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Round 4

by lefoutre 2 reviews

My Lesbian Romance, Fuck the Title I Can't Think of One, Don't Google Yourself

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-24 - Updated: 2012-03-25 - 1020 words

I'm back from the bitchfit (sorry Kelseychem I couldn't help but use the term) with 1 suggested and 2 randoms! (Hah, like sex... wait, what? Sorry.)

(suggested by JustYourAverageGirl)
My Lesbian Romance
By xx_eddi_xx
Olivia, or “Ollie”, moves to New Jersey. Well, moved isn’t exactly the right word, especially not when she had to make the change due to her mother finding out her daughter was homosexual. Not fun times. When school starts up, Ollie discovers that her school isn’t exactly a peaceful place, and she needs to balance her friends and her opposing home-life, all whilst in crushes with one Bandit Way. Yup, you heard right,
I don’t really have much to say about this fic—there was a missing word or two, I counted exactly 1 incorrect tense, though it was used in speech, so it may have just been the character being psycho, and I think I only found a grand total of 1 grammar mistake, a minor one at that. That was all in the span of 15000 words. Fuck. Yeah. My only problems with the mechanics were completely personal and rather stupid, it was all names. Rodger—I know I’m an idiot, but my mind keeps pronouncing it ‘rod-grrr’, not ‘rod-jer’as I presume I should think of it. The other one was Blair—Blair Witch Project, and the cat-lady from Soul Eater (I’ve made a fuckload of Soul Eater references, which is odd, I’m not even particularly fond of the manga/anime.) The only other problems I had with this were the characters and the drama. I understand that’s it’s supposed to be dramatic but OMIGOD I’M DYING HERE, BRO! I just… can’t compute. The characters, I think I really don’t like when people do auditions. You see the same OCs over and over, it’s kind of irritating. I don’t want Layla Price (love that chick, her username is xXLaylaXx) randomly kissing Gerard when he’s on a date with Frank, then being a Lesbian hooker. Nuh-uh. Just… le sigh. I really like it when people come up with their own characters, though I understand it creates hype for the story. AND THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM! I’m just, like, dying. Fucking being butchered here, guys. It’s not cool, not cool at all. I love the story, I really do, it’s just overload and I don’t remember that Appollina’s nickname is Apple (I only remember for an audition one of my friends did, and I’m pretty sure I spelt that wrong…), or who her best friend is or her sexual orientation and OMIGOD WHY IS EVERYONE HOMOSEXUAL?! (except for two or so characters) Is it really that common? Whatever, whatever. This story seems very unrealistic, but it’s very original and I do understand why it has all 5s, the grammar is impeccable. I could just kiss xx_eddi_xx, but I won’t because… Well, I don’t think that’s possible through the internet. And she might be a tad freaked out if I kissed her out of the blue…Yes, let’s not do that, okay? Good. But yes. I liked it very much, and had been avoiding it recently out of my lust for Frerard and nothing else—not even Waycest, something I usually crave. But this was a good break from Gerard Gerard Gerard, or Frank Frank frank, or Mikey Mikey Mikey, yanno?
8.5/10 (Highest rating I have given—this is only my tenth review, though, so I’m not sure it counts.)

Fuck the Title I Can’t Think of One
By mychemicalbitchbot
Gerard is popular, can push people around. Frank’s not, but he’s not bullied, either. One day, our punk little Frank sees a Social Distortion loving Gerard at the records store. It’s a WTF moment, and Gerard asks Frank not to tell the people at school about this side of him. Then Frank’s parents decide to get a foster kid, and guess who? Gerard, and it turns out shit happened in his past.
AH THE TENSES! Awful, just… dying inside. At least one tense fuck per chapter, just no bro… no. There’s a decent amount of characters, nothing explosive. This story is like a subtle explosion, a begging for eruption and none of the sweet relief. That was oddly poetic. Anyway, there are a couple spelling mistakes TEAR NOT TARE, and a few places where shit has been forgotten. That’s all, my mind is fucked from the 600 word long review of My Lesbian Romance. Besides, she posted again and brought the story to the top so I thought I’d type up review… still sick and bored.
7.9/10 (Meh.)

Don’t Google Yourself
By AdnarimSmada
Gerard discovers fan-fiction. And has to get in on it.
Oh God, this stoy made me giggle so much. There’s Frerard, and other pairings I don’t know from bands I don’t listen to (I don’t listen to shit. MCR and A7x, that’s about it. I actually like some cello remakes of Nirvana… I’m rambling, sorry.) but it’s cool, and I know it would have been more of an experience if I knew the other boys, but it was still enjoyable. I haven’t gotten to the end, I’m still around chapter 12 (shut up. I take forever to read anything more than 20000 words. I’m still on chapter 60 something of First of the Gang to Die), but I really like it thus far. The characters are balanced, I remember seeing a few mistakes but it wasn’t rip-my-hair-out-run-screaming-in-circles atrocious, so cool beans. Hm… I just remember liking it a lot, it’s one of those that you have to take your time with and really enjoy, you can’t just rush into it.

Ah... I feel obligated to write something. Hm... I'm going to post these in 3-review intervals, just keep that in mind.
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