Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stray Thought Frenzy

Gerard's Thoughts

by CherryBOMB96 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-04-04 - Updated: 2012-04-05 - 353 words

Gerard's Thoughts

Gerard's POV
I went up stairs to my room. I stood I front of a mirror and took of my shirt. Scars where scattered across my torso from the many decades I’ve been through. My back was aching from my wings being folded and covered up with my clothes. I sighed. Looking at them made me stop daydreaming and makes me realize who and what I am.
I'm Gerard Way Angel/Human hunter of demons. I don't remember how I became this but I know why. I'm suppose to protect a girl from demons. A girl who was half demon but served for God by destroying demons who kill humans because she did not want to go to hell. I meet her long ago when the Civil War was going on this was the same girl that lives today. I was at least 18 and she was only 3. I was her friend and protector. As she grew I stopped aging. And when she turned 17 she became half demon on the same day I was told by the Angels. She was confused but she trusted me to help her to understand. Then the Angels talked to her and told her how to control her demonic side. And as she grew stronger demons started to come out more and more. She was a strong fighter stronger than me. She could kill a huge monster in 5 seconds. Then she stopped aging and we started to grow to love each other. But then when I was being careless I lost her. She died in my hands. The Angels said that she would come back to life as a newborn... Alexa is the same girl, but she doesn't remember.....
...... I yelled in frustration and punched the mirror making shards of glass fly into my chest. I didn't feel any pain at all, so I plucked each shards out one by one. Once they were all out the slits healed right up in front of my eyes. Sighing I flopped on my bed with a plop and buried my face in the covers. Why doesn't she remember???
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