Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
(#) SimplexMinded 2012-02-13
You could try my stuff. SimplexMinded
I don't know why type of Ferards you like but one of my personal favorites is Heaven Help Us. :)Stories!
(#) SimplexMinded 2012-02-13
You could try my stuff. SimplexMinded
I don't know why type of Ferards you like but one of my personal favorites is Heaven Help Us. :)Stories!
(#) CatscanFlyy 2012-02-13
I personally love; Cosmiczombie, Disenchanteddestroya, BoomBoomJude, FuledByFrerard and afabulouskilljoy. there's quite a mix between them
I've written a lot of Frerard but how good it is I don't know however one of mine is green and pretty random it's called Pie C:Stories!
(#) missfunghoul57 2012-02-13
I haven't written any Ferard, but if you'd check out my stuff...I'd really appreciate it! One of my favorites on here was called Sex and Candy, but it hasn't been updated in a while :(Stories!
(#) KobraBlaze 2012-02-13
My favourite authors are DisenchantedDestroya, Catscanflyy and youcanstakemyheart (although they do mostly Frikey they are worth checking out). There are many great writers on this site so do check out alot of them!Stories!
(#) thegirlwhowasonfire 2012-02-13
Catscanflyy, AdnarimSmada, XxxFallenAngelxxX, CosmicZombie, BoomBoomJude all write awesome stuff. Also, It Would Seem I'm Going to Hell by mychemicalbitchbot is really good. Hope this helps you. :)
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