Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Give me a shot to remember.

by broken_city_sky 0 reviews

So, here's a story based on my Frerard oneshot.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-03-28 - Updated: 2012-03-28 - 1130 words

OK, like I said in the summary, its the story following on from my oneshot. FRERARD. Please let me know what you think :) xo

Gerard's POV

I shake my head violently to prevent myself from falling asleep. I've never been very good at this whole school thing. It's just not in my intrests, y'know?

I've been at this school for exactly 4 days now and it's quite the oppisite that they promised it would be. So far nobody has welcomed me- yet they told me i'd make plenty of friends.
I've been chucked around like a piece of shit in the hallways- even though they said they didn't allow bullying. And lastly, my education is going no where, these teachers can't control my classes. Cause if it's not a group of guys smoking weed in the back of the classroom, its a clan of slutty little girls talking about how wet Justin Bieber makes their vagina.

I can honestly say, my highschool experience is and will be a load of crap.
Only another year and I can go and explore 'the outside world'.

Thinking about it, all I really want to do is go to art school and try make a career out of showing off my work in an art gallery or something. I highly doubt the type of things I produce is what they would like to be showed to everyone, though.

But will this fucking teacher shut up about Boudicca?! Jeez.

I flip out my timetable and read what lesson I have next..English. Finally, something that might actually help me when i'm older? And yes, I am very concerned with my education! I don't want to end up with a totally fucked up life. I want to make the most of what i've got. This isn't just a dress rehersal, this is the real show. You only get one chance at it- Living, that is. Unless you're a vampire or something, then you've just fucked with my brain cells right now!

After 5 minutes of the teacher babbling on about Boudica, unsure that i'm awake or asleep, I hear the bell go off for next lesson.
I reach for my bag and wander about the halls to kill some time, well not literally go and kill
'some time' whoever that may be. Just for something to do.


I find my English classroom and knock on the door. (I need to introduce myself to the teacher)
I hear an old but cheery voice shout "Come in", so I do.
I walk up to the small but quite fat figure, they turn around.
"Can I help you, are you lost?" She asks, smiling at me.
"No, my name's Gerard Way, i'm new and I think you're my English teacher?"
I raise my eyebrows and pout, one of my little habits I do, don't ask me why
"Oh of course, sweetie! I was informed that there was a new student. Now, since you're here go around the desks and put these sheets down by every chair. Then once you're done, go and sit on the back left desk, only one other person sits there so you won't have to talk to anyone..I er, heard about your past in your other school? Well, I don't know. Frank's a nice guy"
I nod and do as I was told, then trapse over to the back desk.

I get my equipment out and prepare for the lesson, I like to give a good impression. Ohh, that rhymed and I should stop talking to myself. Shut up Gerard.

"Hurry the fuck Iero or i'll torture you in so many different ways" I hear a girl say seducively. Jesus, what is this? A porno? This is an English class!

I look up to see a guy walking my way. Probably 'Iero'. What a weird name, sounds Italian or something.The guy's wearing Black skinny jeans that wrap themselves around his neatly curved legs along with an Iron Maiden top and converse. I wouldn't mind a bit of him but I should really just stop staring now. I look down and cover my face with my long black hair. I suppose you could say i'm hiding. Yeah, i'm hiding from the cute guy.

"I can see you, dude" a deep husky voice says on top of all of the laughs coming from the class flowing in the room.
My head shoots up and I feel my cheeks burn a bright red shade. OH GOD WHAT AM I MEANT TO SAY?
The guy flashes his teeth smiling from ear to ear.
"I'm sorry, I just have long hair and just it covers my eyes and y'know I need to get it cut really but-" "I was kidding! Seriously chill out, your hair's pretty cool. Don't get it cut" He still smirks, while my cheeks contine to turn into some sort of bright red colour. Oh god HEADRUSH!

I lean my head into my hands and try and push away the pain, oh shit the pain..
"bro, whats up?" Iero asks me
"are you ok?" he whispers, leaning closer to me now, sounding rather concerned.
I point towards my pocket then look up, kinda dizzy and everything. I see the guy hand me a drink followed with two of my tablets. I quickly swallow them and sink into my chair.

These fucking tablets. I must have forgotten to take them.

The teacher begins to talk but everything is a blur. I rest my head against the window and breath slowly..

I turn my head slighty and realise that he's been sitting next to me this whole time, HIM.
"I'm so sorry about before" I choke, yes, choke..i'm still getting over my headrush.
"Don't worry about it, try not to forget taking them. It really fucks up the prescription. Oh, I'm Frank, I just saved your life" Frank giggles. I giggle too, sounding rather pathetic.
"Thanks. And i'm Gerard and you just saved my life" I snort.
"No shit Sherlock" he winks.

We don't talk for the rest of the lesson but when it's finished he finally speaks again.
"So you're new?" he asks
"Fourth day" I reply
"Shit isn't it?" Frank smiles, should I reply?! "But hey, let me walk you home. Don't want you getting lost now" He giggles.
"I know where I live but i'd appreciate the company, thank you" I grin, a clan of butterflys swimming around in my stomache.
"Don't mention it, just meet me at the gates. I have a few things I need to sort out" He says while giving me a nudge on the shoulder, I feel it tense up at the contact between us.
I nod my head and watch him run out of the room. Leaving me.
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