Categories > Original > Fantasy > Blood Spill


by Demonstar 0 reviews

Sometimes destiny falters from what was original intended. Sometimes decisions can be influenced from what should happen. Sometimes life just seems to end.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-06-24 - Updated: 2006-06-25 - 1182 words

Story rated 'T' (No one under the age of 13 is recommended to read)

Authors Notes: So many thoughts were running through my head when I began writing this story. I have always wanted to write sometihng dark and something violent with a character that struggles to cope with his existance. I thought, what if I were able to mold all of my rouge ideas into one massive plot? What would be the outcome? This is that outcome.

By David Loper

Online Alias: Demonstar

Darkness... Darkness... the everlasting swirling of darkness, I've never felt so cold or empty. I feel as if I'm trapped in an endless void of nothingness. What an ironic fate, is it not? The very power I so craze to control has consumed me and now I feel as though I cannot escape. No, allow me to rephrase that. I know I can't escape. Have you ever felt that, that feeling of helplessness that consumes you and can drive you into madness? I've felt it. Oh, excuse me; once again I have used to wrong tense. I feel it. My body is cold and aching, this useless shell is no longer required, not for what I'm becoming. Any normal... "Person" would have been consumed and transformed by now, but not me. No, I'm far from normal, or rather, was far from normal. Soon I will be nothing, and yet... I am not scared. Is that wrong? Not to show fear? Does that mean I'm heartless? Oh wait, yes, I am heartless. Once again I forget what I am. Hah, I amuse myself sometimes.

The aching feeling is beginning to grow stronger now, the cold dampness swirling around me like a typhoon, an airless typhoon. Time has no hold over this place, what ever this place may be. I will not hold my pride in and admit this is painful, excruciating even. Every second I feel my sanity slip away- wait; I did it again didn't I? I just contradicted myself. No hold of time, every second, blah blah. Yes, I am indeed going insane aren't I? You're enjoying this aren't you, watching me suffer so? You think I'm getting what I deserve?

What? You say you don't know who I am? Well then this is awkward. Here I am babbling and you don't have the slightest idea of my identity. I suppose I shouldn't have immediately assumed you knew me, right? I thought so. I am- gah! My leg! It's gone! I cannot feel my leg! I believe I must tell you my story quickly, for it seems each time I falter a little bit more of me is lost to the darkness. As I was saying; I am Larxain. I am indeed male, athletic figure, blah blah. My personal features don't really concern you, so I'll just let you wonder what I look like. Cruel? Hardly. I just don't find it to be any of your business, I mean; after all, I don't you, right?


The wind's breeze was ever so gentle, you would only notice it if you were looking for it... Wait... Looking for air? Is that possible? I suppose it can be in a sense, like if someone is drowning and they are looking for a way to breathe. But that still wouldn't be looking for air, would it? I mean, wouldn't it be looking for a breath? Anyway, the breeze feels nice if you notice, I suppose that's what I was trying to say.

The grass... is well... grass... I never understood how someone can enjoy "grass." Grass is grass. Sometimes it's green and lively, other times its dead and withered. I don't find it too appeasing no matter have it looks. How do people lay on the stuff? I always feel really itchy afterwards. Any way, I'm sitting on the grass, NOT LAYING, not thinking about anything in particular. I just like to sit sometimes. I'm sure you're the same way.

I move rest a hand on my chin, but it slips off. Is my hand wet? I look down at them and- oh yeah, that's right. Blood. I look over at the lifeless corpse that was once a victim, he was hardly a challenge.

Hmm? What's that you say? A monster? I'm a monster? Hardly. I merely do what I am paid to do, is that so bad? It is? Killing people is wrong? So what? Just because I don't spend my life flipping burgers doesn't mean you have to be so insulting! I mean really! I am anything but a monster. I don't kill on my own time, I kill when I'm told too. Remorse? Not really, I didn't know him. That makes it worse, you say? Oh dear! Then perhaps I am a monster! Well, regardless of what I am there is a body next to me, understand? Good.

I winced a little; the twinge in my left shoulder was back. Means he's on his way. I really do hate him, thinks he can control me forever. I'll find a way out of it, just you wait. Anyway, this guy is the one who assigns me my jobs. I never ask questions about who the people are, I don't really care to be honest, and I just do what I'm told to do. Anyway, most of the people I kill are usually scum anyway from what I do know.

You're probably wondering how I tolerate such a 'job'. To be honest, I don't. I do indeed lose quite a bit of sleep, not because of the people I kill but because of the blood. I hate blood; yet, I see it everywhere, oozing from the walls, running through rivers, gushing from springs, everywhere. Meh, I suppose it was just one of those things that come with the job. Still, I suppose it is a little more then a minor annoyance but I've learned to deal with it, so while I do lose sleep, it doesn't really effect me in any other way.

"You're starting to become lazy," a 'voice' said behind me. I have mentioned him already, haven't I? Good.

I grunt, "Hmph, hardly. I just don't feel like- hmm... I suppose that would count as lazy, wouldn't it?" I laugh at my own stupidity.

"Yes, it would be. Why have you yet to dispose of the body?" I can hear his robes rustling as he gestures towards the corpse.

I bring a hand to my chin and rub it, "Hmm... I dunno, suppose I don't really want too... Why don't you do it?"

He grunts, "Because I am not the 'employee', I'm the authority," I hear the 'sing' sound that you hear someone draws some sort of blade, "Now dispose of the body NOW, or I will have to dispose of both of you."

Really pushy, isn't he? With a reluctant sigh I get to my feet and ALMOST brush the dirt off my legs, but then I remember the blood that is still on my hands. I sigh again, now I have to do this dirty. Lucky me.
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