Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Never Wanted To Dance

by killjoy_lockandload 1 review

Gerard and Frank have a chat and connect. Hazel get's her twizzlers and Mikey and Gerard talk about the bet.Title is Mindless Self Indulgence.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] - Published: 2012-02-27 - Updated: 2012-02-27 - 707 words - Complete

I apologize too much. Maybe I should stop and actually write for you. Love you all, sorry you have to put up with my nonsense.(there I go again) anyways, enjoy xo

Gerard’s POV
"James I-"
"Shh. Let me do this."
"No. I can’t let you do this."
"Wha-why the fuck not?"
"Because it’s just not right, it’s not-"
I stayed silent.
"Gerard, dude. You have to get over him. I thought that was all said and done.”
“It was but I don’t think I will ever be over him."
"Pull up your pants, let’s have a quick chat."
"I had a similar situation once. Beautiful guy. We were in love. Thought everything was fantastic but I-it just didn’t. Something was missing. But the truth, we drifted. He changed and I changed. We stayed good friends for a while but it didn’t work. Why put yourself in misery? Being friends with an ex is like keeping a dead goldfish. No point. I tried screwing around with other guys for a while but it just wasn’t the same. Hazel helped me get out of that."
"Wow. But how did you see life without him? Like with Frank, he’s my best friend. I never want to lose him. He’s the coolest person I know."
"I don’t know. It kind of just happened. It was the past. If I could go back and be with him I totally would but I need to look past it and that’s exactly what you need to do with Frank. Find him more as a best friend than something more."
"You know something? You’re pretty damn cool."
"I blame Hazel for that. Now come on they want to see you in this dress."
"Ugh okay."
Hazel’s POV
"What’s taking them so long?"
"Think about it, Gerard plus dress equals problems."
“"rue statement Hazel."
"I just wanted my twizzlers is that so hard to ask?"
"Want me to get them for you?"
"No thanks Frankie boy. I’ll go get em and see what’s taking the idiots so long."
I walked into the kitchen to get my twizzler and in the process, I see Gerard fumble out of the bathroom with James trying to keep from laughing.
"Oh my god Gee!"
"Shut the fuck up or I’ll pop your eye out with one of these puppies."
"Oh you wouldn’t do that to poor wittle Hazel!"
"Bite me."
"That’s what she said."
"I’m taking this shit off."
"No, the guys still haven’t seen you!"
"Screw the guys."
"Now that’s what she said."
"That tears it!"
He took off the heels and chased me. Little did he realize I ran straight into the living room.
"Hey dudes, look who I found, Miss. Gerard Way."
"You bitch."
"You love me."
"Oh. My. God. Gee."
"Torfro you say one more fucking thing and I’ll-"
"Screw him?"
"Couldn’t help it."
For the next hour Mikey, Ray, Frank and I kept making fun of Gerard an d making him do shit, James just sat there and watched, casually laughing with his eyes glued to Gerard.
After that fiasco Gerard got his shit back on and we were chilling again..this time with my twizzlers.
"So Mikes, you said you and Gerard had an ongoing bet..what the fuck was it where one of you-or well-in this case both of you had to wear a dress?"
"Goddamn, it was a loong time ago like what 2 months?"
"I think about 3 or something."
"Anyways it was around fucking 7 in the morning. Gerard and I didn’t sleep at all. We were talking about stupid shit and we came up with this bet..

Ooooh cliff hanger! Hope you liked it and again SO SO SOOOO sorry it took so long. I still need to get to the store and buy candy for a few friends. Legit I buy candy for them when I owe them something, I give em candy. I need to buy a lot. -random fact about me- anyways how are you all doing? Still like the story? Let me know loves
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