Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forever means Forever

Trainwreck Part Two

by shannleighm 0 reviews

This continues from the super short last chapter! ;)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-05 - Updated: 2012-04-05 - 490 words - Complete

I apologise for my really short chapter earlier but the amazing MCRLoverCarley let me borrow her iphone to update and I kinda lost track of time! :) This is what i was planning on writing! xo

Franks POV
Gerard's here, after i ran away from him, hid inside the warmth of Dayles house like the coward i was. The truth was i was mad at him. Why would he say that to me? He doesn't even mean what he's saying, i don't know what the fuck love is and clearly neither does he. How can you possibly fall in love with someone who hurts you physically and emotionally? Pushes you out nearly every single time you approach them and probably makes you feel hopeless. That isn't even liking someone, that is practically me ruining yet another good thing that happened to fall into my shaking hands, i was going to ruin him. Yet i couldn't save him, i couldn't run away from it even if i wanted to, and if he was going to be ruined by me, i was going to ruin myself.

"Oh Hey sweetheart! Do you want a drink?" My Mum calls over to him and joins him at the bar as i put my head in my hands. First he comes in here looking innocent and pretty as ever, making the knot in my stomach tighten and the red in my face flush even more and now my Mom is going to murder me by having him sit right in front of me. Looking like a fallen angel all over again, Love or whatever the fuck this emotion is, you're going to be the death of Frank Iero.

Gerards POV
"Well you two know how to keep a conversation animated." Laughs Linda who's been pulling faces for the last ten minutes at the more than noticable dead silence between me and her son. All it seems to achieve is a death glare from her son and a silent nod from me, until i hear the protests of a tall skinny teenager burst through the entrance. Mom? And Mikey?

"Oh Hey, nice to meet you." My Mum rushes up to greet Linda shaking her perfectly manicured hand enthusiasm bursting from all of her being.
"Erm... you are?" Linda replies dumbfounded.
"I know your son." Mum gestures simply to Frank.
"Oh what's he done now? I swear i'll pay for the damages and he'll straighten himself out as he gets older.." Linda whines angrily and shakes her head at Frankie.
"Oh no, i'm sorry i'm Donna Way, Gerard's Mom and this is my younger son Mikey." She smiles and Linda's face wears a picture of relief and happiness.
"Well you can join us for a drink then, i'll buy." She says getting up.
"I'm leaving." Frank says running for the exit ignoring his Mums shouts for him to come back. I've really fucked it up this time, for real.
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