Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Say Goobye to the Life You Make

We Move Along With Some New Passion, Knowing Everything is Fine

by IncreaseTheMeds 16 reviews

Gerard and Frank take off...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-02-10 - Updated: 2012-02-11 - 1949 words

The next day, I woke up early and packed clothes, art things, and my favorite books. Then, when the time was right, I loaded them into the back of the van I bought for transporting my artwork. I had timed it so that I knew nosy little Linda would be peeking her head out of the window. I quietly loaded my bags, like I didn’t know she was walking down into my driveway, heels clicking on the pavement.

I spun around to see Linda. Her face had a frozen look of worry on it and she was in her usual housewife’s dress and heels get up. When I asked he what was wrong, she let out a sad sigh. “Frank hasn’t called me. Have you seen him? Please tell me you’ve seen him!”

I feigned a look of nervousness. “I haven’t seen him Linda. Where was he supposed to be? Was he staying at a friend’s house?” Of course Linda wouldn’t admit to me that she had kicked her only son out because of something as trivial as being gay, so it was no surprise to me when she just nodded. “Well, you’ve called the friend’s house, right?” I had to keep this façade up.

Linda gave a small nod. “It… was the wrong friend. I guess I heard him wrong… or maybe he lied to me.” Then she started to cry, but these weren’t real tears. I know what fake tears look like; I’ve cried enough of them to know.

I gently wiped away the tears with the pad of my thumb. “It’s okay Linda, we’ll find him. Have you checked Pete’s or Brendon’s?” It took me everything not to smile at the confusion on her face. Frank had always mentioned his best friend, Pete, and I just threw Brendon in there, but Linda wouldn’t have known about either of them. “He always talks about them.” I added.

“He doesn’t tell me about his friends much… But I do remember one day he asked me if he could go to one of his friend’s house. The kid looked less than nice… with his eyeliner and his tight jeans. He definitely was not the type of kid I want around my Frankie. He was a bad influence.” I always find it incredible how someone could judge a person without even talking to them, but this was Linda.

“Do you remember where he lived?” I asked with fake urgency. If I could get Linda away for an hour, Frankie and I could leave.

Linda nodded and looked up at me, fake tears forming in her eyes again. “Could you come with me?”

I took her hands in mine. “I wish I could, but I have a family function.” I motioned to all my things in the back of my van. “But I’m certain he’ll be there.” I made sure that I made eye contact and that I look confident and strong, and Linda bought it.

“Okay, Gerard. I’ll head over right now. Thanks for your help.” She gave me a small smile before getting into her small car and driving away. Once I was sure she was gone I went inside and woke up Frankie.

“Wake up sleepy-head! We’ve got places to go.” I smiled at his bed head. His hair was sticking out in all directions. The look on his face when he sat up was probably the cutest thing I’ve seen since this day. The way his full lips made a small ‘O’ shape and how his eyelids fluttered open to reveal those beautiful hazel eyes of his made my heart skip a beat.

I saw Franks eyes visibly brighten when he saw me. “Good morning, Gerard! Where are we going?”

“To visit my brother, Mikey.” I picked up the bag he brought with him and set it on the bed, at his feet. “I’ve been planning this trip for a while and I thought it would be cool if you could come with me instead of going home.”

I knew Frank wouldn’t want to go home. “Okay. Let me get dressed.” He got out of bed and started to pull some things out of his bag. “So, where does your brother live?” He asked as he got a toothbrush out of his bag and walked into the bathroom connected to the room.

“Newark.” I answered as he brushed his teeth. He lifted his mouth into an odd smile and hummed a little song while he brushed. Then he gargled, lifting his face towards the ceiling and spit. I hadn’t realized I’d been smiling at his cuteness until he turned and asked, “What?”

I looked away unsure of what else to do. “Nothing…” That was when I realized the effect this boy had on me. I always prided myself on being a great liar, but this boy stole my ability to even think, let alone talk. I knew in that moment that Frankie would be the end of me, but I had to have him. I couldn’t just walk away from him.

Ten minutes later, I was on the road; Frank in the passenger seat and Green Day in the stereo. Once we got on the highway, Frank pulled something out of his bag and began dabbing it on his face- liquid foundation. Then he added some red eyeliner and X’s on his eyes.

I reached for the knob on the radio face and lowered the music. “Does your mom know you wear make-up?” I already knew the answer to that. Linda would never approve of a man wearing make-up and that definitely made Frank feel misunderstood. I needed to show him that I didn’t care that he wore make-up or that he was gay. I needed to show him that he wasn’t alone. I needed him too feel like he belonged and I needed him to want to stay with me.

“No. If she knew I did, she’d probably ground me for a year. I usually apply it on my way to school and wash it off in the school bathroom. I’m a master at applying make-up on the go now, though…”

I could tell he was trying to convince me that he was okay with it by that last part. Or perhaps he was trying to convince himself rather. “You don’t need it, y’know? You’re already perfect.” I mentally cursed at myself. I let the truth slip. How could I’d be so careless and stupid?

I expected the worst from Frank. I expected him to get scared, tell me to turn around so he could go back to his house and mom, maybe even tell me to stop the car because he’d rather be stranded on the highway then to be trapped in the car with a pedophile. But he did the opposite. Franks lips curved upward into a huge smile. “You really think so, Gerard?”
“I know so.” I smiled back.

We were in Newark in about 20 minutes. I told Mikey that I’d cook dinner so we stopped at a grocery store and bought ingredients for Lasagna then I asked Frank if he wanted to go to the mall for a bit. Like any teenager would, he said yes.

“This jacket is great!” Frank yelled holding up a hoodie with zombies on it; their flesh decaying and brains hanging from their mouth. We were in a local store that was basically a knock off of what the original Hot Topic was. It was dimly lit and there was a generic scream-o band blasting on the store’s stereo system. The walls were painted black and there was a girl behind the cashier’s desk that had about fifteen piercings in her face. I watched as her heavily eyeliner-ed eyes moved up and down, checking me out. She blushed a bright pink color and looked down at the magazine that was sitting on the counter when she noticed that I had caught her.

“Let me see that jacket, Frankie.” I smiled. He handed it to me and I strutted towards the check out, despite protests from Frank that the jacket was thirty dollars. “Hello.” I smiled my sexiest smile and leaned over the check out counter.

“H-hi.” The girl stuttered. I set the jacket on the counter. When the girl just stared at me, I let out a fake little giggle that told her I thought she was cute. “I would like to buy this jacket.”

The girl scrambled to pick up the jacket, searching for the tag. “I’m Gerard, by the way.” I flirted as she scanned it. “I’m Alice.” She blushed… “That’ll be, umm… thirty dollars and twenty five cents.”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet, tipping it towards me to make sure Alice could see its contents. “Aw, shit! I’m going to put this back. I’m ten dollars short.” In my wallet, I actually had five hundred dollars, at least. But I knew that I had to be careful with my money. I couldn’t just go out and withdraw money from my bank account. I knew that at some point, I would be a suspect in the disappearance of Frank and the police would trace my bank account. I’d have to dispose of my cell phone, too.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I’ll pay those ten dollars… if I can get your number.” Alice’s voice changed from small and shy to deep and seductive. I gave her my sexiest smirk. “Got a pen?”

Frank sat in the passenger seat sulking. I kept trying to get him to tell me what was the matter, but he would just roll his eyes. “Frankie, what’d I do?” I looked over at where he sat in complete silence. “Please,” I begged, “You’re breaking my heart.”

Frank sighed. “Are you going to go out with her?” He spat the last word, a nasty scowl on his face. Was he jealous? If he was jealous that would mean that he has feelings for me. I wouldn’t even have to convince him to stay. My stomach started doing flips, but I maintained my cool.

“I was just being a little whore. I wanted a discount. I gave her a fake number.” I giggled. Frank slid down in his chair, a rosy color slowly appearing on his cheeks. “Oh…”

We came to a red light and I gave all of my attention to him. “Why? Were you a little jealous?” I gave him a half smirk.

Frank looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “Uh… umm, no. I ju- I just was… y’know wondering because… I should y’know… know these things if I’m going to be staying with you for a while… y’know?”

I giggled, “Oh, Frankie,” and gave him a peck on the forehead. Frank was blushing even deeper now. At this moment, I knew that I had him.

Yeah, I know it’s been a long time. I’ve a got a reason, though. My laptop’s hard drive died. ;_; I have a knew one, though (obviously). I switched schools and stuff, so it might take a while for me to crank out chapters due to homework, but I WILL get it done!
Oh, and just a fun fact: I Googled how long it would take to get from Belleville to Newark and it said 23minutes. xD
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