Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Killing in the name of Hate

by mcr_mad1 5 reviews

Gerard's had enough, the taunts, the bullies. But with one rash action, his whole life could come crumbling down.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-03-04 - Updated: 2012-03-04 - 1224 words

Chapter 1:

I walked down the dark street my footsteps echoing in the empty road. I kept my head down, not wanting to be noticed by anyone who happened to be walking by. Behind me I heard police sirens, terror rolled through me, how could they have come so quickly? How had they found the body that fast?! I thought that I hid it well enough that they wouldn't find it until tomorrow, at least.

Someone must have stumbled on him, shit. I sped up racing through the desolate side streets. I had to get home, I would be safe there. They wouldn't find me there. I hoped not.

I hadn't meant to do it, it wasn't a planned murder. It just happened. Those jocks had been bullying me for years, Daniel had been the worst. They teased me on how I looked, what I listened to and my art-which they thought was gay. I'd had enough of the constant torture making me hate myself, and who I really was.


I sat down on the park bench, glad to be on my own. School was hell as usual. I'd been shoved into too many lockers to count, and everyone else looking on just ignored it. I opened my bag and pulled out my sketchpad and began to draw, it soothed me but the drawing turned into a sinister picture of my school in flames with everyone still inside.

Frank, my best friend had gone straight home after school. Sometimes he was the only person that kept me from going mad, we had made friends in our junior year of high school. And were branded the school freaks, but Frank never seemed to give a shit.

I looked up, staring at the sky dreaming of the time when I could leave this hell hole I called home. Until I heard a cruel laugh.

"Hello, freak" I whipped around and saw Daniel Herton striding towards me. I instantly regretted coming here, he was already too close there was no escape now.

"I also go by Gerard, just incase you didn't know." I retaliated sarcastically. He scowled at tme, I flinched and turn away agin. He walked infront of the bench I had been sitting on, facing me.

"Oh wow! What have you been up to, Fag? Drawing, aww how cute." He grabbed my sketchpad and ripped up my latest drawing, laughing.

"Hey, you fucktard. Give it back!" I shouted back at him, I wish Frank was here he always comes up with great comebacks. I tried pick up my bag and stand up just wanting to get out of there, but Daniel pushed me back with a menacing look.

"Going somewhere, faggot?" I don't think so. Ya'know what I'm looking forward to? Your brother, Mickey, Mikey whatever coming to highschool. Next year isn't it? Then I can beat the shit out of both of you. I'm going to mess him up so bad!" He said.

I froze while he said this, he could bully and beat up me, but not my little brother. No way. Daniel had turned away, and was sauntering down a small path covered by trees.

It was then that some thing snapped inside of me, all the hurt, rage and hatred for Daniel and his friends burst out from me at once. I started shaking with silent anger, I turned and silently followed Daniel into the trees.

I followed him as quietly as possible. Everthing that had gone wrong lately, all came back to me. Every cruel word that he ever said, every single weird look I had got from people at school. Scornful glances for my dark style, mean words when I talked in class. I felt like smashing something up!

Daniel had stopped by a tree and took out his lighter from his pocket, and then fumbled around for a cigarette. His fingers kept on slipping as he tried to light it.

Suddenly, something click. My body took over, and my brain had no control over what was happening. I looked around on the ground and picked up a small log, which I could just about lift. As I picked it up, the leaves rustled around it and Daniel's head snapped up.

"Who's there? Hello..." He said warily. Then, assuming it was some kind of animal went back to lighting his cigarette. I took the chance and rushed forward.

The rest is a blur, I count of how many times I hit him. He went down after the first blow to the head, crumpling under the weight of the log. I took my anger out on him, when I stopped the log was covered in sticky, red blood. Dripping everywhere.

It was then when I realised what I had done, I started shaking again. I felt like collapsing but I had to calm down. I grabbed Daniel's body and dragged him into a cluster of bushes next to me, I got some branches and leaves and threw them on him; until he was mostly covered.

I looked up, seeing that it was nearly dark. The park would be closing soon, I had to get out of here. I grabbed my school bag and ran off down the party, away from that place. I felt tears running down my face, I had really fucked up this time.

Real time:

My hands were shaking as I unlocked my front door, I dumped my bag on the stairs and headed upstairs. My parents were out for the night, and Mikey was staying at a friends house. I was alone, my room seemed to start spinning and I felt physically sick. What was I going to do?

I've never been a very violet person but it felt like a white rage set over me, I couldn't stop myself! I would go to jail, maybe until I die. I couldn't deal with that, shit.

Frank would never forgive me, my parents would disown me. And Mikey, oh god.

Suddenlt I realised, I didn't have to deal with this. I could escape it all, I could make it all go away. For ever. I stood up up cautiously, but my head was still spinning. I collapsed onto a set of shelves. I heard smashing and felt share stabs of pain in my arm but I was too busy with the job at hand.

I made my way to the bathroom, and steadied myself against the bathtub. My hands fumbled with the handle of the cabinet, once it was open I saw my goal. I grabbed the packet of Asprin, and sat on the closed seat of the toilet.

I was shaking so much I could barely pierce the foil of the pills, once I had I paused. Could I really bring myself to do this? Did I have the guts?

Before I could answer that I swallowed the pills, dry. I don't know how many I took but I hoped that it would be enough, I didn't want to wake up. I returned to my bedroom and laid on the bed, 10 minutes pater I started to shiver violently but I was sweating at the same time.

I just wanted to sleep, should I write a note? But I then decided against it, no time. Then I stared up at my ceiling, as the pills took over...
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