Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Secrets

Chapter 2: Bath

by TheFiresJustBatheUs 0 reviews

Maybe he was hurting just as much.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-03-16 - Updated: 2012-03-16 - 866 words

I hope this chapter is a bit of an improvement on the last, and I'm really sorry for the long wait please review and rate this so I know what you all think. Sophie //_^

[Frank's POV]
I sunk down against the side of the bathtub, yes I sit sideways, fully clothed in the bath when it's empty! It's my thinking place, I was so relieved to be home. I couldn't have stayed on the bus a day longer so I was glad that the tour had finished. They all hated me I just knew it, I was the one that introduced everyone to Mike. My face immediately scrunched up at the thought of his name, that fucking dick! I should never have told him the things I did, right now all I wanted was to build a time machine and hire Pete as our drummer instead of him hell I choose his crap skills over his lies any day... well now at least.

I sat there in silence for what seemed like years picking at a hole in my beloved jeans, well it was probably just 10 minutes but it felt like years. Suddenly a loud guitar solo and the vibrating sound of my phone on the cold bath surface broke my trance-like state, I mumbled a few curse words and steadied my sudden breathing to check the caller ID; 'Fro.

"Hey Frank it's me... Ray, listen I was just checking in to see if you was ok we haven't heard from you for a week or so are you ok? ...Well you can't exactly answer that but just so you know I'm hear to talk if you need me. Call back when you get this...I'm worried." He whispered the last two words as if there was someone intercepting the call and he didn't want them to hear. I'd decided to just let my phone ring off, I needed to be alone.


I don't know how I managed to fall asleep in the bath like I did but when I woke up a few hours later my neck and lower back stung like fuck. I got up weakly and stretched hearing a few of my bones crack back into place, I padded down the stairs and wandered into the kitchen fixing myself a drink of water. Just as I was about to flick on the TV I heard a knock at the door, I glanced at the clock in the corner of the room; 6:00pm. Well who the hell was that no one just popped round to see me I was hardly ever in so people always rang ahead, my train of thought was interrupted by shouting at the front door.

"Frank open up!" commanded Ray. Well that answered my question and to answer his, No! I bobbed down next to the wall so that he couldn't see me through the window, at least I thought I did.

'"Frank I can see your foot poking out, you're not fooling anyone bro'." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice, I winced and slowly got up facing him through the glass.

"Go away Ray I'm busy!" Well he clearly wasn't falling for that.

"You either open this door or I kick it down, it's your choice." He flung his arms in the air for added emphasis.

I rolled my eyes and wandered over to the door unlocking it, seconds later Ray was in.


"Dude just talk to me, no offense but you're a mess we have to help you, help each other. Like we always do when shit happens" Ray sighed I looked up from my lap and met his eyes for a split second before looking away again.

"But it's my fault." I mumbled defeated.

"What?" Ray sounded so shocked.

"All of this it's my fault. Mike, him stealing, all the upset. It's MY fault!" I croaked on the verge of tears, I'm not afraid to cry I never have been but I didn't want to cry over THIS.

Ray placed his hand on my shoulder "Frank this isn't your fault you can't think that, you never forced him to act out like he did. It's just something that's bad luck I guess. You can't blame yourself over this no one can, he made the decision. If he hadn't of done it to us it would have been someone else who maybe couldn't handle it as well, we stopped him before it was too late. It's over now we have to just move forward and carry on." I couldn't help but noticed he'd not said his name once in that massive speech, maybe he was hurting just as much.

"Really?" Erm stupid question much?

"Really." Ray smiled at the last statement. "Look I'm gonna head off, I have to go sort some stuff out at home, but promise me you'll ring me tomorrow so we can all meet up for coffee or something." He continued whilst pulling on his shoes.

"Yeah ok, listen Ray thanks I owe you." I smiled, for the first time in a while.

"I'll hold you to that!" Ray chuckled as he shut the front door behind him.
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