Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Break Your Little Heart

Here We Go Again

by mychemicalpony 1 review

Yet another day at school for Frank, and we learn something about Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2012-03-30 - Updated: 2012-03-30 - 1895 words

Okay, so I'm gonna try and make this as interesting as possible and not take the whole I love you and I love you too and then they live happily ever after route, it's actually gonna have a story behind the Frerardness which my other one doesn't really have. And I apologise if it gets a tad complicated. Hehe enjoy

Here We Go Again

Frank woke up early for once, instead of yelling abuse at his alarm clock at the last minute. He was still confused about what he felt about Gerard, because whenever he thought about the other boy he had butterflies and thought that he was perfect. Then he remembered all the things he had done and gone from loving him to hating him more than anyone else EVER. Well, maybe apart from Hitler. But Hitler was just evil. Frank went through his usual routine of defying Gerard's 'rules' and lining his eyes with black eyeliner. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought he didn't look too bad, considering he didn't get that much sleep.

He packed his bag and went downstairs, put his earphones in and chose to listen to Black Veil Brides, who 'belonged' to Bob apparently. Frank didn't let that thought get in the way of enjoying the music, and ignored Linda's protests for him to have breakfast. He saw that he still had half an hour until the bus came, but he wanted to be alone and think about Gerard so he opened the door to the sunshine. He stepped outside, and found it was even hotter than yesterday, and decided to pull off his hoodie, revealing an All-American Rejects t-shirt underneath. Frank quickly stuffed his hoodie in his bag and started walking in a random direction, which just happened to be towards the bus stop.

As he strolled along the side of the road he wondered if today would be any better than usual, and decided that he'd have to wait and see, because Gerard said he'd talk to the short boy more, but whether he would keep that promise, Frank could only guess. He smiled to himself as Rebel Love Song came on, and thought to himself that he certainly would be a rebel if he and Gerard got together, because a gay couple wasn't exactly the norm in New Jersey. You'd get beaten up for it, and the beatings in Belleville were a lot worse than average. A couple of kids had actually been beaten to death a couple of weeks ago.

Frank arrived at the bus stop a full 20 minutes before he needed to be there, so he say on the bench and turned up the volume really loud. He started humming out loud as Ritual came on - it was his favorite song from Set The World On Fire - and tapped along with the beat with his foot. He startled in surprise when Jack poked him on the shoulder, and hastily turned around with a scowl etched on his face. 'Whatdya want?'

'Oh, just for you to stop humming along to a suicide cult-' Jack started to say, before Frank had punched him in the face, leapt over the bench and swiftly kicked him in the balls. A satisfied grin crept onto his face as Jack doubled over in pain, cursing under his breath. 'That's what you get for calling them a suicide cult band. Don't ever call them that again or you won't escape with your manlihood'

Jack whimpered and - still bent over - slowly went back to his friends, who didn't really look very simpathetic, because it was Jack who started it. Frank felt something had lifted from him, like when he punched Jack, it wasn't just because he was a dickhead, it was like all his anger at Gerard had disappeared into thin air.

Frank made a point of turning it up really loud, and decided to listen to Smashing Pumpkins. The bus came eventually and Frank sat right at the back where the 8th graders wouldn't bother him too much. He slouched in his seat as usual and stared out of window. He found he couldn't take his mind off Gerard, and sighed as he imagined Gerard telling him he loved him as well because it was clearly never going to happen. Not with Brendon on the scene. Or Alex, for that matter.

Frank met the others like usual, and he actually considered telling Ray and Mikey about his feelings for Gerard, but he decided it would be better when he knew for sure. Then again, Mikey had helped him through his depression and Ray had been his bestfriend for 10 years, so they kind of had a right to know. Nah, I'll leave it, he thought once and for all. They all chatted about school for a moment, and then Mikey said 'Have either of you noticed how Gerard seems to really like Brendon, like not just as a friend?'

Frank's heart skipped a beat, and he hadn't noticed it before, but now Mikey had mentioned it, it seemed really obvious. The way Gerard HAD to sit next to Brendon, and how he had to like the same stuff as him, and it all made sense to Frank. 'I dunno, he doesn't seem to be the type to be, you know, gay...'

'But also with Alex! Did you notice the way Gerard hugged him yesterday?' Mikey argued. Ray just looked uncomfortable, and as Frank turned round, he saw why. Gerard, Brendon and Josh were walking towards them and they were within hearing distance. Frank cursed under his breath, and wished he could vanish into thin air.

Here we go again, Frank thought as the others completely ignored himself, Ray and Mikey. It was just getting downright rude, especially after what Frank had said yesterday. He tapped Gerard's shoulder and when he turned round, said slyly 'Soooo, I thought you were gonna alknowledge my existence today? Or was that an empty promise?'

'I, er, well to be honest it completely went out of my mind, sorry' he shrugged, and when he turned to talk with the others, Frank yelled at him 'DO YOU EVEN RECOGNISE THAT WE'RE FUCKING HUMAN BEINGS WHO HAVE FEELINGS? YOU'D THINK WE WERE SOME ABNORMAL BREED OF FLY, THE WAY YLU TREAT US! OH SORRY, AT LEAST YOU'D TRY AND KILL THEM, YOU DON'T EVEN FUCKING DO THAT DO YOU?!'

Gerard looked shocked, and unfortunatly was prevented from answering by the bell, signalling the start of school. Frank sighed and went with Josh to his form room, were Tay and Lindsey were waiting. Tay asked him 'Emm, what does fat mean?' in a German accent.

'It sort of means like, big like this' Frank replied, pretending he had a big belly and puffed out his cheeks to represent a fat person. 'Oh, okay. So vat does tall mean?' She replied.

'Um, the opposite of me. Like height.' Again, Frank put a hand about a foot over his head, so that Tay would recognise that tall means height.

At break, Frank found himself sat next to Gerard when they sat in the middle of the sunny yard. Ray and Mikey were sunbathing, and Gerard, Brendon, Bob and Josh were talking about their band. Again. Gerard was actually half sitting in Brendon's lap, and this fact made Frank want to throw multiple cups of urine at them.

Fuck yeah, working in one of Frankie's awesome tweets into a story! I'm sorry, it's not very often I think I've done relatively well at writing. But seriously, I love that quote.

'So, do you want to sleep over at mine after we go shopping?' Frank heard Gerard say to the others, and thought to himself, why the fuck aren't you inviting me? It's just plain rude not to... Hang on, Brendon sleeping at Gerard's house? I can tell where that's gonna go.

The conversation carried on like that until the bell rang again, and when they met up again at lunch, Jared had appeared. His excuse was that he had to look after his sick little brother, but we could all tell that he'd been skiving school. What happened next made Frankie almost laugh out loud, but thankfully he caught himself in time.

Andy and Hayley walked past together, and Brendon practically exploded. He sprang up, and went over to them. 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, ANDY? I warned you last time, which was only yesterday, so you deserve what you're gonna get!' With those words he kicked Andy on the crotch, and punched him so hard he fell to the floor. In disgust, Brendon kicked the other guy hard in the ribs, and threw a few more punches for good measure. By now, Andy was curled up in the foetus position on the floor, in too much pain to cry. Hayley looked a bit shocked, but smiled at Brendon when she realised he did that for her.

Brendon spoke a few words in her ear, and she looked at him, blushing, and gave a small nod. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he'd asked her, and from what Frank could see, Gerard had clearly worked it out. The look on his face was priceless, shocked, and at the same time insanely jealous. Gerard's eyes had expanded and if Frank didn't know him better, he would've said Gerard was angry. However, Frank knew that Gerard was just struggling to deal with the fact that Brendon had picked Hayley over him, and although he was good at beating up guys, Gerard would never touch a girl.

Frank, on the other hand, thought it was mildly sexist to treat girls like weaklings and so had done his fair share of punching girls in his time. Many people thought it was unacceptable, but Frank thought that men and women should be treated the same.

It looked like Gerard really liked Brendon, and not just as a friend. Frank nearly laughed at this, and what made it funny wasn't the fact that Gerard was gay, it was that it was Gerard. As in, the coolest misfit ever, who ruled the group, and was calm and collected at all times. So fancying his best friend was really quite funny for Frank.

On the bus home, Frank thought about how Gerard had fancied a girl - Alicia - in 8th grade, and remembered stalking her with him. He had found out loads about her, and Alicia didn't even like him back. There were flashbacks of the moody, depressed Gerard after Alicia had rejected him, and Frank just thought, here we go again.

Okay, so it's quite hard trying to fit the story with the title, but I like a challenge. And it makes it more interesting to write, I think. I haven't included any surnames in here or the last chapter, but I think you can guess who everyone is? Clue: all people are named after band members I like, like All Time Low, Black Veil Brides and 30 Seconds To Mars. So yeah, there aren't any characters who don't have a link with music here, so you could maybe guess them all in reviews? I don't know, but any reviews would make me very happy! mychemicalpony :)
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