Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll never let them hurt you, I promise.

Happy Thoughts

by tainted 1 review

The Carrie reference if you didn't understand it, the movie where she burns everyone with her mind for pranking her. BUT like the romance going on? Wish I could be Elise and in her position with Gee.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-02-11 - Updated: 2012-02-11 - 1242 words

Ch. Three - Happy Thoughts
First period was Chemistry and I had Gerard's friend Frank in my class. We sat next to each other and made jokes about the spitballs on the ceiling from years ago. Yeah, this school was wasn't too fond of the word cleaning.

Fifth period already, the day was shooting by fast and I wasn't getting any shit surprisingly. Or maybe I'm just too paranoid and people really did forget. Then suddenly, BOOM. A hardcover book shot across the hallway hitting my leg. "Hey Carrie, are you gonna burn the rest of the school down too? Oh, how about you do us a favor and burn down the whole shitty gym so we can get a new one." Coming from a jerk/jock who then tousled my hair as he walked away from me.

"You don't deserve that, he's just a douche." Gerard's other friend Ray was standing right in front of by the time I got the hair out of my face and could actually see. "Thanks Ray." I replied with a smirk and scattered away with embarrassment. I hope he doesn't tell Gerard. I felt like I wanted Gerard to win our bet so
I could go to the festival with him and get out for a change.

Last bell finally rang and honestly the day went very well besides the jock incident. I was walking by the main hallway and saw Gerard and his buddies, of course Frank and Ray but I saw some unfamiliar faces. I put my head down and walked by, I'll just wait at his car for him.

"Elise, hey wait up a sec." Gerard called as he sprinted towards me with one arm out. "I want you to meet my friends." He said to me with a serious face. I nodded at him with mixed emotions. A smile rose and he pulled me over to them.

"Uh, guys other than Frank and Ray, this is my best friend Elise, Elise this is Bob, Mark, Alex and Rich." He said as he kept one hand on my shoulder, which actually made me more comfortable standing there with them. "Hey guys.." I said, awkwardly with a dull wave. They all said hey back but Bob continued. "You're not new to this school are you?"

"No, no. I'm just, I keep to myself." I laughed a little when answering him. "Oh I'm sorry! Then you're not lying about that because I don't even recognize you." I really had nothing to say back to that so I just shrugged. I kind of just stood there as they talked about plans. I heard the words band, festival, and alcohol. I wasn't really paying attention just trying to find my ipod in my bag. "Hey uh, Elise? You should come to the festival with us, I mean any friend of Gee's is a friend of ours." Bob said to me, finally someone spoke to me, he seemed like the only one who really cared to make me feel involved with the group. "Yeah E, c'mon." Gerard said as he knuckled my shoulder. I got really nervous being put on the spot like that, I could tell I was blushing so I just shrugged again and said yea, sure. After their chat was over Gerard and I walked to his car. We drove to another coffee house but one that actually serves food other than muffins and bagels.

"So how was your day?" Gerard said as he chewed on a french fry from our late lunch meal. "It was really good."
"So, I win. Oh and I'm glad to hear."
"You do win and I'm glad because I do want to come kind of sort of." A huge smile appeared on his face, I love it when he smiles. So of course I smiled like a goof too. We sat there for a bit finishing our food laughing and joking.

We started driving to my house. "Oh my gosh..Gee wait!" I said probably making him think he ran someone over. "God, what the fuck!?" He said stopping short. "No you can keep driving it's just I have nothing to where this weekend." He looked at me with a blank face. "So where nothing."

"Geeee, you know what I mean." I said, giggling back at him. "Well it's only almost 4 wanna stop at your house grab a few bucks and go to the mall." I was about to answer when he cut me off. "This is not a gay thing I just really want you to come so if you need clothing let's go right the fuck now." I laughed so loud when he said that. "Okay okay! Go to my house now and I'll run in."

We got to the local mall and I immediately went to my favorite store on the second floor. Gerard really didn't look too thrilled at all but he was hanging in there. I picked out a bunch of different shirts and maybe one pair of shorts but the longer kind that cuff at the end. Gerard waiting on the bench near my changing room. He kept teasing me saying hurry up or I'm coming in there, and he kept pretending to pull the curtains open. I didn't want him to see so I could surprise him. I don't know why I felt like this but I did, and I kind of liked it.

I picked out a loose black muscle shirt that had some white stripes going up and down it in the middle. The sleeves on it were huge so I needed one of those bandeau tops, I got a black one of course and I liked the shorts.

At the register Gerard stood semi behind me but still on my side trying to peek at what I was getting. "Ahh, you too going on a date this weekend or what?" They cashier lady said to me with a big scary smile. "Us?" I said back pointing at myself. With another big smile. "Yea you and him, I thought you too were together, my bad hunny. You guys just look so cute." Either she was too friendly, or is.. well could she be right? Gerard was pretending not to notice but I know he did due to him talking about it in the car on the way home.

"So that lady thought we were together?"
"Yea isn't that funny?"
"Uh, yea yea funny." Gerard said with a straight face and eyes focused on the road ahead. We road the whole way home with our mouths shut and the radio loud. When we pulled up to my house Gerard turned to me resting his shoulder on my seat. "But imagine." He said, looking at me with those piercing eyes. I felt hypnotized like I couldn't even answer. My body tingled and my lips were waiting for his to collide with them.

"Um yea that'd be someth- my Mom's calling me I got to go, see you tomorrow gee, thanks for the mall and meeting your friends bye."
I hurried out of his car and into the house. He stayed there watching me until I was in the house for more than a minute.

Did I really just want Gerard, my best friend, to kiss me? And did he really emphasize the whole us being a couple thing? The only thing that was on my mind the rest of my night.
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