Categories > Original > Drama > London, we love you.

Bethan's moving in.

by TMB_Obsessed 0 reviews

Soraya's part ~

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2012-02-18 - Updated: 2012-02-18 - 164 words

Bethan's P.O.V - 20th February 2012

I sat at my desk, counting my money for London. I pulled my suitcase to my feet and checked if I had everything I needed. I walked downstairs, with my suitcase trailing behind me, "mum, I'm going now." I said, walking into the kitchen.
"Aw, Bethan have a good time and ring me if you need anything" She said, pulling my into a hug.
"I will, I'll be fine" I smiled.
I walked into the hallway where I left my bag and suitcase, "bye Mum. Tell Dad I'll ring him tonight." I shouted before walking out. The taxi pulls up, "to Leeds Train Station please" I say, getting in.
The time on the train passed, and I was soon in London. I walked up the road to the back of flats. I enter. I walk up the stairs to room number 4. A grin appears on my face, as I unlock the door, and explore my new 'house'.
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