Categories > Original > Drama > Backstage Animals

I Like You

by NirvanaCobain 0 reviews

After the storm...

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-04-02 - Updated: 2012-04-02 - 165 words - Complete

I had to wash Dave off of me so I went to take a quick shower and then dried off. I changed the bed sheets then took my towel off and climbed back into bed. I heard the front door open downstairs, "Molly, I'm back!" Kurt hollered from downstairs. I heard him climbing the stairs. I put my head under the blankets and kept still hoping he'd think I was sleeping and leave me alone. I heard the bedroom door open, "Molly?" He said as he stepped in the room. I felt him sit down on the bed. He pulled the blankets down, "Aw my baby's sleeping." He cooed and kissed my eyes. Suddenly he began tickling me. I jumped up and went into a fit of giggles. "Faker!" He chimed as he burried his face into my neck and blew. Suddenly the blowing turned into soft kisses. He kissed my chest, "I missed you today baby." He sighed as he gently kissed my nipples.
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