Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It Sure As Hell Ain't Just For The Fame

First Sight

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2 reviews

“No problem.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-02-06 - Updated: 2012-02-08 - 1259 words

A subtly tanned, mousy haired young woman dressed in a skin tight black and red dress hands the ebony haired teenager a number, smiling warmly at him. She points with one well manicured hand in the direction of two grand looking double doors, telling Gerard and the other hopeful contestants where to go.
“Good luck.” The woman-Emily-says a little too enthusiastically for Gerard`s liking.
Nonetheless the tall, raven haired boy reluctantly follows her directions, the sinking feeling in his small stomach growing with every forced step. Mikey, his health freak of a mother and crazy haired best friend follow behind him excitedly.
“You`ll do just great, Gee.” Benn tries her best to reassure him but her kind words just wash over the nervous, lip biting Gerard.
“Try to have some confidence.” Mikey tells his elder brother, who was clearly not listening to him.
It was now the turn of the Madonna loving, sometimes quite ditzy, dark haired woman who had given birth to the stubborn, raven haired teen to try to reassure him.
Gerard, Sweetie, Mikey and Benn are right, ya know. You are so talented honey and if those judges can`t see it well then it is their loss.”
Gerard just shrugs, and pushes open the dark brown doors with a little more force than necessary. It was clear that he didn`t believe a word that they were saying.
The huge brightly lit waiting room was packed full of hopeful people, all believing that they had some form of talent. Much to Gerard`s surprise it wasn`t all young people either, there were several over sixties with badly Permed or dyed hair and weathered faces. The noise was almost deafening, he found it hard to stand and this was the boy who had been to more out of control concerts than her could count. A few people in particular stood out to him, interesting faces in a blurred, colourful crowd of hopeful people, all of whom stood a much better chance of getting in than he did.
“Gee your Mom and your idiotic brother are right.” Benn tries one last time, sighing deeply, leaning over the pale skinned, light brown haired Mikey to talk to her other best friend.
“Hey!” She ignores his hazel death glare and carries on.
“You are a really god singer you just need to believe in yourself a little more.”
“Mmm…sure.” Gerard shrugs again, taking a seat on a grey plastic chair next to an excited looking blonde haired, blue eyed child, who was busy driving her parents up the wall by doing her impression of singing, or rather killing a Kelly Clarkson song.
Sighing deeply, giving in the three sit down near him, Mikey handing Benn a bright green earphone and pressing play on his IPod, preparing himself for the inevitable long and very boring wait.
A few hours dragged by incredibly slowly, three full packets had been devoured by Mikey and Benn and Donna Way was at least halfway through her most recently purchased health cook book, full of inedible recopies.
“I`m going to find some place to get a coffee.” Gerard states getting to his converse clad feet, unable to take sitting there watching people go in and out of the audition room any longer, most of whom came out with crushed hopes and tears running down their faces.
“Okay Sweetie. Do you have money?”
He nods and walks away slowly, his feet dragging on the littered ground, his head bowed, black rimmed eyes fixed firmly on the cracks in the tiles and the empty packets of crisps and biscuit wrappers. After a few minutes of searching, trying his best to ignore the killer, bloodthirsty demons in his gut, Gerard finds a cheap looking hot drinks machine and puts in some spare change, cursing when he drops a coin. The metal rolls along until it hits off of one deep purple, knee high pair of converse shoes.
“Hey, I think you dropped this!” the owner of the purple shoes calls after Gerard, who had already given up on finding the money and had started drinking the hot, golden liquid.
“Huh?” he mumbles, looking up from the dirty ground, surprised to find that the girl was calling him.
“Here, you dropped this.” He blinks once, then again as he looks up at the tall, slender girl with wide eyes. She reaches out one pale hand and gently takes hold of his, placing the money into his slightly trembling palm. She was beautiful, stunning even. She had long silky looking black hair that was tied into two messy bunches, several dark strands escaping and framing her Smokey eyes perfectly. Her lips were full and painted a deep, rich red and her skin was clear of all impurities and a creamy, almost glowing white. Her legs were long, seeming to go on for miles and miles, the well toned skin covered by a pair of black fishnets and a checked skirt that was long enough to not be considered slutty, but short enough to show off her perfect legs.
“Erm, thanks?”Gerard mumbles shyly as he places the quarter into his back pocket.
The gorgeous stranger giggles, but not unkindly, smiling widely, showing of her gleaming white teeth.
“No problem.”
“So erm are you here to audition to be in Aftermath?” Stupid question, Gerard. Of fucking course she was here to audition, why else would she be here? To fucking sky dive!?
“Yeah my friend, Storm drove me here after my shitty excuse of a car broke down. I wasn`t actually going to come but she all but forced me to!” She laughs again, a joyful, carefree sound that makes Gerard`s already uneasy stomach do a couple more flips.
Say something, moron. The irritating, nosy voice in his head orders Gerard in a hissing, demanding kind of way, but the ebony haired teen just stands there awkwardly, unsure what to say to this beautiful girl.
“Zee!” a grey eyed, deathly pale teenage girl rushes over to them both, dressed in an oversized black and red hoodie, her wild shoulder length hair rushing out behind her.
“Hey Storm.” Lyn-z hugs the new girl, her best friend of thirteen years tightly, shutting her dark, black rimmed eyes tightly as she does so, before releasing Storm from her death grip of a hug.
“Who is this, Zee?” The usually shy around new people, Storm asks, raising one dark eyebrow inquisitively as she takes in Gerard`s tall, dark form.
“Oh!” her friend leans forward so that her choppy black fringe covers her light pink cheeks partially. “This is erm…” she trails off, realising that he hadn`t told her his name yet. Come to think of it he didn’t know her's either.
“I`m Gerard.” He tells the two girls.
“And I`m Lyn-z. Oh and this crazy haired freak is Storm.”
After a few minutes of casual chatter, a number is called over the loudspeaker, making the three young people jump.
“Number Four Hundred and eighty two.” An emotionless, almost robotic voice calls and the colour drains from Lyn-z`s already pale face.
“That`s me!”
“Go get `em Zee!” Storm happily tells encourages best friend, practically radiating confidence.
“Well bye, Gerard. Maybe see you again?” She asks hesitantly, not really wanting to say goodbye to him. But trying to hide it from know it all, self declared Cupid Storm.
“Sure. Good luck.” He mumbles, trying to hide his disappointment that she had to leave.
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