Categories > Celebrities > Cinderella

Move Over

by kaylabonjovi 0 reviews

Kayla attends a part at a barn and gets a little TOO trashed.

Category: Cinderella - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-02-12 - Updated: 2012-02-12 - 1692 words - Complete

Kayla pressed into the brake knowing the unnamed dirt road she was looking for was somewhere close. There, just thirty feet ahead, was a barley noticeable break in the trees. She turned onto the two-track and cursed beneath her breath when a few branches scraped against the window.

What in the hell was she doing coming out here?

had seemed like a good idea an hour ago when she called Fred, but now, with the darkness making the road and the woods uninviting, she was seriously considering turning around and going home.

She kept going deeper into the woods and finally, just through the trees, she could see light. She'd reached her destination: Coury place, or the abandoned barn on Fred's grandfather's forty acres. His grandfather never came out here and fred threw parties all the time.

I'm not intimidated by these people, she said over and over in her head like a mantra, but the flight instinct was rearing in her gut and her fingers were suddenly clammy despite the coolness of the air.

The small door on the barn burst open just as she walked up. Two people moved past her, bringing with them the sound of Rock N Roll and the smell of beer. She went inside, sliding along the wall at first as she watched.

The air was warm with body heat and the fire burning in the brick pit in the middle of the bar. Cigarette smoke rose to the rafters, slipping out through the cracks in the roof.

Scanning the many faces, she hoped she'd see someone she knew and didn't just recognize. In the far corner she saw Fred talking to Eric. Thank god for a familiar face. Kayla made her way through the crowd.

"Kayla!" Fred shouted when she neared. His cherubic face was red, probably from dancing. Several dark curls hung over his forehead. "I didn't think you'd come."

"I almost didn't," She said, glancing around nervously. "I usually don't come out here."

"But you should do it more often! there is much fun to be had, darlin'." Fred waggled his eyebrows at her. "Let me get you a drink." He disappeared into a separate room.

"So," Eric said, "Did Cheyenne come with you?" small silver hoop earrings swung from his ears. His blond hair laying against his chest.

Kayla laughed, checking out the girls who were hanging around. "You mean, you think she's actually going to show up? Just give up, Eric. Move on. Try her," Kayla nodded towards a blond girl near the fire pit who was wearing a cleavage-revealing top and a leather miniskirt.

"Oh, yeah," Eric rolled his eyes. "you should have heard her an hour ago. She was trying to tell me she was a British model. Can you figure it? I don't think so."

"What? Her, a model?" Kayla raised a brow.

Eric shook his head. "You got me."

Fred walked up, two drinks in his hands. "Here." He thrust the cups towards them. "Squirm for my lady, and a beer for my buddy."

Eric took the cup filled with beer.

"Squirms?" Kayla grabbed the other cup.

"Squirt and Rum." Eric explained.

Kayla sniffed it first but could only smell the citrus of the squirt. Then she took a drink and it warmed her throat as it went down. "There's alcohol in this?"

Fred nodded. "That's the beauty of it. You can't really taste the alcohol when it's mixed with squirt. It gets you drunk faster."

Someone called his name out in the crowd. He turned and waved. "Drink up, Kay. Enjoy!"

Kayla turned to Eric after Fred walked off.

"He's always trying to get me drunk." She heard herself confess.

"He wants everyone drunk." He smiled.

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Kayla stumbled and her drink sloshed over the rim of her cup, down her arm. She laughed as Fred steadied her.

"Sit down," he instructed, pulling up a rickety bar stood behind her. She sat, the ripped vinyl poking her through her jeans. "I think you had too much to drink, Chutney." He took the cup from her hands and emptied it out on the cement floor.

The world was tipping back and forth like a seesaw and even sitting was becoming difficult. She put her head against Fred's side and felt his ribs poking her in the face.

"Tom's going to be totally pissed if he shows up." Fred mused.

"Tom." She muttered, trying to remember why he would be pissed. Then she laughed, tears streaming out the corner of her eyes. "We aren't together, Fred. You know that."

"Yup. I know."

"He won't care."

"Oh, I bet he will."

And even through the alcohol haze she hoped that he would care, because if he cared that meant he loved her.

"Call him."

"Hell, no!"

"Come on, Freddie. Call him."

"No fucking way i'm calling him with you slurring in the background."

The music was cut out as someone changed the record. A few seconds later, Aerosmith's Walk This Way pounded out of the hidden speakers.

"Woo!" Kayla yelled. "I love Aerosmith!" She stood and started dancing. A girl came up then grabbed her hand, they swung around together until Kayla lost her balance and tumbled onto a beanbag chair, laughter straining her stomach muscles.


She opened her eyes at the same time she heard Fred say, "Oh, shit." off in the distance.

"Tom?" She said, then stood and lunged at him. "Tom! where have you been?" He was wearing that cowboy-styled fringe jacket she loved so much. He looked really good in it.

"Are you drunk?"

The feel of his hands around her waist, his blue eyes on her face...

"I love you," She said, leaning into his chest. She wrapped her arms around him and hooked her hands together. "I'm not letting you go."

"Kayla." His voice reverberated through his chest.

"Dude, i'm sorry," That was Fred. "I didn't think she'd get so drunk, i swear."

"I'll take her home." Tom said.

She pulled away and stumbled into Fred. "I don't want to go home." Tears blurred her vision. "Make me a drink, Fred."

"What the man says goes." Fred put his hands up, backing away.

"Fine." She went into the drink room and grabbed a new cup.

"You don't need anymore, Kayla. Listen to me."

"Damn you, Tom!"

He chucked the cup in a trash can.

The room careened more, but her senses were coming back and now she was crying. "I don't want to go home, Tom."

He grabbed her face in his hands and for a second she thought he was going to kiss her, but no, he was just steadying her so he could look in her eyes. "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep."

"You will?"

He wiped the tears from her cheeks. "If you leave now and let me drive you home. Yes." He put his hand on the small of her back and led her out of the drinking room and through the barn. Tom grabbed her coat from somewhere and put it around her.

Fred waved good-bye, and Kayla nodded before slipping into the cold. Tom walked her to his car and helped her inside, even buckling her in. The inside of his car was warm and cozy and dark and before she knew it, she was sleeping.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"Kayla. Wake up."

She opened her eyes and looked over at Tom.

The pounding in her head, the dryness in her mouth, the rolling of her stomach reminded her that this was real, as was the night of drinking.

Now, sitting in Tom's car in the alley behind her house, the pain doubled with toxicity of the alcohol and she jumped out of the car and heaved everything in her stomach out on the ground.

Tom was suddenly there, his hand warm on her shoulder. When she finished, he wove his arm around her waist. Leaning her into the crook of his arm, she shuffled forward, her feet felt like lead weights beneath her.

"Shh," Tom whispered as they went inside, locking the door behind him."

"The girls won't wake up," She heard herself say, maybe too loudly. Or maybe Tom hadn't heard her at all.

They crossed the kitchen to the hallway and then they were in her room safely.

"Bathroom," She said and went into her private bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She brushed her teeth, eyes barely able to stay open. Worry made her hurry through the ritual, fearing that when she went out, she'd find Tom gone.

She rinsed and pulled the door open. He was still there, leaning against the headboard of her bed. She peeled her shoes off, nearly toppling over as she did. She took off her jeans and curled beneath the blanket against Tom.

"You okay?" He asked.

She was silent for a long time, wondering what the right awnser to that question was. If she said she was okay, would he leave? Did he mean "okay" as in was she going to vomit again, or okay as in was she mentally okay?

"I've been better," She muttered. "How long will you stay?"

His fingers stroked her hair, pushing it across her forehead, behind her ear. She shivered. It was little things like this that she loved.

"Until you fall asleep." He said.

"Stay until morning. I miss you." She snuggled farther beneath the blanket, hooking her leg around his.

The thumping of his heart filled the silence that stretched out. She could hear it through his chest as she lay there, waiting, waiting for anything. She sat up.


"Go to sleep, Kayla."

The pounding in her head, the heaviness in her eyes said that yes, sleeping sounded good. She cuddled up next to him again, As if this was the last time she did, she wanted to remember it this way.

"I love you," She whispered.

"You know i love you, too."

She repeated the words over and over in her head as she fell asleep.
(All my posts can be found on my main page. i apprechiate comments and followers, thanks for reading! :)
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