Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time

by Marmite74 3 reviews

(FRERARD) When forced to rescue Prince Iero from a tower, will Gerard change his mind about falling in love? Or will Frank be shoved into the arms of Queen Nestor for marriage?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-02-19 - Updated: 2012-02-26 - 1762 words

Okay, oh my God. I had this amazing idea for a fic right… but I was trying to figure out why it was a familiar storyline before I wrote it… but do you wanna know where this idea is from? SHREK. Fucking Shrek, man. Oh well! I’m really gonna enjoy writing this… (excuse the poor grammar in my author’s notes… I write down how I would SAY this to you guys… so the slang comes out as well).

A soft breeze flew across the bright, sunny city, gently caressing the faces of the smiling people scattered like ants on the cobbled grounds. The day was pleasant, and the coloured flags surrounding the market stalls fluttered in the wind as people shopped and chatted, enjoying the good weather.

Queen Nestor however, was not in a pleasant mood. Scowling down on her kingdom with a smug glare she bitterly wondered what the people down below had to be smiling about.

“Ma’am?” A timid, mousy brown-haired boy, no older than 19 called from the doorway of the great castle, holding a silver tray that chattered and shook as he trembled. “I have tea for you, your Highness.”

“About time too!” The Queen snapped, grabbing the tray from the quivering boy. “What took you so long?”

“I… I don’t…” The boy stuttered only to be cut off by the ruler.

“Oh, nevermind. What can I expect? Someone in this godforsaken kingdom to actually do something right for a change!?” She replied bitterly, sinking down into her throne and staring into the castle’s courtyard.

“I…. I’m sorry, your highness. I’ll just g…go.” The servant shook, moving back towards the wooden door slowly.

The Queen sat in her chair and sighed. Was it too much to ask that people just did what she wanted? She walked over to the arching window and rested her head on her hands. ‘I am the most beautiful women in the kingdom, with all the riches in the world. But I want more!’ She thought to herself. ‘And I won’t be satisfied, until I figure out what it is I want.’


Days passed, and the Queen became more and more impatient. She still could not figure out what it was she wanted. She ordered jesters to perform for her, and for the cooks to prepare the most exquisite banquets… but nothing would do. The kingdom had noticed the sudden change in their Queen’s behaviour, but to them, it was nothing. She always wanted something, whether it was a new dress made from the finest silk or a ridiculously expensive pair of shoes, the spoiled ruler was a bad tempered, moody brat, and deserved none of their sympathy for whatever she was yearning after.


“Hey, Mikes! How was your day at Terror Tower?” A young, raven-haired Gerard Way asked his brother, as he opened the door to his small shack and let the man in.

The younger boy scowled at him. “Y’know, it’s really not that bad. Least I get paid for what I do.” He said, sticking out his tongue.

It was Gerard’s turn to frown. “I get paid to draw!”

“Yeah, yeah. You’re nothing but a peasant. I work for our great Queen.” His brother laughed.

“Correction. We’re both peasants… and you and I both know you cannot stand the women, along with everyone else in this city.” Gerard pointed out, going back to his sketch he was drawing.

“I know… it’s called a joke.” Mikey said, rolling his eyes. “You could get a job there too, y’know. And maybe socialize a bit more? The servants get to attend balls and dances-“

“Yadda, yadda, yadda.” Gerard interrupted. “I like being alone. You know that, Mikes. And I’ll be damned if I ever help out that moody bitch with getting tea.”

Mikey laughed. “You do what you gotta do for money, bro. And we don’t always get tea. Sometimes we get to clean as well.” He winked.

Gerard scrunched up his nose. “Scratch my last statement. I’ll be damned if I ever help that moody bitch out with anything.”

Mikey just laughed again, shaking his head at his older brother with an amused smile on his face.


Another pleasant day had bleased the kingdom, and Mikey felt lucky to be working outside with the birds. They sung to him as he picked weeds in the royal gardens, making time pass by a lot quicker.

“Michael Way, Queen Nestor has requested your presence right away in her chamber. I suggest you hurry up.”

“She…. She requested my presence? As in… personally?” He asked in disbelief.

“That’s what I said wasn’t it?” The messenger scowled. “Get a move on.”

Mikey gulped and wiped his hands on his old, tattered trousers. What was that about feeling lucky? Saying a quick prayer to any God that would listen, he made his way to the Queen’s chamber and stood outside the door. He took a few deep breaths before knocking twice.

“Come in!” The women inside screeched.

Mikey hesitated slightly and wondered if he should just run and never return to the kingdom. Surely that was better than facing the dragon on the other side of the door? He shook his head at the thought. There was no way Gerard would survive without him… as much as his brother would deny it. He heaved the door open and walked into the brightly lit room taking in how well decorated it was… a room he would only ever dream of having. He cleared his throat. “You uhm… you wanted to see me?” He asked, his voice shaking slightly.

The Queen narrowed her eyes at the boy and smiled, her eyes shining.“Yes! Yes Michael, please sit!” She called waving in the direction of a cushioned, pink chair, which Mikey sat on gingerly. “You see, you may have noticed I have not quite been my cheerful, happy, unique self recently.” Mikey fought the urge to splutter. “And I have found the reason why!”

“And uhm… what is that reason, your majesty?” Mikey asked, curiously.

“I need a husband!” She called gleefully.

Mikey’s eyes went wide as saucers. “And you want… you want me to…?” He trailed off, his face portraying pure horror.

“Oh good heavens no! Not you! You’re nothing but a silly servant. No. My husband must be beautiful… he must be young and handsome and wild… but above all, he must do exactly as I say at all times!” She told the confused man. “But I need your brother.”

Mikey frowned. “My brother? Gerard? What on earth do you need him for?”

“Your brother is a free spirit. He cannot be tamed… he is perfect! I need him to rescue the object of my desires!” The ruler laughed.

“Rescue…? Where do I come into all of this?” Mikey asked.

“Yes rescue!” She snapped. “His parents locked him away… a tower guarded by a great dragon, so that one day, the love of his life would rescue him and he would get married, living happily ever after.” She explained dreamily.

“So… aren’t you meant to rescue this man?”

She narrowed her eyes again. “I do not have time for such activities! No! Your brother must do it, and you, young Mikey Way… will accompany him!”

“I’m not sure Gerard will agree to this…” Mikey told her doubtfully, knowing full well his brother would not be happy.

The Queen just laughed. “Oh my dear, Gerard doesn’t have to agree to anything, if he doesn’t complete this task… he will be banished from this kingdom!”

Mikey’s mouth opened and closed. “B…but he’s my brother!”

“Better get him to oblige then. Bring him to me and I will tell him the details. Now hurry up… I’m tired, get the maid to come and fluff my pillows and bring your brother to me tomorrow at noon.” Queen Nestor yawned and stretched, waving Mikey away.


“She wants what!?” Gerard screeched, dropping his pencil into his cup of coffee.

“And if you don’t, you’ll be banished!” Mikey cried, hugging his brother. “I don’t want you to go, Gee!”

“How am I supposed to fight a dragon!? Have you seen me? Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m gonna get killed! Burned to a crisp before I’m even 30! Why does this shit always happen to me!?” The man groaned falling onto the makeshift sofa with his head in his hands.

“I dunno Gerard. But you’re gonna have to find a way. You have to come with me to see her tomorrow… she wants to go over ‘details’ whatever that means.” Mikey explained, fearful for his and his brother’s life.

“Okay… I’ll go to her poxy castle… but I’m making no promises, banishment, or no banishment!”


“Are you completely clear as to what you have to do, Mr Way?” The Queen asked sweetly, but the bitterness in her eyes was evident.

Gerard scowled. “Yes. What I’m not clear to is why you want me to do it. I’m not exactly the strongest in the kingdom… plus the fact that you are meant to be the one doing the rescuing… what do I get out of all this?”

The Queen just laughed. “I thought you’d ask that. Well, as well as not being banished, should you complete the task and bring my love to me… I will give you 10,000 gold coins, as well as 10 acres of land in my kingdom.” Gerard and Mikey’s mouths dropped open. “I want you, Gerard because you are the only one suitable for the task. As I told your brother, you are a free spirit. You do as you please, and as irritating for me as that is… it may be useful in getting me my man.” The ruler explained.

Gerard and Mikey looked at each other as the Queen grinned smugly. Gerard reached across the great, wooden table and signed his name on the contract. “I’ll do it.”

The Queen smiled. “Excellent.”

As the boys were leaving, Gerard quickly turned round and asked. “Oh. What’s this man’s name again?”

“Frank. Frank Iero.”

DUN DUN DUN. Yeah… I’m SO SO SO excited about writing this xD But sorry if I get any ‘old-time’ stuff wrong… cause’ I don’t know much about it all xD Rates+reviews would be great xD
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