Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars

Jared, Lord of War

by echeloncookie 1 review

I had to write this for my Mythology class last semester; see more in the story details. R&R please!

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2012-03-28 - Updated: 2012-03-29 - 631 words - Complete

I wrote this for my Mythology class and I will USE it as long as I am in that class! Please DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY, as I have copyrights over everything except some of the characters, such as Jared Leto and Lord Of War. I wrote this and I saved a ton of time by using the same essay and made the same grade. I am posting this as a time-builder cuz I haven't written anything yet.

Jared, Lord of War

In the beginning, there was the Sky, the Earth, the Underworld, and the Sea. The gods and goddesses of these worlds were constantly quarreling, causing humongous thunderstorms, earthquakes, and hurricanes. The only peace from their quarrels was when the Lord of War, named Jared, showed up with a unique peace offering: Let him rule their domain, and their pesky quarrels would be no more. Refuse him, and war would break out, whether they want it to or not. The four gods and goddesses - Stella, goddess of the Sky; Luke, god of the Earth; Raphael, god of the Underworld; and Brenna, the goddess of the Sea - all considered it in their chambers. They decided to take him up on his offer, after he went through some rigorous tasks. They told him he had to carry five heavy boulders up a fifty-foot hill, causing him to sweat and create us humans and other creatures such as animals, insects, and reptiles. When he carried off the task easily they told him to swim a hundred miles across the freezing sea. He carried this task off like it was nothing, and with his words of promise that he'd finish that daunting task he created order between the gods and goddesses. His last task required much more than carrying boulders or swimming miles across a sea; it required him fighting a fire-dragon and his master, the Lord of Fire, Christopher. With Jared’s great sea-serpent and Christopher’s great fire-dragon, calamity wreaked havoc among their new world. While these two great entities fought, more and more creations were brought forth: Jared, with his terrible war-powers, and Christopher, with his horrible fire-powers, brought forth the entire galaxy as a whole. The powers that clashed between them caused so much creation and destruction the gods and goddesses of the Sky, the Earth, the Underworld, and the Sea all accepted Jared's peace offering. The quarrels that troubled them were no more. The gods and goddesses of the Sky, the Earth, the Underworld, and the Sea crowned Jared King of All Worlds, and decided that Christopher shall be the King’s Hand. They also decreed that if anything were to happen to Jared, the King, Christopher would become King. The new King decided that each one of the gods and goddesses should have a place in his kingdom, and he gave them each new titles. Lady Stella, goddess of the Sky, and Lady Brenna, goddess of the Sea, were both still goddesses but were also caretakers of the kingdom. Lord Luke, god of the Earth, and Lord Raphael, god of the Underworld, were both leaders of the kingdom’s army, as was Christopher. The army, which called themselves the Echelon, was specially trained to fight until they couldn’t fight no more. When war broke out among Jared’s kingdom and his rival, Lord Lee’s kingdom, he went with his army to fight against Lee’s army. Near the end, Jared had to sacrifice himself to save his kingdom, making Christopher the new king. Now Lord Lee is no more and the gods and goddesses are helping Christopher make his kingdom better. He prays daily to Jared for guidance and wisdom and he answers his prayers by sending him faraway guests to help guide him.
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