Categories > Celebrities > Cinderella

Honey Honey

by kaylabonjovi 0 reviews

Eric and Fred are spending their sunday morning playing basketball in the driveway of the girls East Birch Falls home. Rumors of Tom are brought to an end when Kayla explains.

Category: Cinderella - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-02-12 - Updated: 2012-02-12 - 804 words - Complete

It was a Sunday when Fred and Eric decided to visit the girls' at their home in East Birch Falls. The house was located in a creditable neighborhood near Eagle Park, just ten minutes from Central Birch Falls where Eric spent most of his time working at the local film developing store and performing gigs at popular clubs. Between work and playing music, Eric spent the remaining amount of his time with his girlfriend, Cheyenne.
Arms raised, knees bent, Eric shot the basketball toward the net, only for it to bounce off the back board and land in Fred's hands as he reached for it. Eric drops his hands at his sides and gave Fred a glare as he said, "Best two outta three."
Fred held the ball against his chest and tipped his head toward the garage where Cheyenne was seated on the hood of her mid-seventies Omega Oldsmobile, painting her nails a dark shade of red. She looked up when she realized there was an odd silence.
"Cheyenne, what do you think? You think we should play best two outta three?" Fred asked, inching his way toward the garage to join Cheyenne.
She shrugged as she screwed the cap onto the lid of the polish. She raised her hand and gently blew a hot breath on her wet nails.
Fred hopped onto the hood beside Cheyenne and dropped the ball onto the concrete flooring of the garage, only for the ball to roll and slam against a shelf, sending cans of paint crashing against the floor. "Sorry..." He said with a smile, not sounding the least bit apologetic.
Eric rolled his eyes and picked up the ball. He bounced it once, then twice in front of the car. Cheyenne watched, her head following the movement of the ball: up, down, up and down again. "I can't get over Tom and Kayla making out like that-i mean, it was all broad shoulders and hair. i couldn't tell which one was the guy." Cheyenne said, checking her nails.
"They should save all that passion for the bedroom." Fred held out his hands toward Eric, a clear sign that he wanted the ball.
Eric ignored Fred and shot the ball at the net. This time, the ball fell in without hitting the rim of the net nor the back board.
At that moment, the three of them noticed Tom and Kayla walk up the driveway. Cheyenne studied Tom for a moment as he approached with his arm around Kayla. He wore a loose fitting, black, button up shirt with a pair of faded jeans with strings hanging from the holes. He looked as if he just stepped out of bed, threw on the clothes he found on the floor, and walked outside to see where everyone went when he couldn't find a soul in the house. "Oh, hey. It's Tom and Kayla. Where have you been?"
"Oh, well, I was at the park... Where I was practicing my violin for a family of ducks..." Kayla chose as her excuse.
"I was at home." Tom shrugged, placing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
"Really? Because we went to see a movie. But instead we saw Tom's hand feeling for Kayla's bra strap." Cheyenne blurted, glancing over to Fred, who was now on the verge of laughing because he knew it to be true. "Kayla, why didn't you just tell us that you were dating Tom?" Cheyenne asked her friend, trying to sound understanding of the situation. The truth was, she knew it all along and this was her moment to shove it in Kayla's face.
"It's just-i didn't know what you'd think." Was all she said.
"I'm happy for you!" Cheyenne smiled.
"Yeah, man. Whatever." Eric said as he bounced the ball against the concrete.
Fred hopped off the hood of the car and stole the ball from Eric. Making his way toward the board, he asked, "Tom, when you kiss Kayla, is it smooth? Like fudge? Or rough? Like a cockfight?" Fred tossed the ball over his head and into the basket, the ball smacking against the backboard.
"Fred, that's personal!" Cheyenne yelled from the garage. She turned her attention back to the couple standing before her. "So, have you had sex yet?" She asked, sounding casual, as if she was asking something as innocent as, How was your day?
"My money is on no." Eric says while snatching the ball from Fred, who adds, "Well, I think it's going to happen soon. Kayla only shaves her legs to her knees. But this morning, she went all the way from Miami to Jacksonville!"
(all of my posts can be found on my main page. i apprechiate comments and followers, thanks for reading! :)
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