Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Only Hope for Me Is You

The Only Hope for Me is You

by anotherMCRcrazedfan 3 reviews

The end.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2012-01-29 - Updated: 2012-01-30 - 397 words - Complete

Dear Ella,
[/It’s been almost a month, and the pain still hasn’t gone away. I can’t get over the fact that the bastard killed my mother. I told myself that I would never let him hurt us again, and I failed. It pains me to know that he won, even though he’s dead too. He got what he wanted. Well, part of it anyway. He didn’t get the chance to finish me off.

[/ Your funeral was beautiful. You were surrounded by family and friends who love and miss you dearly. You were wearing your favorite dress and you were clutching your favorite flower; yellow roses. I remember sitting there, looking at your stone cold face, listening as the preacher, family and friends spoke their words to you. Then, when it was my turn, I froze. I broke down, and Gerard had to stand up at the podium with me.

[/It’s been a rough journey without you. I miss our talks, our girls night out, everything. The first few months were the worst though. I would have a hard day, and go to call you but realize that I couldn’t. That was really hard for me. I would always break down and end up crying myself to sleep because even Gerard couldn’t calm me down. He tried though; he tried his hardest. Eventually it got better, and not a day goes by that I don’t think about. Not a day goes by that something happens and I want to tell you about it.

[/Gerard and I are doing better than ever. He will begin his second year at college soon, and I have decided to go to pastry school. I’ve always loved baking and decorating, even though I don’t do it a lot. I remember being a kid and helping you in the kitchen. A day didn’t go by when we didn’t have a cake or cookies on the counter. Each day I would wake you up asking, ‘What are we making today?’

[/I know that one day I will see you again. I hope that you will meet me and Gerard, where ever it is that we end up. Whether it be at pearly gates, clouds, a white light, or just a simple door. The first face I want to see is yours.

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