Categories > Original > Drama > Backstage Animals

From My Mouth To Yours

by NirvanaCobain

Whole Lotta Love.... *wink wink*

Category: Drama - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Published: 2012-04-03 - Updated: 2012-04-03 - 189 words - Complete

I brought his face to mine, "I missed you too." I whispered. "Did he come over?" Kurt asked as he pressed his forehead to mine. "Yeah." I sighed. "How was it?" He asked flinching slightly. "Well let's just say that Dave's a better friend than a lover. He lost it after ten minutes." I said with a chuckle. Kurt's expression relaxed, "Was he romantic?" He asked. "Not at all. Not anything like you." I said running my hands up and down his back. I rested my hands on backside and squeezed gently, "I feel unsatisfied. He didn't even make me come. He just came all over my stomach." Kurt laughed, "So you're horny?" He asked with a grin. "Extremely." I whispered. I helped him undress. He lined himself up at my entrance then slowly pushed in. "Oh Kurt." I sighed. He moaned and continued to pump in and out. He looked down at me, "I love you, Molly." He moaned. "I wanna try something different." He said as he rolled us over so that he was on bottom, "Ride me babe. Harder." He moaned as he gripped my hips...
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