Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco

Did The Believe Us?

by Kaleidoscope_Eyes 1 review

Second one-shot, requested by Obsessive-Fangirl.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2012-02-04 - Updated: 2012-02-04 - 213 words - Complete

Ryan layed on the couch with his eyes closed. He was exhausted, though he had no idea why. Brendon bounced in and layed right on top of Ryan.

"Whadafug! Gedovbrindon!"

"What's the magic word," he sang.


"Well someone seems angry," Brendon laughed, "and I'm sorry, but that was not the magic word."


"That's not the magic word either!"

Spencer and Jon walked in on the scene and looked horrified, "We're all for you guys dating but please, not on the couch!"

Brendon got off of Ryan's lap and the two quickly began explaining the situation, "No, no, no! See I was just laying on the couch—"

"—Then I came and layed on top of him—"

"—And he wouldn't fucking get off!"

"It's true, I wouldn't!"

"I kept telling him—"

"—He did, but I wouldn't listen!"

"He wouldn't! I was this close to pushing him off!"

"I swear, we weren't doing anything!"

Spencer laughed as the two stumbled over the other's words. "You guys are hilarious, you should have a sitcom or something."

"Yes! Oh my God," Jon laughed.

"We'll just leave you to it then." The two chuckled and went to their rooms.

Brendon looked over to Ryan, his eyes wide, "Did they believe us?"

I really hope you liked it!
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