Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cinderfella

Chapter 4

by thegayestgoth 4 reviews

"But I don't wanna go to school!"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-03-04 - Updated: 2012-03-04 - 851 words

03-04-2012 UPDATE: It's been nearly a year since I've written shit. More or less about MCR, mostly because I am not happy with MCR right now. I am especially mad at Gerard...we had a mutual friend and some shit went down about three years ago, and I'm still really pissed about it. Oh well. Whatever. At any rate, it is 3:30 in the morning and I had the sudden urge to write a little bit of something. It's going to be short because I have to go to bed. My housemates aren't too happy with my constant sleeping. I'll post an update about what's happened to me over the last two years and why FicWad hasn't been on my list of priorites. But back to Cinderfella. This is really cute story thus far, and I want to see what's going to happen to the girls. Rate and REVIEW, folks. My career as a writer heavily depends on my readers' reviews. Thank you and read on, my darlings. :) ~mr gayestgoth

Two weeks after the video shoot...

"Jill, you're not wearing that to school."

"But I like it!"

"I understand you like it. Now go change."

"But why?"

"You are not going to school dressed like a Kardashian."

Jill huffed upstairs, sighing exaggeratedly.

"And put some underwear on with that skirt! I'm going to check!"

Jill shouted something inaudible as a reply as thumping could be heard.

Amanda and Regina stood in the doorway, looking at Jill's retreating footsteps. Brian turned to look at the twins. "Girls," he began. "Is there a reason you're just standing there, and not at the table eating your breakfast?"

Amanda and Regina went back to the table to finish their organic vanilla flax-seed cereal.

Milana came downstairs wearing too much blue eyeshadow and white booty shorts. Everyone stared.

Brian coughed, slightly shocked, but somewhat expectant. Milana had been trying to push Brian's buttons for the last week and a half, from watching Jersey Shore to getting caught stealing lipgloss from Limited Too. It was that Angelique girl Milana'd been hanging out with as of late.

"Milana, go ch--"


Regina and Amanda, who'd been clearing away the breakfast dishes, stopped and stared even more, their eyes wide with awe. Jill, who came back downstairs wearing a longer skirt with leggings underneath and a fitted polo shirt, halted mid-step.

None of them ever told Brian no.

Brian grabbed his keys and said in a very even, controlled voice, "All four of you, get in the car right now. Please."

Silently, the four girls picked up their backpacks, took their lunches, and silently walked out the door.

"I think you made Brian really mad," Jill said to Milana once they were in the car.

"Yeah," Regina agreed. "He's been really nice to us. You shouldn't do that."

Milana crossed her arms defiantly. "So?" she smirked and bobbed her head in that obnoxious way only those irritating black girls do. "He ain't my daddy. Plus, he ain't go do nuttin' to me. What he go do? Ground me? You saw how he didn't make me go change." Milana turned to Jill and smiled snottily. "He made jou go change, though."

Jill hung her head down. "I changed because I wanted to." She said timidly.

Milana just grinned even nastier. "What-eva. Brian said you looked like a straight-up hoe."

Jill's face turned red, and tears started to fall her cheeks.

"Don't be tryna be like me, lil girl. You got a long way to go befo' you can be dis fine, baby girl." Then Milana bust out laughing, cruel-like.

"You're a mean girl, Milana," Amanda said, handing Jill a pretty pink tissue. "You'd better be careful. Mean girls have bad stuff happen to them."

Milana flicked her bangs out of her eyes and chuckled, crossing her legs. "Don't hate, appreciate."

Brian came into the car, put Pixie in the front seat, and drove the girls to school in silence. He had to hurry and drop them off; Pixie had gotten sicker since the video shoot and wasn't getting any better. Brian needed to get her to the hospital right away.

"All right, girls," Brian said when he got to River Phoenix Middle School. "I'll see you later." He kissed them all through the window. Milana stopped and cast a worried glance at Pixie sweating in her flannel polka dot pajamas. "Is she...going to be okay, B-Brian?"

Brian sighed, putting his anger aside for a moment. "Yes. She'll be fine. That's why we're going to the doctor now."

"Are you sure?"

"I promise."


Milana signaled for Brian to wait as she walked over to the other side of the car. Brian rolled down the window, but Milana opened the door. "I love you, Gerard. Okay?" Milana said. "You're my best friend. I love you, okay?" Milana kissed her brother on the cheek, unbeknowing that even though Pixie had heard the words, she finally succumbed to the high fever that'd been haunting him for nearly three weeks but just after barely hearing Mikey say, "'You're my best friend.'"
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