Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Possibilities
5 reviewsLying is easy. Hiding, on the other hand, is impossible. Especially from yourself. PIKEY. Read, review, rate and feel my love! :P
(#) snake56tongue 2012-04-01
You always know how to make me cry dont you?
Anyway.. This was beautiful, as always :)
You write vunerable Mikey so well!! :)
I love how Mikey was considering it, and then was thinking of who would miss him.
And I am glad Pete texted hum, that was so sweet :) You are extremely good at Pikeys :)
Author's response
Sorry about making you cry. Here, have a cyber hug. :)
I love writing Mikey as vulnerable, so I'm extremely pleased that you think I do it well!
Thank you very much for leaving such a kind review! :DPossibilities
(#) youcanstakemyheart 2012-04-01
Please make this a two shot? Pretty please with an adorable Mikey on top? I loved this; you made it wonderfully sad and depressing with just the right amount of lovey-dovey stuff. I really hope you make this a two shot (or more than two!) cuz it's just so adorable!
OXOAuthor's response
I'll definitely make this a two-shot, it's very nice to know that you approve of extending it!
I think the next part will probably be a little less sad. Or at least, I kinda hope it will be.
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :DPossibilities
(#) LaraTheUnicornz 2012-04-01
Please extend this, it's amazing! Poor Mikey;/ I need to know what happens next!:')Author's response
I'll try my best to have some more up tomorrow! :DPossibilities
(#) KobraBlaze 2012-04-01
I really enjoyed this story. It was brilliant! I really liked the ending and it would be awesome if you were to make it a two-shot! I hope to see more!!!Author's response
Thank you very much and you'll be seeing more of it very soon! :DPossibilities
(#) xxKilljoysxx 2012-04-02
Please keep it going! I need to know that mikey will see Pete again! And I'd love to read more! You know how to make me cry! And I never cry, believe me! You're such an awesome author, keep it up and keep writing, love.
From r xoAuthor's response
Thank you very much, I'm very pleased that you want to read more of this! But please don't cry. :)
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