Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Baghera Lord

One Riddle & Other Strange Matters

by lordmaurya

Harry explores Riddle's memories...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Characters: Harry,Petunia Dursley - Published: 2012-02-06 - Updated: 2012-02-06 - 2634 words


The Baghera Lord

By Lord Maurya

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. No Profit is being made by this fan fiction.


'Mentally Talking'


Chapter 7: One Riddle& Other Strange Matters

Almost three months had passed since the day when Harry first discovered the memories of the man who had killed his parents. That day had been a turnover in his new found life; it had been like cursed blessing. That day his aunt had made several revelations and since then their relationship had developed far beautiful than it ever was. After that day his aunt had changed very much, the change itself was like a scene out of fairy tale; where once there was only his childish hope that she would love him, now that wish had come very close to truth, she had lost everything and had anchored herself to him. She had took all the charges of chores in the house and since they were the only two people living there, who practically shared a room there wasn't much to do, his only chore for a day was to make the bed while Petunia make the breakfast.

The memories he somehow gained weren't only dark, but there were things the man in the memories had done which reeked pure evil; murder, torture, rape and other physical or magical violence was simple daily thing for him.

After that day, Leona and Harry had spent a lot of time organizing the foreign memories in his head; they had watched a young orphan Tom Marvolo Riddle seeking to make a name of himself, finding his heritage, turning himself darker day by day at last making himself darkest lord seen in centuries, changing his name to Lord Voldemort. They had outlined his whole life from an orphanage to the Potters home or at least the life he had lived in his body because they had also discovered that he had used foul piece of magic to cheat death, he had made Horcrux not one but five Horcruxes and had planned to made one another; thus splitting his soul in seven pieces, the most powerful number. He had planned to make his last horcrux by killing the Potters.

They had also learned that Harry was targeted because of half a listen prophecy which was delivered by the same Snape who had changed his aunt's appearance.


It was a wonderful evening for the dark clocked figure sitting in a throne, the trolls have sided with him and he had wiped out the whole Markinson clan, another blow to Order.

Then a low ranked Death Eater assigned as door guard came to his chamber "Milord?" she asked in a quivering tone. His fingers played with the yew wand as he looked at this minion, she was a scantly clad (as ordered) beauty but alas a half-blood barely out of Hogwarts, he had spared her life, they had taken her in more than one ways, after killing her family of course. Since then she had been a good reward for his inner circle at night and a guard for his personal chamber in day time."Yes Ashworth." he demanded in a pleased drawl.

"My Lord, Snape has come seeking an audience."

"Send him in." he was in a good mood or she would have received a Cruciatus at least for disturbing him. As she hurried out, his thought turned to Severus; who was also a halfblood like himself but a pure Slytherin with flair of dark arts and apotion prodigy. His musing was interrupted by Severus' entrance who kneeled before him with his head bowed down. "Severus my loyal friend I am in agood mood today and whatever you planned to say should better be good." said the Dark lord in a hissing voice; a threat was always good in his book.

"My Lord, I was in the hog's head looking for possible recruits as you have assigned me, when Isaw Dumbledore entering the inn so I followed to spy on him." answered Snape after hesitating a bit. A stretched eyebrow was all the Dark Lord displayed to show his curiosity so Snape continued, "Milord he was interviewing a descendent of famous seer Cassandra Trelawney for the Divination post. The interview itself was a waste but when Dumbledore turned to leave, the woman went in a trance like state and made a real Prophesy."

"Prophesy?" demanded a curious Dark Lord.

"Yes milord, aprophecy concerning you:

/ /

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...

Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...

I was found by the barkeep before I could hear the whole wording and had to escape so I could tell you."

"So pray tell me, you only listen a half prophesy which is a clear threat to me?" asked the dark lord in silky tone. "Severus you have brought very concerning news to me"Snape's head rose a bit higher at praise. "But you should work with subtlety. Crucio!" the cruciatus curse was out of dark lord's wand within a blink of eye leaving Snape writhing in obvious agony.

*Memory Ends*

This one memory is the reason he was orphan. If this wasn't enough to hate Snape; they had also learned his further inferior actions. After learning that only Potters and Longbottoms were expecting achild on seventh month, Snape had gone to Dumbledore with a cock & bull story of remorse and regret on Dark Lord's order and had also requested the Dark Lord to spare Lily's life for himself. Both Harry and Leona had gained alot of knowledge but the downside was that every memory was laced with Voldemort's sadistic or cruel emotions. The memories weren't only a class of history. They had learnt a lot about wizarding world and magic through this memories; the arsenal of dark, different obscure magic and long forgotten ritual that Voldemort had learnt through his traveling was simply humongous. Though Harry wasn't able to perform magic without a wand, he had tried his hand in wandless magic; after three days of practice and many failures he was now capable of floating, banishing & summoning things on a whim. Despite practicing occlumency Voldemort's atrocity had given him a lot of nightmares where Petunia had to hold him so he could get some. He had told Petunia a lot from memories; through them the unique trio had deduced that both Voldemort and Dumbledore were master manipulator, they treated people like chess pieces, their pawn to use and dispose when the need arose. While Voldemort traded his pawn with power& fear Dumbledore's methods were entirely different, he used his old all knowing light mage persona which blended with his political positions & greater good slogan were far effective not to mention subtle. Ever since Harry had learned that Petunia knew how to enter the magical world, he wanted to go there but Petunia had reasoned with him that first they should know everything they could about the world they would be entering, that when they had sufficient knowledge she would take him.

But this wasn't his current problem no it was far from it. His current dilemma was sleeping with his aunt, it wasn't that he didn't like holding her in bed, on the contrary he liked it too much for his own good and his reaction to it was very embarrassing. It was getting very difficult to be around his aunt while he was constantly supporting an errection, he knew that he was too young for puberty to hit; he had covered it in library while reading a book about human body. He knew that his aunt had said to go to her for any problem, but it was too embarrassing matter and he didn't know what to do? His balls were aching at odd times and it was getting very discomforting. He knew that his body was changing after the bonding ritual, for one his eyesight had improved and now he only needed his glasses for activities like reading, his strength was increasing and his reflexes were getting more toned. Proper diet had also done wonders to his body; now he wasn't as scrawny as he was, he had gained three inches of height and his shoulders were broadening. Now his body could easily pass for a ten year old boy. Leona had said that the bonding ritual also cleanse once magic and during the ritual his forehead had emitted some kind of dark magic (likely present in his body since that Halloween night) which was more than likely constantly combating his own magic thus making him weak and stumping his growth. He hadn't asked Leona for help considering she wouldn't know about human health problems. He was getting frightened with the idea that he had some disease.

He was pacing in his room while thinking about approaching his aunt for help. And that's how his aunt found him.

"What's wrong Harry?" asked Petunia from the doorstep who had returned from the park where she had taken Leona for a stroll.

Startled from his musing Harry said without meeting her eyes "I don't know aunty I think something is wrong with me."

"What happen? Are you sick?"asked Petunia concernedly.

"I... I don't know." answered Harry in hesitantly.

Seeing that he was hesitating, Petunia moved closer to him and held his chin up so she could look in his eyes."I told you Harry that you could come to me with any problem. I would do my best to help you."

'Tell us your problem Harry so we could help you.' Leona encouraged.

"I think something is happening in my body. I know that puberty doesn't start before twelfth year. But...?" he trailed of with a red face.

"But what Harry... please tell me?" asked Petunia.

Looking at floor Harry started in barely audible tone, "I always get hard and it is happening a lot lately."

Realization hit like a hammer to Petunia "Oh!" she blurted out before she could think for she had felt his errection sometime while sleeping.

"Do you know what is happening to me?" Harry asked in a hopeful voice.

"Yes I had noticed your errection and had thought that you were too young for puberty to start but I chalked it up as something common with wizards as they live longer than normal people."

"Did mum started to change early too?" Harry asked his face covered with his hands sounding desperate.

After thinking about it Petunia answered negatively. "So it isn't something common with magical people. What do I do it always happens whenever I am around you ...and it aches."

Thinking carefully Petunia said, "Harry I said I will help. Do you trust me Harry?"accepting Harry's nod as an answer she said, "Take of your trousers." Looking down Harry did as she said.

A gasp escaped Petunia's lips when she saw his size. She knew that it was bigger than normal for his age, it was about six inches long and three figure wide. Concerned at her reaction Harry looked toward her, "Is something wrong with me."

"No... No... Nothing is wrong it's just that I didn't think you would be so big."assured Petunia in shaky voice.

"Is it bad that it's big?" Harry asked concerned that something was wrong.

"It definitely isn't bad." answered a flushed Petunia and then she didn't know what possessed her to do it but without thinking she leaned toward his erect dick and touched it. As Harry looked toward her face at this sudden action she said"Where does it hurt?" Answering to her inquiry he touched his balls with a finger; she caressed them for a moment, electing a moan from Harry and said, "Wait here."

Petunia's POV

As she moved toward toilet to take some tissue paper, she knew that what she was about to do was wrong on so many level, she didn't know what came over her to touch him, the moment she touched it was like she had to relieve him. Her sexual needs have been neglected for years and she didn't know where she was going from here but she couldn't help that she was attracted to him; it feels like it was her duty to relieve him.

Normal POV

A minute later Petunia came back in his room with some tissue paper in her hand. She looked at Harry "Sit down Harry." A moment later she kneeled between his thighs and covered his dick with her hand and started stroke it at a slow pace. For Harry it was like ecstasy, it felt good to him he knew that what was happening wasn't normal. But it felt so right. "Faster... Aunty Faster." said Harry between gasps nearing the edge. So Petunia increased her pace and within minute Harry was pumping his load in the tissue which Petunia had remembered to hold.

"Wow... it was so good." said Harry slightly breathless by the intensity of orgasm. Taking a look at the amount of cum in tissue paper which was more than a normal ejaculation Petunia said, "Yes it is good."

Laying awake late in night Petunia again thought about what had happened today. She had given Harry's first sexual pleasure to him. After the first time it was like, Harry had become addicted to the pleasure she could give him. From the noon to night he had seven orgasms by her hand. The second time he had felt pain in his ball he had tried to take the matter in his own hand, but after three minute of wanking without any iota of relief he had seeked her in the kitchen naked below the waist with his dick standing long and proud, eyes filled with lust. It was like she had turned him into anymphomaniac, but deep down she knew that she liked what was happening and wouldn't miss the chance if it progressed even more. She had overworked her fingers with the long trips she had taken in bathroom. She knew that somehow magic was involved for his sudden found libido but she found in herself that she didn't care where it had come from; she would help him sate it if he needed, she had vowed that she would do whatever he needed from her. Laying next to his young nude form, savoring the slightly salty but otherwise an unique sweet taste of his cum in her mouth, because for the last handjob which they had done just before he had fallen asleep, he mostly demanded than asking that she swallow the cum in her palm in his lust induced trance and she had loved how he had commanded her even if he wouldn't remember it tomorrow. She didn't know where the future was heading for where she would be at the end but she couldn't imagine it without Harry somehow there with her. She hopes that the relation they were developing would run a long way in the future. That night they both had dreams; they dreamed of each other with Petunia dreaming him as her master and Harry dreaming of a beautiful Petunia who looked lot younger with silky blond hairs and deep blue eyes which were filled with lust in a strange position with him.

A/N: Ok here it is just tell me if you like it or not...

I didn't think I would start a smut scene between Harry and Petunia... I had planned that relation to be in passive narration, but the idea was just revolving in the head always taking my mind from whatever else I attempted to write...

Hope you will like it and would share your ideas and opinion via reviews...

Till we meet again,

Lord Maurya.

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