Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Somewhere In Between

Somewhere In Between

by Lux 0 reviews

When Frank's girlfriend Lola is killed it seems as if there's no one around who really cares... Until Gerard shows up.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-04-01 - 782 words

“Dude, I’ve got something to tell you - you gotta meet me in the parking lot in fifteen minutes, okay? Make sure you’re there. It’s… Just… Just get here.”
I stood breathlessly by my bedroom window. Olly clicked the phone off and I was greeted with the sharp, high pitched sound of the dialling tone.
I hadn’t seen Lola in almost two weeks. Since her father - in a blind, angry rage - came to take her home, I hadn’t heard a thing. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried, because I knew what Lola’s father was capable of. I’d heard the stories and sometimes been a witness from afar, first hand.

I pulled on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and some converse. I’d been asleep when Olly’d called, and I was still feeling sleepy and dazed. I picked up my phone and checked the recent calls. Nope, not a dream. Olly seemed urgent. I wonder what was up?
I shrugged on a hoodie and grabbed my keys and left my house. Rubbing my eyes, I blearily look at my phone to tell me the time: 4:14 AM. I suppose there were perks to having parents who were always away working - you could do whatever the fuck you want.
I walked down Crescent Avenue, the moon shining dimly over the tall trees and rows of family houses, occupied by business types and their privately educated children. I took a left turn towards Marlon Road, towards the parking lot. It was an old, abandoned parking lot that had recently been turned into a skate park by some local kids. It was the hang out that everyone knew in the area, and rumours had generated amongst the adults: Don’t let your child visit the parking lot with their friends, they will be lured into taking drugs, smoking or drinking alcohol! Danger! The devil awaits you at the parking lot! Sure, it had a bad name, but it holds so many good memories that I’d feel safe coming here at anytime.

Saying that, though, I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I could see Olly’s figure pacing up and down and round and round in circles in the distance - briskly. I walked quicker towards the fence and pushed open the door. He turned sharply, and without even waiting for me to put my second foot into the ‘Lot he came running over to me, pulling his hood down.
His face was whiter than a ghost, eyes tired and worn out. That’s what I first noticed. And that’s when I knew that this was something bad.
Olly is a friend of Lola’s. They went to Sunday school together as kids, and was the only male friend Lola’s father allowed her to have on account of the fact he and his family were very religious people, and were solid family friends. It was through him that I met her.

“Frank. You’re okay right? Right? Okay, look, you wanna sit down? I need to - oh God - how can I even say… What I saw… What happened, Frank, sit down-”
“Olly! Dude, chill. What’s the matter? You’re scaring me…”
He pulled me towards the ground and I sat with him. “Lola. Frank, Lola’s… She’s dead.”
Just like that, it felt like my heart had stopped working. My body became numb, and as he uttered those words my breath was knocked out of my body.
Olly began to cry, his face crumpled with bitter sadness. He pulled to his feet and paced around me, and was shouting: “I fucking, I fucking saw it all! All of it, I saw what he did to her!” He turned and knelt in front of me. “Her dad killed her, Frank. They had an argument at her house last night and he pushed down the stairs. He fucking pushed her, and she fell, and at the bottom… The bottom… She didn’t fucking move! I tried! I called her, I pleaded with her - I even prayed for her - nothing… Nothing. She was gone because of him.”
I pushed him from me and desperately tried to crawl away. I felt sick.
“You’re lying.” I croaked. I began to cough and choke, vomiting and crying.
Olly put his arms around me. “I wish I was, I wish I was… Frank, believe me, I loved her almost as much as you did. She was my best friend. She’s gone…”
I don’t remember anything else, apart from blacking out at that very moment.
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