Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > AUDITIONS :D


by TheBalladOfPhoebe 3 reviews

Drum Roll Please XD

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-17 - Updated: 2012-03-17 - 163 words - Complete

HELLLOOO :D First of all i'd just like to say a massive thankyou to everybody who auditioned, i loved reading all of your entries and thankyou so much for all your support!
Okiedokie, now time for the results! :D

Lead Vocalist: Rebekah Anne Sharp (Obsessive-fangirl)

Backing Singer (I know this wasnt orginally in the audition but i really loved the idea of this character) : Fia Azura (GotSparkle)

Bass Player : Zia Iris Baker (KilljoyMinnieIero)

Guitarist : Christina Destiny Harrison (RydenShipper)

Drummer : Gabriella Jordan Carrillo (FrankieXIero)

Random Best Friend : Yasmine Nicole Amurri (Cosmic Collision) *I know you auditioned for drummer but i had a brain wave about a storyline that heavily includes your character XD

Again thankyou sooooooooooo much to everybody who auditioned and i'd just like to say that even if your character hasnt been picked they will most likely randomly appear throughout the story :') I hope to have the first chapter out by friday, so keep an eye out! Much love, Phoebe xx
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