Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When Both Or Cars Collide


by partypoisonlove

Frank had tried so desperately to forget his past and move on. But what will happen when it comes back and stares at him in the face? *frerard*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-04-06 - 611 words

Frank Iero was angry. No, he was fuming. You would think working at a small music store would be nice for someone who would marry music if he could. It wasn’t, not when Frank was almost fired today, again. Frank didn’t think it was his fault. His coworker, Luke, had once again harassed him. This time, it was about his sexual orientation. If people were going to harass him, Frank wasn’t just going to sit there and take it. He stuck up for himself like anyone else would do. That’s not want his boss thought. Frank apparently had “mood swings like a motherfucker”. Frank honestly didn’t think it was that bad. Sure he got angry faster than some people but all that means is that he has a short temper.

All in all, today was a bad day. And that’s what Frank hated the most because he woke up in a good mood. That was something so rare for him. He didn’t have any nightmares. No night sweats or the slightest hint of a cold. He got up and shared some eggs with his small dog, Stein. This morning, Stein didn’t even remind him of.. before.

So there he was, talking to his not so close friend, Brian, in his car. Frank didn’t have any close friends. He pushed his best friends away and broke off connection with them the day his world crumbed around him. But he didn’t like to think about it.

He was driving home from his shitty day at work bitching about how his boss was an utter ass and should fire the other guy instead of him because the other guy always starts it. Frank knew that wasn’t completely true. He had maybe tripped Luke the other accidentally on purpose. Frank thought he deserved it but, whatever. Brian was nice enough to listen to Frank all those times he called just to bitch about his day. Sometimes he was selfish enough to forget to ask Brian how his day was, or if anything new was going on for him.

But that didn’t matter right now. Frank was in the middle of explaining why it was perfectly fine that he tripped Luke when it happened. A little twist of fate had happened. Off on a little side road Frank like to take, another car turned on right as Frank was approaching it. He slammed on the breaks, as did the other car.

That was the last straw; Frank came barreling out of the car in a pit of rage- just barely telling Brian he’ll call him back and flipping his phone shut- and started yelling.

“What do you think you are fucking-” the world felt like it had stopped moving for Frank. He couldn’t believe it. The one person that had ruined his life had just exited the driver seat of the other car, looking angry as ever. He didn’t seem to recognize him at first, but Frank saw when it clicked. And all he did was smirk.

All he did was fucking smirk. The deranged asshole in front of me didn’t even care he tore Frank up inside all those years ago. It was killing Frank. Everything seemed to be slightly spinning to Frank. He didn’t know what to be. Those short seconds seemed like hours. His whole body was telling him to run. But his heart was screaming at him to stay.

It was no doubt Frank was still in love. In love with someone he tried so hard to hate.

Frank was still in love with Gerard.
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