Categories > Original > Drama > Backstage Animals


by NirvanaCobain 3 reviews

The end...

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-03 - Updated: 2012-04-03 - 143 words

I am finished with "Backstage Animals". I'll be starting the branch-off soon. It's called "On A Plain" I know that I was gonna name iit something else but I changed it because as you read "On A Plain" the storyline will mesh with the title. I want to thank my friend CourtneyLovesKurt for being a faithful fan and for telling others about my story. CourtneyLovesKurt (sorry I don't know your name) little do you know I was gonna give up on my story because I wasn't getting any feedback but just your comments and rating made a difference. Your suggestions came when I was having writers block and those suggestions may not mean much to you but it was golden to me and helped me SO much. I hope that I can please you just as well or more with "On A Plain".
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