skull head with a snake hanging from the mouth. Rogue grabbed the handle and turned the knob and pushed the door slowly. Once it was finally open the stepped inside the dormitory. It was huge, dark, and quiet. Rogue walked over to her bed. The large bed posts were black with wooden snakes twisting up the sides. More of the tapestry decor covered the wall, they matched the heavy dark green velvet curtains that covered the windows only allowing little bits of sunlight to enter the room. Rogue began to unlock her suit case, she stepped back in shock when she saw a silver locket with a a snake and skull on it. The same one that was on the door. She carefully opened it up to read a note.
"My Dear Daughter,
I am truly sorry about having to take you away from your friends. You will learn magic here and I know you will become a great witch. Witches are not what you see from the media, they are human too. I am giving you my locket, I know it will guide you down the true path, the path my dear I want you to follow.
All My Love,
Your Mom"
Rogue took the note and placed in in the top dresser draw, she clipped the locket around her neck. She then walked back over to her suitcase and unpacked her uniform and her wand that she had purchased earlier that day. She pushed her suitcase under her bed and flopped her self on the bed. She was almost asleep when a knock came at her door. She walked over to the door and slowly unlocked it. No one was there, she looked around and down the hallway. Until her eyes laid upon an envelope at her feet. It read.
"Student Schedule,
-Defense Against The Dark Arts
-Hogwarts History"
Rogue walked over to her night table and put it on top and sighed. No more learning about her powers, no more regular school classes. Could this get any worse. Rogue began to braid her long brown hair, to get ready for bed. She yawned and stretched her arms, she had never felt so tired before. She got up on to the bed and pulled the covers up her breasts and turned over, soon she was fast asleep.

Rogue awoke early that next morning. The sky was dark and grey, only allowing slight bits of sun light to enter through the clouds. Around 8:30 the bell rang for breakfast, however she didn't even bother to attend, she waited in her room until the bell rang for first period.
At 9:00 she began to head down the hall to Potions class. She kept her head down as she walked down the halls, allowing her long white hair to cover her eyes, clutching her books tight to her chest as she walked into her classroom. She opened the door and walked in, a strange lady with big hair called Professor Trewaley led her to go sit next to her cousin who immediately made a fuss about her. and how their entire family are pureblooded. Rogue did not enjoy the attention, she kept her head down the entire class. After class grabbed her books and she left. She stared down at the floor, as she was walking she bumped into someone and all her books dropped on the floor. She scrambled to pick them up. A hand reached down and grabbed one of her books. She stood up, a tall, skinny boy with dark hair put one of her books in her hand.

"I think this is yours." he said as she took the book. Rogue tucked the hair behind her ear.

"Um...Yah, that is meh, ah mean mine." She was choking on her words.

"Hello I'm Harry, Harry Potter." the boy said in the English accent that everyone used around here.

"Ah'm Rogue, Rogue Wagner." she said sheepishly.

"Where is your next class?'
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