Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Truth is inevitable

Sumertime: part 2

by MCR_Killjoy_A 2 reviews

Aimee admits a lot, and I mean a lot

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-03-13 - Updated: 2012-03-13 - 716 words

Okay people, I've tried to make this chapter long, the only thing is I have to write it on my blackberry...... So yeah, looks a lot longer on here then it actually is. Well, here ya go! Enjoy..........


Aimee's P.O.V

I walked into the room, it was...... Amazing! There were 2 black walls, and 2 blood red walls, one opposite the other, so it went Red, black, red, black (A/N just to make sure it was clear :P ) there was a massive black double bed, with dark Purple bed sheets. There was a white desk with tons of art supplies.
"I heard you like art," Gerard said smiling, there was a black glossy wardrobe, with one door slightly open, so I walked over and opened both the doo-

"BOO!!!" Screamed 3 guys in scream masks.
"What the hell!" I screamed in surprise and punched the middle guy in the face.
"FUDGE!" Screamed the guy, the other two guys pulled off their masks laughing, the guy on the left was........ Mikey Way and the guy on the right was Frank Iero..... That means Crap! I just punched Ray Toro in the face! And he just said fudge...... I haven't said that since year 6! Ha! I started laughing.
"Hey!" He wined, "that wasn't funny!"
"Dude, I am sorry, but seriously? Did you just say fudge?"
"Hey, force of habit!"
"I know, but I haven't said that since I was 11! Haha hey, I'm Aimee, but I guess you know that..... Or maybe you don't? I don't know."
"Haha Ray"
The guys all said one after another.

"So now you've meet the guys!" Gerard said, "how are you gonna decorate your room?"
"He's been so excited to hear what your gonna' say for ages!" Lyn-Z laughed.
"Why not decorate it like your old room?" Frank suggested.
"That might not be such a good idea....." I replied.
"Why not?" Mikey asked.
"It just wouldn't." I said embarrassed as I remembered my old room, it was completely covered with MCR posters and pictures, their music scattered around the place and whole folders on my desktop devoted to just pictures of each individual member, some with over 600 photos in them.
"Oh, I know why." Frank smirked.
"Oooohhhh......" Everyone else said in unison as they smiled at me.
"Alright," I cringed "I guess you guys should sit down on the bed for this. I'm gonna have to tell you sooner or later anyway,". I sighed, they all sat down holding back smiles and giggles.

"Okay so yes, I was errgghh... rather a 'big fan' as in yes, your were like all over my wall, and yes I can play 'welcome to the black parade' on 4 different instruments and I know all the words to all of your songs, and own literally everything you've ever produced. You guys were my heros and still are. You see this?" I say as I lift my sleeve up to reveal tones of old scars up and down my arm. "You guys stopped me from cutting, you guys showed me that I was worth something, that it's okay to be different, that I'm not the disappointment child that I shouldn't give a shit about what people think of me. And the most important thing was even when I felt like nobody cared and I was all alone, I felt like you guys were there through your music. And because of you guys, I made a friend. My best friend, her name is Holly, the only reason we became friends is because you guys brought us together, we both liked, no loved your guys' music, and from then on life got better. So really I owe you my life, one of my biggest hopes and aims in life was to meet you guys and thank you, so yeah......."
"Wow." Frank said. Gerard got up and just gave me a hug.
"We didn't realise how much we had helped people, I mean we knew people said it, especially with the whole 'MCR saved my life thing' we didn't know how much they ment it." Mikey said in awe
"I know a good few sites I can show you guys in person if you want, some stories are amazing." I spoke softly.
"We would like that." Ray smiled at me.
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