Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Black n' Red
Chapter 12
2 reviewsAH! ive been so busy. ihavent had the time to even update. yesterday was my birthday and iwas able to use the laptop (yay). uh, im not sure where this is heading but ido know what to write, ithink....
Black n' Red
(#) killjoyrevenge 2012-02-22
love how it started kinda mad at mikey tho...
happy be lated bday...!Author's response
istill need an idea to where this is leading..
&THANK YOU!:DBlack n' Red
(#) killjoyrevenge 2012-02-25
you'll cross that bridge when you get there.......
wonder what mikey will do once he finds out gee invited frankie to stay at their place....hintAuthor's response
you shall read once iupdated.:3 (yes today)
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